The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Well maintained eyebrows without beards please.


All I want is a purple-hued skin tone for my Void Elf, Playable High Elves, harsher punishment for parole violators … oh, and world peace.


Which raises a big question for me (I believe you though):
Going back in lore and remembering that fel feeding was only specific to outlands (azeroth elves never fed on fel) and hence their green eyes is specifically from the corrupted Sunwell (and nearby radiation)- willingly feeding on fel was frowned upon in Quel’thalas. Even by Theron. The only person this was really accepted by (for obvious reasons) was Kael’thas. Because he taught this draining method to outland elves first and the only reason they fed on fel there, was because—outlands. There was no arcane to feed on. But Quel’thalas elves refused to feed on anything but arcane. So one group was filling the hunger for arcane and the other, was filling the hunger for arcane, through the use of fel. Anyway- With the Sunwell purified and that draining no longer being needed- Why are fel using elves allowed into Quel’thalas at all? And why haven’t they been banished to outlands?

Makes me wonder why Blizzard is allowing the green eyes to remain, knowing that through lore, the only way to have them is to willingly use fel.


Blood elf green eyes were not the (direct) result of mana tapping, but of using fel crystals to power Silvermoon in the absence of the Sunwell.

Fel is like radiation, and the use of fel as a substitute power source as very similar to the abuse of warlock magic in (MU) Draenor, which changed the orc skins.

The elves simply absorbed that fel passively (thought I theorize that mana tapping creatures from the contaminated areas also mean they were unkowingly absorbing some fel), and that corruption manifested in the green eyes.

Just like the orcs didn’t revert back to brown skins, and even their children are green-skinned, the blood elves remain tainted. Only now that some elves are starting to be purified, and that’s being done by the Light, giving them golden eyes.


Sorry but you are going to need to show me where a single one of their power crystals were fel.

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Refer to this post:

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Yes. I am going to explain those (so people don’t have to keep reading back).

First, let’s find out what crystals even are.

gamepedia. com/Mana_crystal

From here, you can understand their purpose and what they do. Now that we understand crystals in general, we can talk about “fel crystals”. Which are corrupted crystals.

To put it straight forward: The “fel” crystals you find on azeroth, were originally non fel. I will share just a bit of what it says here:

So there is a very high possibility that some of these crystals were corrupted by our “new condition”. Even the quest line in the starter zone, quotes that the PC is “feeling the radiation in the area and is being effected by it”. But this is in Falcon Wing Square. Second area over and I am not aware of any crystals at all here (or near it).

We did not “purposely build fel crystals”. Nor “did we then feed on them”. Those are all myths.

Those crystals were originally Defense crystals and Blood crystals. They used to be red.

And like it says right here:

However, to add my own personal speculation. I believe part of the reason for the (and I just came to this conclusion now) corruption of these crystals, is because of the Verdant Spheres. Which were corrupted when they were used to blow up the Sunwell. And as I’m sure you know, those spheres help power the protective dome around Quel’thalas. Known as Ban’dinoriel.
That’s speculation on my part though. We just know that the crystals were corrupted and were originally red.


The developers themselves explain in the video that the crystals were full of demonic energies.


And it makes zero sense for Quel’Thalas to be the only place for these corrupted crystals to be. Even more so than outlands it’s self.
And I also posted the quote from Wowpedia that explains the transition from them being blood/red to corrupt (fel in appearance). So how can they be normal in WC3 and then later appear as fel?

I do not trust any dev, who is known for misleading people from their original direction. Most of all if it sparks “debate”. Let alone the fact that they do have a habit of retcon’s.

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“this lore doesn’t suit my narrative therefore it is incorrect lore”


I think the minute details are less important than the main beats:

  • Kael’thas and the Magisters learn to siphon mana from all matter of things to sate magical hunger; taught by Illidan
  • Kael’thas sends Rommath and magister elite back to Silvermoon to rebuild much of the ruined city/retake key territory
  • Fel energies from the crystals powering the buildings (whatever you wish to call them or believe they came from) radiate outward and change Blood Elven eye color to green hues
  • Magisters teach general populous only how to siphon mana from mana-bearing creatures, the bare minimum to survive
  • Some overindulge in mana tapping and become Wretched
  • Player characters circa TBC to WotLK have Mana Tap; Circa Cata to present, the ability is removed to reflect passage if time: the events of Sunwell Plateau are reflected in not requiring Blood Elves to sate their hunger themselves
  • MoP text from Rommath implies whatever crystals were used to power Silvermoon and radiate the fel energies are no longer used (obviously Silvermoon in-game still is mostly untouched since TBC, barring gameplay-related changes)
  • BFA adds Golden Eye options to Blood Elves to further reflect passage of time and influence of Holy/Arcane Sunwell cleansing the fel radiated state of our eyes

Also, I wouldn’t get hung up on Blood Elves in WC3 vs. WoW. They weren’t at all fleshed out fully until TBC.

Until TBC, Blood Elves had been depicted with White, Blue, Gold, Red, and even Violet eyes. You can see this in WC3 Spellbreaker Units (strictly Blood Elven units), WC3 Blood Mages (Kael included), WC3 Priests, WC3 Mages, and in WoW’s original Blood Elf models prior to TBC.

Ion’s comments on looking into eye color customization in the Q&A are interesting.

From what I’ve seen, eye color in the game has been hard-wired to the face or skin option, which is why the gold eye options are just 3 faces copied with gold eyes instead of a separate customization toggle, and why NPC only options like those for Dark Ranger/High Elf are tied to those NPC only skin types. I’d love to use gold or other colored eyes on any face option.


Yeah, the “Night Warrior” customization you can unlock for Night Elves is extremely limited as well. Just one skin color available.

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Night warrior eyes are awesome. Throws me back to Elder Scrolls black bosmer eyes

I just wish they looked better on males. They really point out how squinty their eyes are without their “glow.”

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Male Blood Elves have similar problems. Dinky eyes (and heads) compared to their female counterparts.

Great example would be the T21 Rogue hat. Looks like a Krispy Kreme donut hat on males, while properly fanned out and triangular on females.

Its not nearly as bad though. Coming from a guy who mained a Night elf for well over a decade, Blood/Void elf head/eyes are almost ANIME sized in comparison! :sweat_smile:

…Not to knock my former main and Night elf players!

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Options to change eye color for nelves (silver, amber, dark), belves (green, gold), velves (pale blue, dark blue, violet) and worgen (green, yellow, red, no glow) would be awesome.

And before someone asks blue eyes for belves: I’ll advocate for it if high elves become playable. IMO, high elf eyes shouldn’t glow, only have bright irises, and be available in brown, violet, blue, green.


Yeah. My first character was a male Nelf hunter. He always looked so goofy compared to the females, eyes aside.

Male Nelf is still one of the most used, but stupid looking, animation sets.

Yeah, but there are still some animations I miss that I wish I could “transfer” to my void elf (like their /bow animation) and they’ll forever have a soft spot in my heart just for the fact I played one for so long.

…And technically STILL play one as my NE Warrior is my primary alt. (And my only other level 120 character at the moment.)

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On Blood Elf vs. High Elf eyes, my feelings are they shouldn’t, at least in present, post-Sunwell day, be really any different, aside from green eyes for Blood Elves wishing to retain our “original” TBC look (despite characters like Alleria originally being described with having emerald eyes).

I’d need to see more up to date and concrete information regarding Thalassian Elf connections to the Sunwell, specifically for High Elves, as Thalassian Elf eye glow has traditionally reflected the magic they channel, while eye color has been a wide spread as I describe above, until TBC.

TL;DR, I could see White, Gold, Violet, or Blue for both High and Blood Elves, with Green (or even Red), being a Blood Elf only option, barring some new explaination regarding Sunwell connection.

That said, considering the primary distinguishing factor visually between High and Blood Elf is a primarily Blue/Violet eye for High Elf, and only being a distinguishing eye color for Blood Elves among Death Knights, I find it unlikely they would add Blue eyes to Blood Elves, even if I feel it would make lore sense. It would for me be another case of a gameplay function (ability to easily and readily distinguish) trumping a lore one.