Following your logic we’re gonna have to make some Warcraft changes…
Orcs home of Outland is destroyed. so they’re gonna have to go.
Mag’har orcs home was conquered by the Lightbound. So they’re gonna need to be deleted too. This one is really odd because the Lightbound came from Argus… so they probably should have been deleted before they took over…
Kal’dorei blew up their home and it was occupied by Naga. So we’ll have to get rid of them.
The Draenei were from Argus… but the Burning Legion took that over. So we’ll have to delete them before they can retake it.
Stormwind Humans were routed from Stormwind to Lordaeron. So they’ll have to be deleted before they can go back to Stormwind…. they shouldn’t be playable.
Silvermoon was knocked out by Arthas, so goodbye Blood Elves…
Lightforged and Draenei are on the same faction.
Dark Iron and Bronzebeard are on the same faction.
Mag’har and Orcs are on the same faction.
Highmountain and Tauren are on the same faction.
Nightborne were made to look different from Night Elves.
Void Elves were made to look different from Blood Elves.
The only difference between Blood and High Elves is political, as they are biologically the same. Hence we were given Void Elves instead.
False. They have political, cultural and even some physical differences. All of those can translate into different customization options. They may look alike, just like humans look alike, but as implemented races their options can vary greatly.
(And I find absurd that people feel like void elves are different from blood elves just because they have blue skin. From a cultural standpoint, void elves are more alike blood elves than high elves are.)
How is that an argument? That’s just stating the obvious. To provide an argument against something in particular usually implies giving reasons, in this case, against the addition of High Elves because it might somehow be detrimental to the game. In this sense, there are no arguments. There are opinions and personal preferences, not factual arguments against it showing any sort of negative consequences.
and what is stopping them from giving the alliance high elves different models entirely?
muscle size isn’t genetic. It is a lifestyle choice. IF you cry that “well why can’t blood elves be buff” well sorry blizzard decided to not use that model for blood elves.
Make High Elves beefier to show that they’re not nerds that stay all day inside Silvermoon playing with magic or drinking Light juice out of the Sunwell.
I’m not familiar with Kul Tiran lore, so I can’t answer that question.
I am familiar with Thalassian elf lore, and it is quite clear that Blood and High Elves are virtually identical sans eye color. Giving High Elves models that are completely different from Blood Elves goes against the established lore.
I’ll just let you know, there was no lore reason. Kul Tirans have never been portrayed as fat until BFA.
Still this does open an interesting precedent. The same race living in different nations with different diets can yield different results. So would it not follow that High Elves living in Dalaran, enjoying food from a variety of sources (Human, Dwarven, Gnomish, etc…) would have a different diet than the elves living in Quel’Thalas? If diet and culture seems enough to bring about a change in appearance, well, I’m sure High Elves having lived among Alliance races for so long will have adapted accordingly.
So what might we see from them? Perhaps slightly larger. Slightly more muscular. A lot of the High Elves we see are living in survival conditions or as soldiers, after all.