The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

You can see most of Charg’s torso because he’s wearing the Fel Eredar chestplate. He’s grey.

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Blackrock Grey or Death Knight Gray?

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yes. He has a mag’har voice.

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The reason became clear to me: Blizzard wanted to bring the Iron Horde tech and the Draenor fauna with the mag’har, and the MU!Mag’har couldn’t provide it.

It’s still a poor story, and I’d prefer to see Jorin Deadeye and other original mag’har reclaiming their heritage, but now I understand why the AU was used instead.


I was paraphrasing Ion. I was pointing out that he made a claim high elves aren’t clearly defined, but Void Elves are obviously worse. I’m not sure that he could have gaffed any harder in that talk.


The mere fact that “The Horde is waiting for you” has become the meme it has is a testament to the epic fail that was Ion during that interview.

I’d like to THINK that he educated himself after that interview … maybe learned some actual lore in the game he’s leading the development for … and while he’ll never admit it to us, he regrets what he said.

Unlikely, I know.


That Q&A was a disaster. Ion could have explained why they chose to make void elves instead and how he expected them to fulfill the high elf fantasy. Instead, he bashed high elves and taunted their fans. It’s PR stupidity at its best.

But time has proved that Blizzard had no plans at all for void elves. It’s been 11 months and they are in the same development status. I guess Ion didn’t praise the void elves back then because there was nothing to praise, so he had to try to tell us how “bad” our wants were.


Talking about Q&A’s, another one is coming today…

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Unpopular opinion, however I don’t think Void Elves were ever created to fulfill the High Elf fantasy. I believe some of the High Elf crowd wanting them to have been created to fulfill their dreams of playing a High Elf on the Alliance. However I don’t think they were ever created for that reason. Wanting to believe that Blizzard created something tailored to a certain groups wants, doesn’t make it true, especially with Alliance players. Still Void Elves not ever meaning to be High Elves is good, because it means that, High Elves could still be released later as an Allied race.

Also as for Void Elves, it doesn’t matter whether the High Elf crowd hates that they were released instead of High Elves. The truth is they are the most played of the Allied Races. Because most players don’t care about the lore, they care about racials, and aesthetics. To most it’s one of the games best models now on the Alliance side, and they most likely don’t care that it’s blue. They don’t care that their story is being developed as they play them, they are just enjoying playing them.

I still hold out hope that one day I will be able to play the High Elf that is waiting for me to bring it to life on the character creation screen.


The whole Horde is waiting for you is still is one of worst Memes to Date next to Jaina is a Dreadlord or the Green Jesus.

I’m surprise you can still say Jesus on here unless of course if the Mods have problems with religious words or names within the Forums? :thinking:

Which was also the reason why I lost respect for Ion Hazzikostas. Its your job as a Game Developer to give both sides of the factions what they want not mock or insult one faction because they didn’t like the forced lore broken race.

Also didn’t help the fact that because of him WoW Community has gotten even more toxic and worst because of that stupid quote of Horde is waiting for you or people mocking Alliance Players for wanting to have a Iconic, Original Color Skin Elven race that isn’t a Blueberry or same dull boring Dark Elf theme which is makes Warcraft Elves alot more generic now.


Then Blizzard should come forward and make things clear to the comunity. “Void elves are a flavor of high elf as well” isn’t a good answer to high elf requests if there was no intention of appeasing them in the first place.


It is indeed frightening that this game was announced in September 2001, and 18 years later we still can’t play as the High Elves, blue eyed and proud members of the Alliance.

If Blizzard Entertainment were to implement this race, not as an Allied race, but an actual Core-member playable race (because they already are a part of the Alliance) they would quickly become the most popular race in the game, definitely replacing Void Elves on Alliance and to a point, Blood Elves on Horde.


It’s not a unpoplar opinion, a dev said in a interview the Void Elves weren’t meant to attend to a traditional race demand like High Elves but rather be something new and cool they were experimenting, i think most people here agree with that. The thing is is that people here aren’t suggesting the Void Elves were supposed to fulfill the High Elf fantasy, instead they are discussing how the Void Elves could be done better back in the day, and it might include some High Elves on it so people would be more familiar with them.
Not speaking for others, but i believe the only way to fulful High Elf fantasy is with a High Elf, not a Void Elf not a Voided High Elf, i never appreciated the idea of merging High Elves with Void Elves, i prefer both to remain what they are but still work together, there’s room for both to be playable.


To be a game director you need to have a general knowledge of every aspect of the game, but Ion is too specialized in Raids and Dungeons while lacking knownledge in other aspects like pvp and lore. Outside of art, the most well designed parts of the three last expansions would be probably the Raids and Dungeons, and it’s no coincidence he was directing the game on them, Legion Raids were awesome and BoD is really fun so far. Perhaps putting him to be the lead Encounter Designer again and replacing the Game Director spot with someone more fit can help the game move forward.


I’m going to have to agree with Mowachassa, here, this probably isn’t as unpopular an opinion as you might think – besides the fact that it’s been openly asserted that Void Elves weren’t intended to act as a stand-in for High Elves, the development of the former group has seemingly gone to great lengths to not borrow anything from High Elves at all.

The Q&A is beginning now, so cutting this response short. :stuck_out_tongue:


I was more answering this question… Why Ion never explained how he expected the Void Elves to fulfill the High Elf fantasy. Was because they were not created to fulfill the High Elf fantasy…


Well, nothing much from the Q&A. They did mention that they did want to add more customization options, but they didn’t really mention any specifics.

One thing I liked was that they’re planning on relaxing on some of the restrictions on transmog (as well as adding a “hide chest” option) remarking on the fact that you can’t use the rolling pin from the Deadmines as one despite adding the silly moggable fish in BFA.


There was some good news from the Q&A.

Now that the announced/planned Allied Races have been implemented, they’re able to go back and address player feedback and requests that they received early into the reveal of Allied Races as a system. We’ll be seeing more about Allied Races as we have before, such as in Patch Notes and reveals like at Blizzcon.

So at least we’re past the point of waiting for the announced Allied Races to be implemented. From here on out, to quote Ion, “anything is possible.”


I guess I interpreted it differently from you. If you can see the positives out of it, then that’s great! I’m pretty pessimistic at heart to be honest. :sweat_smile:


I mean, they outright said they’ll be going back to feedback from BFA’s start as far as Allied Races go. I think that’s a good thing. We’re bound to see community requests in the future.