The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Very awesome!

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Not sure if you know this, but there is a PVP set that is a blue and gold recolor of the Eagletalon gear. It’s exclusive to the Alliance (horde gets a red recolor)

I really wish there was an option to have only one shoulderpad or customize your shoulders- like having shoulders from different sets.


Clever question.


Very well thought out ideas. I think the only stickler in this is that Blizzard will probably not be interested in adding that many allied races, given Ion’s comment about how they don’t want a huge amount of different races everywhere and want to keep it more lowkey than that, but I can honestly see quite a few of these ideas making it through and others not being ruled out completely.

I would reiterate as well that I really do think the only way a Worgen allied race would be interesting is if it course-corrected the race back into being darker like the devs initially hyped them up to be. Maybe Nightbane or Nightmare Worgen would do the trick, I know I’d really like Worgen that didn’t have a human form at all and couldn’t shapeshift, and just went further into the Worgen side to really emphasize the curse stronger, but still have a darker bent to it so it’s not just Furbolg in wolf form. (Of course, if we were to go with Vulpera as a Goblin allied race, I could see Furbolg with Worgen model and animations be an appropriate counterpart.)

Of those options, they definitely hit a cord with races I want or would want to play. Wildhammer Dwarves, Dark Trolls, Vrykul, High Elves, San’layn, Amani Trolls, and so on. I really would like to play a lot of those races.


Heheh that one is indeed the main inspiration -and the one my hunter wears- I kept most of the other colors the same from the Alliance PvP version, but the blue itself I wanted it to be closer to the Highvale Swiftblades

The idea is that it feels more Highvale than just generic alliance blue -since Daenil is a Higvale Elf :smiley:

Mind you, he is not actually my playable Ranger, but I used some Transmorphic Tinctures for some photos which finally made me decide to use the PvP Alliance Eagletalon to draw him.


I did notice that the blues were different. The PVP set is pretty subdued.

Ah, yes. Transmorphic Tinctures. I had my alchemist buddy make a bunch of those for me. I have a bunch of toys that change your appearance (Orb of the Sin’dorei, Orb of Deception, one that turns you into a Mag’har Orc from Draenor, the Gnome one from the event, etc…) so using that stuff basically doubles your potential “disguise” factor.

…If you don’t mind the ridicule from your guild-mates of course. :sweat_smile:

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Hahah indeed! They are useful tho! I was all “maybe I should make another ranger” but it was just silly to have 2 chars were the only diff was gender, so thank you, transmorphic tinctures!


Hey could someone here please inbox me the discord servers for Helfs, always love to talk about them :slight_smile:

Discord: Lara#9452

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I pledge support for High Elves on the Alliance!

I would race change my arcane mage into one! Hard decision to play male or female high elf.

I am very interested in what racials they would get, and what unique appearances they would have.

Finally, here is my contribution:
People against high elves as a playable race often discuss how Blood Elves are the “past, present, and future” of the high elves because the Blood Elves endured the scourge and many other hardships - all of which lead them to joining the horde. My response is as follows. The High Elves are equally special in this. Despite their many struggles, High Elves have also endured. They have managed to survive the past without needing to rebrand or rename themselves (or use questionable sources of magic/survival). They are able to move forward without selling out to the enemy faction. And finally, despite the many racisms they historically faced from the Alliance, they have stayed true to their loyalties and continue to give the humans another chance. Their decisions have proven to be good as well: they now fight for a good man who represents some of the better qualities of humanity (Anduin), and in some cases they have fostered children of half-human heritage. The future is High Elf.


The Ogre models from WoD are still fairly recent. I don’t find us lacking a decent model being the barrier for Ogres. I just think Rexxar and Lor’themar were some of the last generic/old model characters to get their own unique one. Sylvanas, Thrall, Garrosh, Saurfang, Vol’jin, and even Nathanos, Galkywix and Baine got their own models. It was about time for Rex and Lor.

I asked my own Nightborne question, but I’ll gladly upvote another good one.

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I can’t DM you but the discord is public so I will provide the link here:


Thank you <3

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  1. Blizzard itself said they wouldn’t be replacing the old model ogres because they planned to revamp them.

  2. The new ogre models can’t substitute the old ones because the later can equip (some) gear while the former can’t.

Link your question so we can upvote it.


Man! That druid looks awesome…


I know right!? I just wish I could make a druid that actually looks like that (and stays looking like that in combat when resto). Worgen just doesn’t do it for me, nor do they get the Kul Tiran wicker forms.


I saw 3 or 4 other questions elaborating on Nightborne also, referencing facial geometry and the males faces being off.


I “liked” your question post. I also posted a similar question but more generalized, asking if the four initial allied races would get additional customization options before the next expansion.


Does it bug anyone else that they worked on Blood Elves again instead of fixing up Nightborne?

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What does this have to do with playable High Elves on Alliance?

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Nothing but right now we are talking about Nightborne not getting fixed up when they desperately need it.

I mean really, Nightborne need some attention.