The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

That’s no moral excuse.

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Sadly I am out of flags for 5 hours or I would

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You’re here trying to compare Kael and Garithos, and Kael didn’t kill his own people who didn’t want to become Blood Elves, either.

So, I don’t know, is it?

Kael’thas vs Garithos: The battle between the racist, human-hating elf and the racist, elf-hating human. So evenly matched too!

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Yep, the problem is that Blizzard never really understood our stance, and always thought we just wanted Blood Elves in the Alliance because of the model. Probably antis are the reason behind this big pile of … confusion.


Nah. You’re giving them too much credit.

Allied Races just became a thing. It didn’t really make sense to make them playable before that. Allied Races is exactly for that kind of thing though.

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allied races of a core horde race tho?


Uhm, when was Kael’thas human hating tho? There’s nothing to suggest that whatsoever my good moose.

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No, that is not awesome, that is NOT what we are asking for.




tbf, this is the only way i would accept any fair skinned alliance elf from quel’thalas to be playable. if qt switched allegiance from horde back to alliance, i would accept playable fair skinned qt elves for the alliance, but i dont see that happening. especially after ion declaring the dev teams stance on this subject as well

That feels like the truer statement. All these years people have asked for High Elves it seems the devs only understood “they want Blood Elves on the horde” so imagine the surpirse that when they did that… the people that wanted High Elves was shockingly not happy.

Like, things would have been so different if the devs had entered the issue thinking “Okay, let’s give the alliance High Elves, how do we make them different?” instead of “Let’s give the alliance Blood Elves, ho do e make them different tho?”

Context is for kings.


Oh lordy that would be just the last kick on the nards, giving us MORE blood elven exiles instead of the high elves we have asked for bhahah.

It would be even hilarious.


Peak Firebush: Not wanting Playable High Elves but being okay with Blood Elves switching factions



tbf, playable alliance blood/high elves are the exact same thing


What do you think the Nightborne and the Void Elves are?


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void elves are just a different flavor of blood/high elves

nightborne are a completely different race then night elves if that is what you are implying

Perhaps this would fit more in a thread about WC3? I know Horde love to bring it up because it was their golden age but this isn’t relevant to current matters.

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Mmhmm. Completely different race.


Absolutely and I apologize for going off-topic. We’ll bring it back to being about the High Elves.

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Kul Tirans and Humans are the same race, and yet have different models.

And now you say “they’re in the same faction”

And then I say “Undead and Humans are also the same race and are not in the same faction”

And then you say “but they look different and have different lifestyles”

And then I say “Alliance High Elves already do look different (skin tones, eye color, dressing style, hairstyles, emotes and conversation style… please check this yourself speaking to a Dalaran High Elf) AND have different lifestyles (they prefer Arcane and Frost over Fire magic, they abhor the Horde and the Fel, they have come used to Human lifestyle (check Grand Magistrix’s comments in this regard)). AND EVEN SO we are WILLING to introduce even MORE changes to attempt to satisfy or appease you.”

And then you say “but it blurs faction identity”

And then I say “No, it doesn’t (because of the reasons i just mentioned), but even if it did: Nightborne, Void Elves, Pandaren, Demon Hunters, Death Knights, Horde Paladins, Alliance Shamans, cross-language communication have all contributed to faction blurrines.”

And then you say “but that guy in Blizz said Pandas were a mistake”

And then I say “No, an EX-employee that worked for Blizz shared HIS PERSONAL OPINION that he didn’t like how Pandas were not faction-exclusive - in no way that means that Blizz as a whole regrets making Pandaren a neutral race”

And then you say “But Ion agrees with me, and he already said no”

And then I say “Ion never said no to High Elves in the Alliance, he ALWAYS says “not in the near future”. The only times where he/other devs did say a big fat NO was to Vanilla server petitions. That doesn’t really support your cause now, does it?”

And then you say “no but I mean they’re the same race”

And that will bring us back to the beginning.

We already know your arguments, we’ve debunked them hundreds of times. We’ve had this circular pointless discussion thousands of times, and God knows why you just never admit it. You keep on saying the same stuff without ever providing clear indisputable fact-based arguments. It’s always subjective opinions, twisted facts or manipulated words from other people.