The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

It’s not like the Void Elves are all that dark and morally ambiguous either.

Is there any reason to see chucking soldiers into the Void as worse than rushing them over with fire elementals or water elementals or whatever?


Should they want to replicate it at all? Even the Curse of the Worgen, which seems to have way better cost-benefits, isn’t something they seem to want to spread.


No, they shouldn’t. But they are supposed to be a playable race, so a way to create more is necessary.

This is also why I think more elves transformed: the void elves make no sense as a race, but they seem to have a story going somewhere. I’m pretty sure (and afraid) that Blizzard will create a way to turn them into a real race before BfA is over.


They’d have to get rid of the schizophrenia for that to be acceptable, and that’s like, the only thing the race has.


I’m not saying it’s a good story. I’m just predicting based on what we have. Void elves were a bad idea, and I think it will get worst.


No, but I do like their whole “dark isn’t evil” kind of schtick and the Void is a cool theme to me, even though I’m posting on my Pally right now out of irony.


To be fair, dark wasn’t evil, they made dark evil so the void elves would be the ones using dark not for evil, if know what I mean.

We had shadowy casters since forever. Troll shadow hunters and voodoo priests, dark iron dark casters, the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow, Auchenai and so on and so on. It was always a dangerous and corruptive power, but what makes it evil was how you use it.

Then they made a higher level of Shadow in the Void and said everyone who meddles with it goes crazy cultist mode. And then they made the void elves “immune” (not really) to it so the race would feel special…

Yes, there were whispering eldritch things related to Shadow since forever (Twilight Hammer is an old thing), but it was more the nature of those specific beings than Shadow itself. None of the magic types is an intelligent being.

Now Blizzard seems to be twisting the Light in the same way.


A warning for what will happen if the Alliance does not get High Elves:

The 9.0 expansion due out in mid 2020 will revolve around the destruction of the Horde due to the mass defection of blood elves to the Alliance (with the Sunwell restored, why do they even still exist??) and Silvermoon will become an Alliance bastion once again. The Forsaken will be resurrected back to life by Bwonsamdi because he is sick of their BS and will fully restore the Kingdom of Lordaeron back to the Alliance. The Nightborne will go back to their isolationist ways and being sour about Tyrande’s mean words. The tauren and highmountain Tauren will get sick of Sylvanas’s erratic evilness will sign a nonagression pact with the Alliance and leave the Horde. The Huojin pandaren will see the error of their ways and join the Alliance with the Tushui. Nobody cares about Bilgewater goblins. Finally, the orcs and Darkspear/Zandalari trolls will live their lives in Durotar and Zandalar. Orgimmar will pay to restore Theramore. The much happier and more peaceful world unites and destroys the Void Lords and Old Gods.

Expansion patch 10.0 in 2022 will be called “Peacecraft: The Search for Something to Do”. Nobody is in conflict. Thrall and Anduin become golf buddies. Expansion ends with “And everyone lived happily ever after. THE END” and just like that Blizzard gets out of the Warcraft business to sell more Diablo mobile games.

All this or just give the Alliance their High Elves back. Faction hatreds are stoked for years to come. The ‘War’ stays in Warcraft.

Kinda reminds me of the sequel they teased in Spaceballs- Spaceballs 2: The Search For More Money.

Thrall and Anduin becoming golf buddies reminds me of a comic strip I used to read that had strips featuring Varian and Garrosh creating highly complicated plans just to mildly inconvenience each other- like move a newspaper from a porch to the end of the lawn.


Dude, I think you’re smoking :herb: too much :joy:

Is there a Night Elven equivalent of Bloodthistle?

I agree going Void would go against what Auric Sunchaser seems to stand for. I wouldn’t have him drinking the grape koolaid. Instead I would more picture him uniting the scattered groups of High Elves.

Having borne witness to how easily the Sunwell can be Defiled. Auric Sunchaser, gathers together the remaining High Elves. Together with members of the Alliance, they will seek a way to sever their ties to the Sunwell.

I would rather he did something like that.


Again, my premise is based on him serving Alleria during the void elf recruitment and being transformed against his will, with other like-minded high elves that never studied nor cared about the Void. It would not be a choice. He’d be the second void elf leader and have an outlook on things that clashed with Umbric: while the former is eager to delve into the void, Auric would be way more cafeful and fear what the void elves could unleash upon on the world or themselves.

Auric would be all about restraint; Umbric would be about enthusiasm and taking risks.

Also, “Auric and Umbric” sound nice together.


I dunno tbh.

I’m not quite certain how that would work. I mean Auric isn’t hanging out in the void with all the others when they were changed. If he was changed during the attack on the Sunwell, all the other Elves would also need to be changed to void Elves including the Player Character if you are playing a Blood Elf. Unless you are saying High Elves are more likely to become void corrupted than Blood Elves. Which I don’t believe you are.

They’d be helping Alleria, their former captain, in searching Umbric, and fall into Durzaam’s trap with Umbric and the blood elves.

Notice that I’m talking about how I’d have changed the recruitment scenario to make void elves more interesting, not suggesting a future development.

I don’t think Void Elves were necessarily the reason for that, but what I mean is that the Alliance never truly had a race with a dark nature about them. There were those racial sub-groups you mention, though Dark Iron weren’t playable at the time and I didn’t expect them and then when Blizzard made them playable they completely forgot their shadow practice culture, whereas Draenei also had the Auchenai forgotten about.

I think they just have a very terrible habit of sidelining the shadow stuff in the story. It’s like how Christie Golden wrote away and forgot about the fact that Netherlight was as much a bastion of Shadow as it was the Light, but made it seem like it was 100% light. It’s like how how there are far far more Light-themed and Light-wielding races than shadow, and various other reasons. It’s probably why I’m alright with Void Elves since they balance the scales somewhat, even though I don’t like how Blizzard has made it seem like they’re the only shadow-wielding race now. That shouldn’t happen for sure.

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Shadow remains big for the Trolls with their voodoo though

But yeah, Shadow isn’t exactly popular with the Alliance. Kinda hard when your entire core worships the Light (Humans, Dwarves, Draenei, Night Elves)

Hell, I think it’s even mentioned in Before the Storm, how “happy” they are that so many of the Alliance’s leadership is now Priests. Bleh.

And of course, we have a High King fated to lead the Army of the Light in the great battle of Light and Darkness or whatever.

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But they are a Horde race, when I’m most specifically talking about shadow themes within the Alliance. (Honestly though, Darkspear are treated like trash in the lore, like the writers just don’t give a single crap about them to the point that they STILL don’t have a faction leader. They are easily the Horde’s Worgen.)

I honestly thought the Horde was far more well-rounded in themes until the Void Elves became a thing for Alliance, now both factions seem well-rounded to me. (Just that Void Elves are poorly developed because the devs can’t create compelling backstories to save their lives.)

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Wrong, the point is that both groups are still addicts. Sunwell has not “cured” any addiction so far.

Btw, the exiled Highborne? Yeah, exactly the population that needed the arcane fount to sustain their spells and way of life (current Nelves were the people that DIDN’T need it).