The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Your attempt at clarification is flawed when you say “the alliance doesn’t need blood/high elves” when we want specifically the “high” part of that group you needlessly mix together.

Your need to say “blood/high elves” obfuscates what we are talking about. We want the Thalassians that identify as High Elves, not the ones that do as Blood Elves.

The specificity of the language has a reason. When we say “High Elves” we clearly mean to say the Thalassians that don’t identify as Blood Elves. It’s clean and simple, no need to obfuscate it.

We all know who the Blood Elves are, who the High Elves are. The differentiation is also clear in game, with each having their own ideology and politics. The game doesn’t need to call Blood Elves “Blood/High Elves” because it doesn’t make sense to use denomination they have abandoned and that is currently being used by a group with distinct ideologies and/or politics.

"High Elves" is not the name of the race, it’s simply the common nomenclature of the identification “Quel’dorei” which is also shared by the Highborne. So no, neither Quel’dorei by itself is the name of the race, just a signifier of societal standing.


TBH, While the Nightborne joining the Horde made little sense to me I didn’t mind until I played the Nightborne unlock quest line. My opinion of Thalyssra went from thinking she was a BAMF to she’s a whiney thin skinned 10K year old juvenile. I mean I’d be okay with it if the reasoning made sense, but that reasoning was D. U. M. B.


Don’t even want em.
Give me San’layn and you can have your High Elves.

I won’t like it, but I’ll be able to make war on Worgen and live out a cheap Underworld RP, which sounds like more fun than BfA has been.

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thank you. Quite simply for all those opposed when we say high elves we are meaning a group called high elves and not the species high elf.

It was dumb, by any objective perspective given what we saw and hear.

The only way to reconcile this is if you view Thalyssra as having just played you along for her own purposes, using you… like Elisande.

Ironically proving Tyrande right.

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The Alliance got one other thing they didn’t ask for.
Flips hair

Personally I’d be fine with giving the horde San’layn. They already are working with the horde now anyways.


If you want San’layn then go support San’layn. We don’t have the power to add them.

Given that I want San’layn to happen too I would have done so already.


Yea but it’s not about what you want. Vulpera would be ridiculously popular, particularly among current Alliance players. We’d see quite a few shifts.

As for your San’layn comment, I’m not sure why you think there’s any mutual exclusion at play here.

I feel that High and Undead Elves are both missing from the players right now and it would be great to have both be playable as part of their respective factions given that we see them all the time.

There’s so many customization potential for both. Just thinking about Undead we can have like “ghostly” facial features, floating hair, glowing red eyes… maybe even Sylvanas’ banshee jump as a racial.


Indeed, Thalassian is the best term available to identify elves with the specific context of shared culture post exile from Kalimdor.

Quel’dorei, and thusly, High Elf, is not a good identifier since it also encompasses the Highborne, which are Night Elves by modern standards, as well as the origin of the Shal’dorei. It’s an identifier that goes further back than the exile of the High Elves thus inaccurate as terms of specificity.

As such, in common modern parlance, High Elves are Thalassians who didn’t change their name to Blood Elves nor adopted their ideologies.


I like Anduin. He has a lot of character development to go through, but at the same time he has had a lot already as well. He’s still a kid, but he’s learning. I think a part of his characterization will always be a person that tries to do the right thing but he also realizes sometimes that right thing is hard and will hurt someone. And despite still doing it he’ll still bear a bit of guilt over it.

Indeed, as the species “High Elf” doesn’t really exist beyond common vernacular distinction. If the “species” should be called anything for clarity’s sake it’s “Thalassian Elf” as it specifies the unique context of living in Quel’Thalas leaving out the Highborne that did not.

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I like how we enter WoW beliving most of the Highborne to have either sunk to the sea to become Naga, or founded Quel’thalas to become High Elves, yet in present day we saw more invented in the Shen’dralar in Cata for Nelves to get mages, and then again in Legion to get the Nightborne.

Makes me wonder how many of the commonfolk Night Elves there really were.

I think you’re right on that. I would roll at least 2 Vulpera on day one and power level the heck out of them. Of all the speculated Allied Races I want those the most. More than Sethrak and more than High Elves. And I think both of those are cool AF.

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Highborne coming out of the Oiseaux.

You’d be hard pressed to find many HE players against you playing San’layn. Personally, as a San’layn enthusiast, I’d even play one myself (I mean, as this “VE” has “Dalarani High Elf” on his TRP, also my “BE” DK has “San’layn” on hers.


It kind of goes back to something Ive been saying for a while, especially to people who say to just kill off all High Elves to end the discussion: at the end of the day, if Blizzard feel motivated enough, they can pull anything out of their proverbials they want to if they believe there’s a reason to.

They could kill off all High Elves tomorrow and create a zone full of them a week from now if they felt so inclined. Would it make sense? No, but Blizzard do have that ultimate creative control that means that the only real limitation on Blizzard choosing to do…anything really is if they see value in doing it.

Which is kind of what the whole High Elf movement is about - trying to convince Blizzard that High Elves would make a fun, popular and interesting Allied Race.


high elves are already playable. alliance high/blood elves are nowhere to be found in the bfa faction conflictl. are they even around still. i wonder if the small silver covenant was wiped out in suramar

jinyu would also be fun, popular and interesting AR imo and would open the door for giving horde hozen to make it even

tbf, the majority of alliance would be pissed we got a copy paste of high/blood elves while horde got a new race in san’layn

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I want San’layn for the Horde almost as much as I want High Elves for the Alliance :neutral_face:


Go ahead. Play 'em. I’d be happy for the Horde to have San’layn