The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

It’s lore. It’s the record of what happens and doesn’t happen. Not some project for your psychology course.

I wouldn’t be looking to Warcraft for deep fantasy writing.

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Nightborne are pretty darn close. And if the story fit and made sense, I’d be okay with it. But it would hard to create the level of context for those races with the Horde that the 24ish years the High Elves have had with the Alliance.

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All art is open for analysis no matter how deep or shallow. As they say, all characters no matter how well written are just a bag of bones next to the dullest person in the whole world.

You can disagree with my analysis, but insinuating that I shouldn’t analyze it is kinda… hmmm… the least rude thing I can think of calling it is bad form.

Not if there was cannon Lore and in-game representation to back it up not in the least. I will go on record that I want every race that is on there respective factions in the game via NPCs and via the cannon Lore to be made playable for said factions. Orges, for Horde, High Elves for Alliance and so on.

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Void Elves needed 5 min with Alleria inside their recruitment scenario to get on board with the Alliance. Fogsail Freebooters already have enough to become an Allied Race, going by that.

On a base and aesthetic level I like the Void Elves, but the context is way too thin. This can be remedied eventually.Plus it felt a little pandering to Alliance without giving Alliance what they’ve been asking for.

Fogsail, I think we’d need to see more. But they’d be a great potential candidate to join the ranks of the playable Horde. But are Horde clamoring to play pirate Kul’Tirans?

Not like anyone ever clamored to play Glowing Goats, Moosen, Schizophrenic Purple Blood Elves or Drustvar Sausage-based Diet Humans, but here we are.

But I actually like my THICC Boy Kul’Tiran! :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, though, Fogsail would be cool for the Horde, but they’re not gonna splash the pot like High Elves would.

I actually do like how Kul Tirans look (well, the males at least). I’m just too lazy to go level another alt right now.

Lord knows I wish there was the option to use the normal-sized version at least. Circus Strongman doesn’t fit Mage, Priest or Shaman well. (Doesn’t help that we see like, 1 burly Tidesage. Not even the BfDA tidesage bosses…).

wasnt marrying humans taboo as well. i thought thats why vereesa was exiled and why she holds a grudge


If they had a good reason, I am all for it.

For example, the Kaldorei Forsaken, or Alterac Humans, or heck I would have loved Sargerei Draenei or Eredar.

We even have the Kul Tiran Pirates that allied themselves with the Horde, and yeah, I would love if they kept building off from that.


tbf, this would blur the faction identity TOO much if they became playable. best they stay NPCs


You know, it’s kinda easy to move past your continued nonsense, but sometimes it gets so egregious you kinda have to say “whut”

Like it’s not even that this couldn’t have happened or is part of Vereesa’s thing. But it’s something entirely out of your imagination that you nonchalantly assume as fact and its wild.

It is the course with you, but like even sometimes I still get surprised.

But I do like your little emoji’s at the end, they do show that you really have no clue.


I mean if the lore Lydon is referencing LITERALLY says it, you cant really go “open for analysis”

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I disagree with the concept of “blurring faction identity” which is kinda obvious, since I was responding to a question regarded to that.

So I’m responding with “I’d like to see races from races cross to the other faction if it makes sense, hence I disagree with the concept of faction bluring” and you respond with “wouldn’t that blur faction lines tho?”

And this is the kind of logic you keep using through all this thread, like when you keep saying “Blood Elves are High Elves” when people are saying they want to play as a specific political faction, so whether you think BE are HE is irrelevant, as irrelevant as High Elves being called High Elves.


But the specific interpretations of lore within context ARE open for debate. It’s unfathomable even in the study of history itself to take things at face value without applying different frames of context.

We all have the access of the same lore, we are just interpreting its applicability differently.

At the end of the day, this whole High Elf brouhaha stems from one thing: giving the Horde Blood Elves in TBC. You can argue that such a decision was done for the health of the game, and indeed faction balance noticeably improved after TBC considering Horde numbers were abysmal in Vanilla, but Blood Elves on Horde is a mistake that’s been twelve years running.


Well we can’t change the past, we can only look forward.

Yet in reference to what the original line of dialogue is…what is up to interpretation here? It just sounds like you are making a simple quest dialogue and reasoning sound like 4d chess.


tbf, sylvanas was the sole reason quel’thalas switched to the horde. she reached out to her lorthemar and helped clear the scourge remnants so they could at least reclaim the ruined silvermoon

the alliance were nowhere to be found


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