Wow your argument is that Blizzard hasn’t gotten around to updating their model names.
you LITERALLY have no argument.
you LITERALLY talked to some angsty elfs that dont identify with their nation. when has that ever happened
you are reading the wrong books
come back when you know what you are talking about, or just dont come back, you are even more clueless then the elves advocating for their non existence
its not an attack
if you clearly demonstrate gaps in knowledge, thus leading to your poor logic and reasoning abilities. You are trying to put a puzzle together with missing foundational pieces
Are you familiar with the, ‘Unreliable Narrator,’ trope? It’s being used right now in Battle for Dazar’alor actually. Liadrin, as a character, has her own opinions and biases. I mean, heck, she claims Quel’Thalas has been protecting the world over the ages while the Night Elves have done nothing. Didn’t see any Thalassians in the War of the Shifting Sands, or the Satyr Wars.
No allied races have access to Death Knights and Demon Hunters so I don’t think we’ll see too many clamoring for them until Blizzard starts letting allied races have those classes.
It makes sense that High Elves won’t have access to Warlocks. It also makes sense that they will have access to Paladins.
exactly. We see this in the dialogue of the raid especially in the scout’s retelling of the events when both sides swap to the other faction. The horde scout for instance basically implied the alliance came there to enslave the zandalari while the alliance side has greymane simply ask rastakhan to surrender.
but you i doubt you knew of those expansions as well
There is another elf, or draenei, that seem to have wide gaps of knowledge missing. Your lucky I am here to correct you, otherwise you could continue spreading misinformation
Have you ever played in the Alliance in your life? It seems you have never brought yourself to level a character on it. You are going to see the High Elves, they are there to see.
You are not going to be affected by the Alliance getting High Elves, go do something useful, you are not gaining anything by wasting your time arguing against High Elves.
I actually checked to see whether or not he has Double Agent. He does. So he’s probably just trolling at this point. Best to ignore him until he has an actual point worth discussion.
if i am wasting my time
it would be because i am talking to the same NPC’s that claim to be high elves. They have automated talking points, and dont seem to realize that they aren’t a living thing.