The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Or Dalaran.

You’re a citizen of whatever country you’re a citizen of. Not all High Elves are citizens of Quel’Thalas.


People change. It’s been how many years now? Perhaps they are growing tired of all the conflict and just want to return home. Their working together in Legion proves a resolution is possible. Fighting side by side in Surmar against the Legion isn’t something easily forgotten.

The Sunreavers nave came back.

It’s all Forsaken stuff over there now.

At this point the Turen are more likely to join the Alliance the the High Elves the Horde.

1 Lodge that got a cursed artifact. That’s not “all”.

Umbric and and a few followers.

Still only one named NPC for Void Elves. Such rich lore!

Void Elves are literally purple Blood Elves. High Elves are almost opposites to the Blood Elves in everything.

And I guarantee you they wouldn’t except for maybe Death Knights.

High Elves don’t deal with Fel like Blood Elves and none trained with Illidan.

  1. It is only popular because the Paladin class is highly restricted on the Hord.

Two they would not be Blood Elf Paladins. They would not syphon from the Sunwell they would be the same as Human/Dwarf Paladins.

Says the literal Blood Elf with just a Skin Color change.

Yes they aren’t going to be every class Blood Elves can be they are different culturally.

That’s part of the point.

There’s also the option for them to be something the Blood Elves can’t be like Shaman or Druids.

And no. Alliance does not have enough Paladins.

More than Kul Tiran Mages.

No it doesn’t. They are Melee so they are the same? What?

They aren’t going to make up a class so Void Elves are less weird.

The have one.

No they don’t. They have some unexplained Hunters.

Those are a Blood Elf only thing.

No they don’t. In fact I don’t think they have any healing units.

Guess they never should have added Nightborne then. They are just the Blood Elf classes minus Paladins and Demon Hunters and Death Knights.

By that logic so is almost every allied race.

What do Void Elves have to do with High Elf themes and vice versa?

This is literally all made up.

High Elves aren’t part of Silvermoon anymore and are their enemies.

The fact that they are still called High Elf proves it didn’t count for them.


You are ignoring all points made against your flawed idea in an effort to strongarm it. Just stop.


I mean, apparently it’s easily forgotten for the Nightborne.

The fact remains, High Elves in Dalaran chose to live there long before the divide between Blood Elves and High Elves was a thing. They have homes, families, and lives in Dalaran. There’s no reason to give any of that up at all. In fact, since Dalaran seems to be sitting the war out, if they’re tired of conflict, then remaining in Dalaran is the place to be.


I find it amusing we’ve seen more named High Elves added this expansion.


Missing the point,

Apart of being in an alliance, whether it be economic, military, etc, means there will be an inter-exchange of people, labour, and resources.

Nathanos being a ranger with Sylvannus did not make him a Silvermoon National.

To be a high elf, is to be of the highborne, the quel’dorei. the quel dorei home is in quel thalas. So even if you are born outside quel thalas, if you’re parents were quel dorei, you are a high elf. and if high elves are now blood elves, then you are now sin’dorei.

And you’re missing the point. High Elves have lived in Dalaran more or less since it was founded nearly 3,000 years ago. High Elves within Dalaran are citizens of Dalaran. It’s possible for a race to have more than one nation to belong to. Dwarves have three, Humans have seven, etc…


you are very narrow minded in your views and established lore contradicts what you have said.

You are right about nathanos. Sylvanas did not have that power and anasterian would never allowed it. Nathanos however also had family he took care of back in lordaeron however. When the scourge happened he didn’t go to quel’thelas to join up with them but instead he left to defend the marris stead his families’ farm.


They where literally harassing each other and the player had to stop them from breaking into open fighting.

In the three Sisters comic Varressa outright says that she believes the Blood Elves will leave the Horde and redeem themselves.

She wouldn’t say that if she thought there was any potential to rejoin Silvermoon and if she didn’t think the Blood Elves where in need of redemption.

This is after Legion.


That logic has interesting implications for humanity considering our common starting point.

I won’t actually get into it, it’s too much of a landmine, but it is entertaining.

It’s also complete nonsense.


I’m mostly sure that guy has to be trolling.

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You can thank Tyrande being jerk for the Nightborne going Horde.

So considering Dalaran is remaining netural in this war, why would its High Elf citizens go enlist in the Alliance army to fight the Horde? They have no dog in this fight. The whole point of allied races is for them to aid the two factions. We need them, they don’t need us. No point in High Elves becoming playable if they are remaining neutral.

High Elves LITERALLY is translated from QUEL dorei
silvermoon is LITERALLY in the middle of QUEL thalas

to say that high elves arent apart of silvermoon is bewildering. they are only called quel dorei, because they are from quel thalas.

Also, there are no more high elves.

High elves are LITERALLY blood elves.

High elf refers to the culture, and that culture is dead
Blood elf is the new culture, and those same elves exist, but on the horde.

You can make the argument for elves abroad, but they are not high elves. you can call them exiled elves, or ex elves, or even low elves, but

High elf culture is dead

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Which is why all humans are Moroccans.


Because they support the Alliance and are loyal to it? Let me know if you ever get an Interview with Archmage Yvera, Frostfencer Seraphi, or any of the 7th Legion Shield Mages.


Calm down. We’re all Moroccans here.

There are no other countries, ethnicities, or races. Just take a deep breath.

  • Looks at NPCs labeled High Elf Sorceress in Stormwind

  • Looks at NPC that says they are a High Elf not a Blood Elf to the Alliance player

  • Looks and the many segments of in game lore and book lore.

You literally have no ground to stand on and the rest of your post is made up to the point it’s not even worth discussing.


i have a feeling that you have a poor understanding of the lore and content within it.

the races in wow do not exist on a grand scale like in the real world, both of which you know very little about. Every race has a part of the map that belongs to them. No elf identifies as a Stormwind Elf, or an Ironforge Elf. It is as moronic as your attempt at humour. But process this, and I suggest you take your time, you sound like you will need all that you can get.

Calm down with the ad-hominem attacks.

Refute my logic. Don’t insult me.