The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Yeah. It’s interesting because they’re known as Priests in Warcraft 3, but in beta’s, etc, they’re always known as Mage-Priests.

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Arathi Warfront is mostly themed Humans vs. Orcs, with a few exceptions (some special units depending on enemy commander and dwarf/troll ranged units).

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I’m still hoping the Silver Covenant shows up for a Warfront.

Each Warfront seems to have specific forces deployed to it. So like Alamara said, Arathi is basically humans versus orcs. Some Classic WoW.

Darkshore very strangely Kaldorei vs. Forsaken.


Some ideas I threw in another thread:


I like the idea of Mages being more of the civilian aspect of High Elves, and Rangers being their military aspect. So while you’re in a High Elven settlement you’ll find a lot of Mages going about doing their work, living their daily lives and such. The guards and peacekeepers would primarily be rangers.


I believe that if the Silver Covenant and the High Elves are going to show up in Bfa, it might be in patch 8.3, it’s a really strange theory of mine but i will try to express it on words.

So far we are in the first cycle of BfA, and it was expectable that they would try to flesh out and represent the first and current playable Allied Races as integral part of their factions, especially the Void Elves, which differently from the other AR’s from Legion, had no prior introduction. Kul’Tirans and Zandalari were naturally introduced to players as they represented the Nations from the two first continents of the expansion, and as expected, they are among the first Allied Races from BfA.

Now that we got all of the Allied Races from the first cycle of the expansion ready and set, on the next patch we are probably going to see a shift in the racial representation in the factions, and the possible future Allied Races are going to show up more. This is a part of the process to get players familiar with them, so when they receive playable status they will have higher chances to be successful.
In the next patches, if any faction-aligned race that isn’t playable suddenly became relevant and important in the storyline of their faction, it’s a indicative that Blizzard might have plans for them to became playable. If we start to see more Vulpera, San’layn and High Elves on the next patches, it’s pretty good sign.

Based on the idea that Blizzard didn’t wanted to make High Elves playable on a expansion all about the factions (BfA), patch 8.3 is the best time to re-introduce the High Elves through the Silver Covenant, because it is the last patch cycle before the next expansion, which most likely is not going to be about the factions, thus making it more appropriate to release High Elves as a playable Allied Race at long last.


true i totally forgot about this, maybe it can be explained in lore more, unless traditionally the glowing eyes pretains to heavy arcane users? and the presence of the visible iris is more in the Thalassian elves that dont use magic? like Warriors, rogues, hunters?

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To be fair, the High Elves, especially the Silver Covenant, don’t really require more heavy screen time to justify being added as an Allied Race, considering their history across the game. Wrath, MoP, and Legion were three expansions with heavy High Elf presence, after all.

They should just add them and focus on introducing other potential Allied Races. As much as I love High Elves, they don’t need more work to justify being playable. At most I’d be fine with something showing Druids/Shamans in their ranks. Otherwise, the Recruitment Scenario is all the addition we’d need to advance their story to playable status.


I’ll just cast my lot in with you weird high elf people and say High Elves should be done, and don’t know why it hasn’t already been planned.


I totally agree with you, they don’t need any introduction or representation at this moment, most people are familiar with them already.
I was trying to predict which patch they might appear in this expansion had Blizzard thinks they need more screen time before receiving playable status. Most Allied Races got a lot of screentime before becoming playable, so i thought Blizzard might wanted to do the same with the High Elves, although i believe they don’t need more screen time, Wrath, Mop and Legion is enough.


We’re not so bad once you get to know us. :wink:


Well I’m officially leaving the Official Forums. I really need to take a break off of jerkwad trolls, Toxic Night Elf Fans, Blood Elf Ones, Human Bashing Haters, and so on.

Sorry if I cause few drama within the Threads/Forums. I’m just so sick of these jerkwads that I have been dealing with since 2017 and now. I hope one day High Elves finally become playable so that this WoW Mid Life Crisis of losing a Alliance Identity within the Alliance Faction itself will end when High Elves or Half Elves becomes playable.

Plus I also need to worry about my mental health after dealing with Antis and Trolls in general. Good Bye Folks.


Take care man, I honestly can’t blame ya.


Al diel shala

We appreciate it. Thank You! :sparkling_heart:


Thanks for everything Wallurian, we gonna miss you my friend!


Take care dude.


Might not be the case. Yvera Dawning, the new High Elf mage in charge if the Warfront Portals, also has non-glowy eyes…


Farewell and whatever you do, please do take it easy.


Well… There was supposed to be a Warcraft 2 themed Island, right?

Seems like a good place to start.

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