The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Yeah. Someone has talked about datamining and finding out something something Silvermoon. But it’s hard to say.

The Silver Covenant is also missing, I’d like them to take part in something.


I wouldn’t say the High Elves have really opposed the regime of Lor’themar. Even the Silver Covenant isn’t exactly unwilling to work with said regime for the sake of the Homeland.

I’d say the High Elves are more loyal to the Alliance than they are against Lor’themar’s regime. Not only that, but in the older expansions, much of the High Elf dislike of Blood Elves came from a lack of trust. While High Elves were exiled from Quel’Thalas, pretty much all of them were already happily living in Alliance lands and nations. Rather than fight back against Lor’themar’s regime they just shrugged and went about their lives, defending their homes. That was a significant part of the Silver Covenant’s identity. They wanted to protect their home, Dalaran, from the Blood Elves whom they did not trust.

I don’t think any outside force has really opposed Lor’themar’s rule. It is a lawful rule, after all. It makes more sense for dissent to come from within Quel’Thalas, especially with so many different groups feeling disenfranchised.

Umbric and his Void Elves are just one group.
Former Nobility might be upset that their birth status is no longer as important to their station.
Former Blood Knights might be disgusted at seeing their peers fawn over the light like Slaves, rather than being the Masters of it.
Warlocks might be upset that the power of Fel fell out of practice within Quel’Thalas after the Sunwell’s restoration.
Farstriders might be upset at their general treatment from people as backwards and relics.

I think the idea of Umbric’s group in particularly advocating for liberty, freedom of speech, and more personal freedoms, also works in a subtle way to demonstrate the conflict between the Void and the Light. The Light seeks to control. The Void is chaotic and seeks freedom bordering on anarchy.


If you are going to consider “opposing Lor’themar’s regime” only those who are actively fighting back against it, then the void elves also do not count. There’s currently zero guys activelly fighting off against Lor’themar.

The Silver Covenant has opposed Silvermoon several times, however. And they can offer refuge to those who would be willing to leave home.

You don’t need to activelly fight something to oppose it. Sometimes, you just need to offer a better alternative.

In both cases, the high elves have done way more than the void elves.


If Blizzard really wanted to end the call for High Elves they could have Lorthemar have the magisters find a way to cut off access to the Sunwell from those not aligned with the Sin’Dorei. This in turn could have a deleterious effect on those not on the “approved” list and thus the High Elves could be forced to turn to the void for their own survival, not because they were “seeking power”.

I don’t see anything like that actually happening but it’s one way to force the issue that’s also plausible.

Except the High Elves lived just fine without the Sunwell before so… it still doesn’t make any sense for them to embrace the Void.

Even then, if they needed a source of power badly, being granted access to Moonwells seems like a much, much better narrative direction to go into, as the two races now have something in common and should be supporting one another.


Maybe I am mistaken but aren’t the High Elves still connected to the Sunwell?

But even then your second point destroys my initial idea. Yea there’s far better alternatives to the void for High Elves to turn to.

Back when the Sunwell was deactivated they were draining magical items to sustain themselves.

Yes, the High Elves are passively sustained by the Sunwell. But when the Sunwell was gone, they managed just fine without alternative sources like Fel Magic, or draining mana from living beings. There’s no reason they couldn’t go back to the methods that sustained them in the past.

[Edit]: As another point, I feel like a mass recruitment of High Elves to the Void Elves, destroys the Void Elves’ identity in the process. A major part of their identity is being former Blood Elves. When you talk to Umbric in the War Campaign, he mentions how he and his people are striving hard to prove themselves and know they won’t earn the trust and respect of the Alliance easily, but they’re not going to give up because it’s hard.

That kind of line becomes so nonsensical if suddenly the Void Elf numbers are even half made up of High Elves.


Yes, but the fact that they live away from it means they are far less dependent on it. The farstriders suffered a lot less from the addiction because they were living in the countryside, away from the constant presence of the Sunwell powering everything around them.

The high elves may still be linked to the Sunwell, but they are far less dependent on it, and already have learned how to live without it.

When the Sunwell was destroyed, the quel’dorei chose to not use fel and to not drain magic off living creatures. Why would they choose to depend on the Void now? It would be a betrayal of their own morals.


There really is no reason for High Elves to still be tied to the Sunwell, is there?

Is there anything stopping the Night Elves from making a nice big Moonwell in Stormwind?

High Elves are tied to the Sunwell because that’s a racial connection.

Night Elves haven’t made a big Moonwell in Stormwind because there isn’t much of a reason to. They never let the High Elves near the Moonwells while the addiction was an issue, out of mistrust, and now the High Elves don’t struggle with addiction thanks to the Sunwell.

I would imagine a large Moonwell might be constructed in Stormwind if an Elven District is added for the Alliance’s three kinds of elves.

Stormwind actually had a moonwell prior to cataclysm in the park district before its destruction.

It wasn’t glowy like most of them, but it did function as a moonwell for making mooncloth.


With so many Night Elf refugees in Stormwind you’d expect them to have built one during this war


Yes, but it wasn’t a, “Big,” one, and was in the Park District, which was where the Night Elves were mostly located.

I’d like to think that an Elven District is actually being constructed, approved by Anduin or the House of Nobles, and that we’d see it with an update to Stormwind eventually. The space behind the Mage District really is the best location for such a new district. I’d love to see a custom Temple of Elune on that high rise where the portal to AU Draenor is, for example, completely with a large Moonwell, maybe a tree over it as well.

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The void elves don’t depend on the Void though. Don’t see why it can’t be the same thing

Well, I can’t say for certain since their lore is as shallow as a dried out puddle, but all thalassian elves depend on magic, and since the void elves are cut off from the Sunwell, I surmise they depend on the Void or else they’d be having some magic addiction problems right now.

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The Farstriders do fine without it.

It’s interesting that Elves seem to wither once they become dependant on a source of magic…

Maybe the Farstriders just get their juice from Azeroth and so it’s the people that get dependent on outside sources that suffer.


I did point on my previous post that such energy could be manipulated, but there’s also the possibility Blood Elves could “shield” themselves if aware that such an event is going to happen. All Thalassian elves are connected to the Sunwell -except VE’s- so it’s not a matter of proximity.

So whether the Sunwell implodes on Void Energy, or it has to be excised with some sort of pressure valve, BE’s could find a way to shield themselves from that, or purposefully target HE’s so it doesn’t affects them. There’s a whole spectrum of how much of a jerk BE’s can be made about the deal -from the they could only protect themselves, to the purposefully throwing HE’s under the bus-


No thalassian elf (aside, maybe, the void elves) “does fine” without it. They feel its loss, but are less affected than others because they weren’t using magic all the time.

Magic is, for elves, like a drug. It makes them feel stronger, and being cut off from it makes them crave for that sensation. Farstrider and high elves were able to deal with that better. But the reason the highvale stopped using magic completely is that they know (or think) that any contact with magic could potentially make them dependent on it again, like someone who’s free of drugs but years later gets in contact with it again.