The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Except its true. Read “In the Shadow of the Sun” or “Quest for Pandaria” to see how true that is.


Oh yes, they have some to go before High Elves could return home, though I really don’t think it would take too much storytelling to see the non-militant, non-Silver Covenant High Elves return home in some capacity. Wouldn’t be any more or less outlandish a story than some of the stuff proposed in this thread anyway.

On a side note, I’d love it if people would drop the mind controlling totalitarian state narrative as the current state they think Quel’thalas is at current time. These people were on the side of the Prince we outsed as as traitor, and his Dawnguard, Sunfury, and Eclispison Elite.

These are remnants of Kael’s elite/Magisters supressing the dissenters as Alamara described, and are in the time capsule that is Silvermoon and Eversong storytelling. They are no more a part of Blood Elven society today than Mana tapping or M’uru draining.


As long as the blood elf leaders are the same ones that exiled and almost corrupted their people, I doubt there’s a lot of high elves willing to return. It’s like an exiled cuban having to return to Cuba still under the Castro’s regimen.

Well, they aren’t in terrible need of that anymore, but can you trust they wouldn’t do it again if dissent started all over?


The thing is here that even if relations* are better, it really doesn’t affect the cultural deviation.

The Sunwell is a holy place, and as in real life, several cultures can share a religious site, that doesn’t make their cultures closer or prevent further differentiation even if that symbol remains shared.

The remaining High Elves have, demonstrably, a different culture than the Blood Elves, even if they are allowed pilgrimage to the Sunwell on religious basis. High Elves at large are culturally merged with humans, assimilated into human culture to a point we don’t know. That makes them as different to Blood Elves as Gilneans are to Stormwindiands (?) are to Kul’tirans.

If anything, most remaining High Elves would be Dalarani, with the rest being closer to whatever human kingdom they live in. And then there’s the Highvale, who while relatively unexplored, seem to have a truly unique culture of light worship and no arcane.


Are you implying somehow the ill will shown to the Elves from humans is not equally repeatable?

Sure, it just takes another Kael’thas.
It also just takes another Garithos.

The ones that exiled the high elves and did all the terrible things are still the ones ruling Quel’thalas. It wasn’t Kael back there, it was Lor’themar, under Rommath’s guidance and with Liadrin as their attack dog. Some high elves were not even aware that Kael’thas was the one who set them in that path.


Being exiled, by royal edict from the Prince mind you, is a far cry from being literally imprisoned and slated for execution. You’re wording it like Liadrin was cutting down High Elves in the streets or something.

Garithos is dead, and he was acting on his own. There’s no comparison.

And, well, one difference between being exiled and murdered is that the former survives to remember the tale, and elves have long memories. They do not forget, and it seems are hard to forgive.


I like how the Dalaran High Elves that have been living with Humans for 3,000 years, the Stormwind High Elves who have been living there for 20+ years, who already chose their allies over Silvermoon are suddenly going to be treated bad because one jerk human who’s dead did it once.

The rest live with Dwarves.

Even ones that saw what Garithos did stayed. (Though one had a beef about it and become a dungeon boss)



Because wild elves very much are there own thing. They are a more extreme version of wood elves that often display savagery such as cannibalism and the hunting of and killing of those that are not of them.

The average wood elf is about protecting nature against intruders and other threats such as that with those from the LOTR. The lower end of the spectrum has them live and interact with nature but not necessarily protect it. Sure they will defend nature from evil and corrupting forces but some outsiders hunting animals or chomping down trees for lumber? they don’t care.

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tbh we need another “garithos”

We need someone on the alliance that is aggressive but at the same time causes internal strife.

The devs often talk about how it is easier to come up with and write internal struggle for the horde yet that is only because they treat the alliance as this unified council that all agrees with each other. Tyrande has after all this time finally broken that but it still didn’t go far enough. Where is the famous house of nobles of stormwind? Where are the conniving senators of the dwarven senate?


Kael’thas and his elite are dead also, with Lor’themae and Co. bringing him down.

Hence why the many Blood Elves, who as High Elves, remember Garithos’ atrocities (who may have had his own opinion, but the remaining forces under his command didn’t condemn or oppose them, so are equally culpable) and Dalaran’s indifference (which would later sway High Elves like Magus Telestra away from Dalaran during the Nexus War).

How High Elves mentally excused all this and stayed with the humans and Alliance anyway is why they are branded the tratiors here.

Tyrande was literally Garithos 2.0 in Legion.

“Stuck up leader whose bias and predjudices against an elven people lead them away from the Alliance and into the Horde.”

1:1 the same result, minus Tyrande wanting the Nightborne to die, I guess.

As for Alliance internal strife, most of that was caused by the handling of the internment of the Orcs, and the Black Dragonflight meddling in human political affairs, both of which aren’t factors anymore. Present day, even Gilneas, Strom, and now Kul’tiras are once again part of the Alliance. They’re going around roping in all of humanity back together.

How is blaming all elves for the act of one elf any different from blaming all humans for the act of one human?

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Can’t we just bring back Garithos?

I dream of a cinematic featuring Sylvanas, where a decomposing, half-eaten figure, clad in armor and serving as one of Sylvanas’ guards suddenly cleaves his axe through her collar.

“I thought I told you that I wanted you wretched animals out of my city?” … well, I guess that quote doesn’t work anymore because the Forsaken don’t really have a city right now.

A nonhuman hating human being ironically brought back as one of the things he hates. How gloriously ironic.

Off-topic. Sorry.

Something tells me Varimathras didn’t leave a scrap left that was capable of ressurection or reanimation.

It all rides on how badly the ghouls cannibalized his corpse.

Lor’themar was the one who exiled the high elves. not Kael.

If “saving their city but not fully trusting the nightborne” is like Garithos to you, then you have no sense of proportion. The most heinous crime Tyrande did was being suspicious.


Lor’themar followed royal orders as did everyone, until we saw he betrayed us for the Legion.
As for Tyrande, as I said, minus the killing. Her prideful, biased actions towards the arcane-centric Nightborne drove them into the arms of the Horde.

Wow, such a small difference that makes, right?