The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I feel like all the Quel’dorei NPC’s are super chill. So I’d hope that they’d be super reserved, put together and chill when given voice actor support, etc.

I also like that all their hairstyles are pretty subdued.

If Sin’dorei are the mean girls I just feel like Quel’dorei should be the pretty ugly girl/sexy librarian.

We all know that Blood Elves went Horde just to fix the population imbalance. Which I kinda agree that solved the problem.

But Blizzard has double standards when it’s about Horde / Alliance, because now Alliance is having the same problem that Horde had in the past, and yet they don’t care, many Method players changed their race to Troll this very week to down Jaina, and people refuses to accept that Horde Racials are better.

Since I realized this, sometimes I find myself thinking that should’ve never started playing this game. I only keep playing because I feel guilty to leave eight years of effort behind. But now I’m trapped inside the Horde faction and sometimes I wonder if it’s worthed.


Swung by the Silver Enclave (GreyFang Enclave)

The Elven statues are still there. So is the quel’dorei inn keeper and Naseev the Silver Covenant warrior trainer… and all the elven statues.

I wonder what Vereesa is up too, she has been missing so far this expansion.

Also the Island expedition group with Sephiroth is named after Captain Auric

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I agree humans are rather bland. I have a human paladin, but she is a Scarlet Crusader and not your typical “good guy/gal” paladin.

Why should High Elves be nature-oriented, when Night Elves already fill that role? This is the conundrum they are in. Make them about nature, you step on the Night Elves toes. Make them about the Light, you step on both Blood Elf and human toes. They can’t be about using dangerous magic, because that is the Void Elves role. What is left for them? Not much, which is why they don’t work as a playable race.

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Well we see some Silver Covenant Mages in the Stormwind Mage Tower. Considering the Silver Covenant is a part of Dalaran and Khadgar seems to be keeping Dalaran out of the war, I suppose the Silver Covenant isn’t allowed to help the Alliance right now. They may also be recovering from the war with the Legion.


No worries! I was admittedly very distracted too so I got confused as well. Man, we make for a fine pair of bumbling dweebs sometimes haha.

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Play a Void Elf for a bit. keep asking for High Elves… level some Alliance alts?

You can keep playing Horde too. But don’t feel trapped.

The racials only matter to hardcore raiders and try-hards.

If you swing over to the rp servers shard like Wyrmrest the Alliance are actually really good.

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Because Night Elves fill the role of Druidism. While this is something the High Elves can also fulfill by nature of their connection to the Night Elves through the Alliance, what makes High Elves potentially unique would be Shamanism. They’d be the only elven Shamans in the game.


I really like the tattoos that Alleria has on her face and arm. If they need visual distinction from Blood Elves, they could always make tattoos mandatory.


Warpaint/tatoos are an old idea that came from Warcraft 2, in which elven archers got such markings upon upgrading to rangers. I always thought it was a simple way to differentiate the high elves. You see an elf with colorful blue, violet, red or green markings? It’s a high elf. To me, it’s as effective as blue skin to make them instantly noticiable.

Were it up to me, I’d take the blood elf model and do the following:

  • Colorful markings in a celtic style
  • Eyes without glow, but with very bright intense colors to make them noticiable. Colors can vary from blue, green, violet or brown.
  • Human or night elf stand/idle animations, making them stand apart from blood elves even under armor.
  • Skin colors ranging from white to brown, using tones unavailable to blood elves.
  • Hair colors either way lighter or way more vivid than blood elves: light blonde, light brown/red, silver-blue, light blue, dark blue, maybe some pinkish or violet colors.
  • Hairstyles that evoke a non-fancy, practical, some options even rugged ways of life. Lots of braids, some overly simple hairstyles, some unkempt wild hair.
  • Males would get full beard options, some similar to night elves’.

Why should nightborne have affinity to arcane, if blood elves already fill that role?

Nightborne are night elves with a culture akin to blood elves’.
High elves can perfectly be thalassian elves with a culture closer to night elves’.


Alamara, your idea for High Elves sounds perfect to me. I wish Blizzard would put it in the game already.


khadgar is gone at the moment. He can’t control dalaran while he is a shut in at karazhan.

It is likely his council position is already covered by someone else.

Yes yes and yes.


Night Elves are tree-huggers

High Elves could get a reality show on Discovery Channel

Two different kinds of nature people


Nightborne are almost the exact same story as Blood Elves except they exchanged their magic well for fruit power.

Large chunks of High Elves live in lodges and the Silver Covenant are mostly Rangers.

There’s a difference between a naturalist and the borderline nature spirits Night Elves are.

Night Elves: I risked my life to save this family of deer.

High Elves: These deer are freaking delicious. Who needs beef.


With some Mages and Priests too from Dalaran with the Silver Covenant.

Imagine what a High Elf Mage would be like with Tattoos when you think about it?


To be fair, so far in BFA it feels like we’ve seen nothing but Mages from High Elves. Works for me, Legion was very Ranger heavy for them.


In fairness, I don’t entirely think Nightborne are as interesting of an addition to the Horde as Void Elves are to Alliance. They are indeed more of the same, whereas Void Elves actually add a unique thematic.

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It depends on what you are after. Is it a gimmick? An unfulfilled niche? Then, yeah, void elves have it. But if it’s world building, inter-faction relations or just a good story, then nightborne beat void elves so bad it’s not fair.


The more I think about it the more I think Void Elves where developed partially to be the Alliance answer to Nightborne Telemancy.