The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

No it’s not…

Who claimed otherwise???

Thus disproving your original point???


Yes, both High Elves and Blood Elves have an addiction

The big difference is that Blood Elves seek to sate their addiction, going as far as it takes, whereas the High Elves attempt to resist it

That and they should have it much easier, considering it’s mentioned the Farstriders themselves were less affected because they didn’t spend 24/7 sucking mana out of the Sunwell


Or at least, thats how it was before the Sunwell got fixed at the end of the Burning Crusade.


This is something I always considered important. Staying away from the heavily magic-infused Silvermoon allowed the farstriders to feel the addiction far less. Also, most high elves either come from Dalaran (thus away from the Sunwell but near powerful magic to substitute it), are rangers (thus in the same case as farstriders) or civilians living in Alliance lands. This also helps to explain why high elves were better at resisting the addiction than most blood elves.


Still are. If your stance is that Helves are not addicted to arcane right now, put the quotes sustaining this argument.

Some pally poster deducted this from the streaming related to cosmetic Golden Eyes. Point would be light would be overriding fel; however light still passively irradiates any thalassian elf everywhere. This opens the possibility of Golden eyes for Helves too (this is non negotiable… Energy irradiation over biological organism is not something those organism can control merely by mental techniques. It is a passive that will affect them regardless).

Dude, you are the one throwing a temper tantrum over the Sunwell beinf made a neutron star that irradiates elves everywhere, and you are the one using Well of Eternity as an excuse to complain even after I pointed out the fav population of Aszhara that probably had exclusive access to the Well and the Highborne that traveled to EK are one and the same).

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I don’t see anywhere where he’s claiming high elves are not addicted to magic. I mean its common knowledge that they all are. You’re clearly misinterpreting something.

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As far as I know, no High Elf, or Blood Elf, have ever sucked Mana from the Sunwell. The ability to Suck Mana wasn’t taught to them until after the Sunwell was destroyed. Then the Ability was lost to them as soon as the Sunwell was restored. Those living in Silvermoon city, and Quel’Thalas, were more effected because of all the years being so close to the Sunwells ambient magic, it had nothing to do with them sticking a straw in it, and gulping it down like a wino with his bottle…


Nope, as a matter of fact devs have never cleared why most rangers were less affected by the lack of passive arcane irradiation, it was us the players the ones that made a creative guess over this.

If rangers supposedly were less addicted because of mere geographical distance, then Veeresa Windrunner would had never ever suffered symptoms of addiction strong enough to make her ponder how she would have totally roll Belf had she stayed on Quel’thalas.

Again, distance is irrelevant. The argument would be that rangers (whose occupation is mostly tied to walk long distances with sparce confrontations) actively practice less magic techniques than mages or priests whose occupations are literally basef on spells.

It would be nice if Blizzard would make these canon


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It’s not.

You made that argument up out of nowhere off of a completely unrelated subject and kept arguing as if it was my opinion.

This is not a temper tantrum…

All you’re doing is making up things that aren’t there and getting mad about them…

Case in point…

Basically this.

They where constantly bathed in the Sunwells magic in their daily lives. (None magic outdoorsy ones where not but still suffered some symptoms.)

When the Sunwell was destroyed they began to suffer withdrawal.

Keal discovered this and sought a cure.

Illidan taught the Blood Elves how to draw magic from living things. The spell caused the hunger to grow more and more.

The Sunwell was restored and now they can draw from that. (Allowing them to have Arcane Torrent all the time)


Being honest, the thing about the Sunwell affecting all Thalassians and traversing endless distances and even dimensions sound really lazy writing. I have to agree with Drede that this is essentially a hand waving as the writers didn’t have to bother with how the High Elves or Blood Elves are going to be affected by the Sunwell in different situations because things are going to be the same no matter what, convenience.
It’s canon, i cannot debate that, but i can argue that it’s kinda lazy.


I remember reading about those a while back. They won’t be of much use with the restoration of the Sunwell. Its pretty much a relic of the RPG era.


Yes the Sunwell has been restored but all Thalassian Elves still suffer from Magical addiction. Restoring the Sunwell didn’t fix this, it just alleviated the withdrawal symptoms. These rings would actually break the High Elves Addiction, at least that’s what I’m understanding.


I think it makes sense that elves that were less used to magic would suffer less and cope better with the loss of the empowering Sunwell. Their tapping into it was passive, and their dependancy in otherworldly power far less common.

Vereesa’s case may be explained by some undisclosed personal reasons. But I think it’s much more due to how lore changes over time. Back when that book was written, things were just less defined, and Knaak may have used just the standard blood elf story as a basis for Vereesa’s struggle. Whatever the case, she remained a high elf, coped with her pain and got stronger. I think this is pretty much her theme as a character: she suffers through personal hardships and gets stronger with the experience.


How amazing things would be if distance was actually made a key factor in the relationship of Thalassians with the Sunwell, unfortunately we got this lazy concept of “The Sunwell traverses distances and even dimensions”.
The High Elves living long periods of time far away from it should affect them, in a positive or a negative way, and living outside of the magic ambient of Quel’thalas could be a explanation for them to get non-glowing eyes and other physical modifications, and that can be represented in the customization for them.


While yes, they do still suffer from addiction, I was under the impression that with the restoration of the Sunwell that it was greatly alleviated.

At least, that’s what I got out of the short story “In the Shadow of the Sun.”


I would have had big golden sun crystals. Would have fit the theme.

And time given that there are no problems for Blood Elves on AU Draenor.

So it can travel through space and time just because…

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Aurora’s speech seems to imply that even with the Sunwell they long for magic, but the presence of the Sunwell makes it way easier to cope, without needing any help (magical objects) to alleviate the symptoms.

Maybe distance or the presence of magic is a factor. Those who are away are more used to the lack of magic and suffered less when the Sunwell was destroyed, while those who never felt that lure are not used to resist it.

This also can explain why Blood elves usually bring magic crystals to whatever bases they establish far from home.


Jeez, you always seem to find the perfect quotes for the occasion! :sweat_smile:

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That’s my role here. :wink:
I need to get Blood of the Highborne and Chronicle 3, however.