The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I mean, both those races are visually more appealing than Kul Tiran to the majority of players, probably.

I’m not sure where they do their market researches, but I doubt it’d point to “Circus Strongmen and Obese Ladies” as the next big thing people would pay buckets of money for.

Seeing people call them Thalassian Elves still makes me twitch.

It’s a language. haha.

I cannot stop you that is correct, but the fact you believe race is an objective issue comparable to earth demonstrates your lack of understanding.

Races for reality is not the same as races for wow.
In reality, race is a construct just like religion. It does not exist genetically.

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That is the root of my argument by the way. I think it does, as far as Dark Trolls are concerned.

If we accept Shal’dorei are a different “Race” from Kal’dorei and that Void Elves are a different “race” than Blood Elves. Then even though it’s just a bit of fel magic, because they’re dark trolls, that makes Blood Elves and High Elves a separate race.

Obviously it’s a controversial opinion. But it’s my stance and if you see me saying High Elves and Blood Elves aren’t the same race, it’s because of that stance.

Otherwise, like I said, they’re all Dark Trolls.

and since I know too much about it now, I can’t shift back to a more un-nuanced opinion. Nor do I want to. Unfortunately, it tends to spark long arguments.

Well I use the term “Thalassian elf” as a broad term alternative to cover the elves that fall under the umbrella of “high elf” (High Elves, Blood Elves, Void Elves) since that specific name seems to make some of the anti-folks brains stop working.

Posters like Brojerky need to stop being obtuse. We are asking for the High Elves that remained with the Alliance and never took the name Blood Elves or were forcibly transformed into Void Elves. They need to stop trying to conflate the High Elves we are asking for with the Blood Elves that are already playable.

The High Elves we are asking for are not Blood Elves nor are they Void Elves and I just want to make sure that’s clarified so they can’t claim ignorance even though we all know they know full well what we’re asking for and are just being obnoxious and argumentative for the sake of it.


I know why you do it and agree with the practice, because you can’t just say “Quel’dorei” because the “Quel’dorei” are still a separate group… and Highborne translates to Quel’dorei so it’s iffy too. So it’s not a bad idea separating them by language.

It’s just wrong. Haha. Which is a lot like, what I just said about races on the post above yours. I prefer to be correct. Even though, when it comes to the racial make up of elves, it starts arguments.

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Yeah. I think Silver/Argent Elves is the best way to settle it.

Just rename the current Alliance Elves and move on.

Not like they’re living in High Home (Quel’thalas) anymore.

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If a rename is what it takes to get playable Alliance High Elves I’ve no qualms with it.

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Have the renaming be the big finale of their recruitment scenario.


Just like Kael’s Blood Elf bit.

Vereesa can rename them to Silver Elves and we can all move on with our lives.

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That’s why I really specifically ask when the Q&A threads pop up when the Silver Covenant elves will become playable.

They can even call them, “Silver Covenant Elves” for all I care. It’s a very specific request of a very specific group of High Elves, so they can’t really dodge it.

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It was stated high elves were a completely different race from blood elves and that the race itself is not usable. This is incorrect due to blood elf snd void elf existence.

Being wrong hurts, but that pain is temporary. Posters such as yourself need to get over yourself since you jumped into the middle of a discussion withojt knowing the basis.

@callistus: To be honest, they could have simply made high elves a neutral race after MoP. Horde will remain the most popular faction so that shouldnt be the issue.

Blizzard does, however, have a habit of acting that they know what the customers want. Such as gated alliance races. Everyone wants that, or portal removal.

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I already said it, it’s in the Chronicle book. I’d take a picture, but my edition is in portuguese and you’d understand nothing anyway.

Wowpedia describes it, but not in the same level of detail:

Around this time, they had become completely severed from the life-giving energy of the Well of Eternity. This meant that they were vulnerable to the elements and had not received immortality from Nozdormu and the World Tree. They had shrunk in height and their skin had become a peach hue similar to most dwarves and humans.


After many more years, the high elves discovered a land in the northern forests which suited them, and founded the kingdom of Quel’Thalas.

Chronicle put their exile 7,300 years ago.
The founding of Quel’thalas is portrayed happening 6,800 years ago.

That means only 500 years. Their transformation started months after they left Kalimdor.


Might want to cool it with the aggressive posting.

If you don’t understand how Blood Elves and High Elves are different races it’s explained in detail above.

Except again, they arent different races. You acknowledged at one point the void elves, blood elves, and high elf are all the same “race”. So why go back and contradict?
Faction would be more appropriate.
Seeiously, everyone agrees they are the same “species” so this insistence on using race inappropriately just muddies the water.

As for aggressive posting, if you find how I speak displeasing I can do little about it. Report and move on. Mods will agree or disagree.


I knew the basis, I just honestly felt your discussion was a wasteful distraction.

Even if they are physiologically the same race (which is debatable considering how often we are told they intermingle with humans), it is not a relevant argument against their inclusion as an allied race because they already exist on both factions as High Elves and Blood Elves, existed on Alliance first , and have cultural and political differences. We also have Pandaren as a precedent for the “same race” being available on both factions.

Differentiating them from Blood Elves is often brought up as an issue and we attempt to address that issue with this thread. Simple things like unique hairstyles (or borrowing hairstyles from Humans and Void Elves that Blood Elves don’t have), unique customization options (tattoos, facial hair, jewelry, etc), and a unique idle stance, are all ways to achieve that without requiring a magical or physiological excuse.


So you knew the basis and posted under the notion of a different premise entirely. That is wasteful dude.

As for arguing against their inclusion, I dont really care. Dont even need to change their appearance.

I’ve stated there are two ways to take it.

  1. Void Elves, High Elves, Blood Elves, are all separate races.


  1. They’re all Night Elves / Dark Trolls.

You can make a good argument that they’re all distinct races, or you can make a good argument that they’re all Dark Trolls.

Anything more selective than that is pretty intellectually dishonest.

Problem is it creates the connotation if an individual group renames themselves they are a seperate race, which is the basis of many discussions.

Honestly, the latter is perhaps the most accurate measure save for saying they are all dark trolls. Its not unusual for a race to be reborn as another such as gnomes and dwarves. Such ugly things.

I play a nightborne though so I suppose I am fugly too.

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