The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

You missed the point, completely.

You don’t see “Gilblin Appreciation Threads” right now, for the same reason you didn’t see “Void Elf Appreciation Threads” or “Lightforged Draenei Appreciation Threads” in 7.2. At that point, they hadn’t been introduced as a unique, standalone faction.

You can’t say “nobody is asking for Gilblins, therefore they won’t be a thing”, when 75% of the Alliance’s Allied Races are things nobody was asking for, until they were announced. Precedent, my boy.

That presentation implies that the Gilblins are a part of, or perhaps the, hub for the Horde players. As well, being fleshed out during an expansion is in no way an indicator that a group will become playable, historically (Felblood Elves, Fel Orcs, Arrakoa, Forrest Trolls, Vrykul, Taunka, Frost Dwarves, Frost Trolls, Iron Dwarves, Mechagnomes (100% Robot), Iron Vrykul, Tuskarr, etc.).

That small list was only three expansions.

And before Allied Races were announced, Vrykul had undergone more model adjustments and visual updating than the Nightborne had. It means nothing, and Blizzard has gone out of their way to blatantly state that it means nothing (by way of a statement positing that many non-playable races, going forward, will be made extremely customizable and that this fact should in no way reflect upon whether or not they’ll become playable).


Seeing how they’re handling Allied Races, i dont expect to see anything untill next year Blizzcon. I mean, we arent able to play even Kul’tirans and Zandalari yet.

Maybe we’ll get some hints if we get a Quel’thalas warfront, but dont hold your breath…

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Warfront Quel’thalas would be my dream scenario. So much Elven stuff! redesigned Quel’thalas FINALLY! IMO IDC if the alliance looses, I just want to see Quel’thalas remastered lol.

Like at best the Alliance could claim the Ghostlands or a part of it, but in turn I would REALLY like to see the Blood Elves and Nightborne expand on ancient Kaldorei ruins, oh gosh I’d love that so freaking much.


then I ask why were sethrak and vulpera given the HoA animation and also fitted to animate cloaks and tabards when literally no NPC only race before has been done like that? they all just had things like cloaks and such built into the model and vulpera and sethrak don’t really use those items on any of their NPCs in game.

Yeah, an Warfront there can be a really nice way to show some Elven Wars, Blood Elves, Dark Ranger(Undead) Elves, Void Elves and High Elves, what each group think about Quel’thalas, what they want for their future.

Seeing how Thalassian people splitted after all these years, can be a nice way to show each group history, leadership and goals moving foward.


Sorry for my terrible english :blush:
I just stop here to support HE, they would be a nice adition to wow
A lot of people in Proudmoore support playable high elves!

dont give up!



That’s my thing, Thalassian Elves are so much interesting BECAUSE of their political split and I feel WoW just really hasn’t been living to the sheer potential of it.

Specially on an expansion about Faction War.


This was already explained by Blizzard.

They plan on making NPC races enormously customizable, going forward, because it is easier for them to adjust the individual NPC’s when necessary – they literally explained this, and advised that an NPC race being customizable to the same level as playable races not be taken to mean they would become playable.

Seeing as they have only done this for select NPC races I am going to go ahead and say blizzard is lying about it. Blizzard is known to be pathological liars anyway.

No, you are wrong. There were no requests for void elves because void elves didn’t exist, but there were requests for playable lightforged draenei! However, people expected them as just new customization, as no one thought of them as an “allied race” (the concept didn’t exist) nor “subrace”.

In the same vein, there were requests for nightborne, dark irons and mag’har long before the concept of allied races came to be.

But where were the requests for gilblins, a race that has existed for four expansions? At most, you’d find them lumped together with other oddities in threads that expected Blizzard to make a subrace for each playable race. Very few people ever cared for gilblins.

Even void elves seem to have been created in response to high elf requests.

Who’s requesting gilblins? No one. I’ll make a dare here: try to make a Gilblin Appreciation Thread and see it fading into nothingness.

No race has ever gotten as much attention as vulpera had. Having updates to a model is nothing new. Vrykul, as advanced as their model was, were never made into full hd (fully separate eye sockets from the rest of the face model, for instance). Their males can use a limited extension of player gear and have some good customization, but their females are very limited.

Vulpera is the most resource-heavy NPC race of all time. No other NPC race has had this full array of options:

  • Both genders fully customizable and able to use gear
  • HD model with playable-quality textures
  • A playable skeleton with lots of customized emotes/animations

Also, I need to add, vulpera had undergone a full revamp during alpha. Their initial model was clearly NPC-level, with low quality textures, LD model, eyes painted on face, limited customization. I doubted they’d be playable back then. However, they got a full HD revamp in the first months of alpha, and it was too quick to just be in response to player appreciation of the race. Blizzard was clearly working on vulpera months before BfA and the allied race system was announced.

This amount of resources spent on something that is clearly wanted by the playerbase won’t go to waste. Vulpera will be playable, I’m sure of it.

If we get a Warfront in Quel’thalas, I’m sure Blizzard will use it to change the status quo of all thalassian elves. All bets are off if that happens.

Personally would love to see high elves added to the game but I feel it is a bit of a long shot at this point. I personally don’t think they will add another elf race to the alliance without adding a new one to the horde so I suppose horde could get darkfallen however I don’t feel like that will happen anytime soon as currently most of the races are “spin-offs” of the existing races Dark Iron Dwarf for example is just a fire dwarf and so on. Goblin, Worgen, Gnome and Forsaken still need their “spin-off” races.

And Blizzard stated, in very plain English, something to the effect of “we’ll be implementing most/all of the future NPC races with this level of customization in mind, the playerbase would do well not to jump to conclusions regarding their playability.”

We’ll find out, soon enough. My bet is they’re never made playable.

They said something very similar when asked about lightforged draenei during 7.3.

Someone asked if the lightforged would be playable or if those customizations would be available for players, and Blizzard answered that they “just wanted to show a different kind of draenei”.

Blizzard won’t spoil future announcements in Q&As, ever. If someone hits them with a question that can only be truthfully answered with a spoiler, Blizzard will spin it in a way that’s quite not a lie but not the full truth.

If vulpera are the new standard for NPC races, how come other NPC races don’t have the same level of quality? Why don’t the blood trolls have it? Or the sethrak? Why only vulpera?

Because vulpera are a special case. That’s why. There’s plans for them.

We’ll see. Now, back to High Elves, a race more than 1.4% of the game would ever even think about.

Warfront: Quel’thalas. What would you want to see in that?

Located in Ghostlands? Tranquilien vs. void elf-taken Deathholme?
Eversong? Alliance takes over Sunsail Harbor while Horde defends from Falconsquare?
Silvermoon itself? Ruins of Silvermoon vs. Eastern Silvermoon?
Quel’danas? Alliance targets the Sunwell?
Voidwell Plateau raid?

I have to preface this by noting that if it were entirely up to me, the factions would only exist as ideological adversaries – or not at all, if Blizzard didn’t feel up to the task of writing characters to have ideologically-motivated tendencies.

As that isn’t a likely outcome, as this point, I’ll just answer your questions with the conclusion of a Horde-controlled Kalimdor and an Alliance-controlled Eastern Kingdoms in mind.

I’d want to see the Blood Elves pushed out, but with sufficient enough support from the Forsaken that they are able to physically transport the entire contents of the Sunwell (bucket-by-bucket, if need be) to Kalimdor. A bittersweet victory for the Void Elves, High Elves, and the Alliance – not unlike the Siege of Lordaeron.

The BE’s would rebuild somewhere in Kalimdor. I would posit that the Blood Elves take control of Winterspring and Moonglade, while the Forsaken commandeer Felwood, Darkshore, and Teldrassil – the Tauren won’t be especially happy about Moonglade being snagged out from underneath them, but will tolerate it when they’re given complete autonomy over Mount Hyjal and Nordrassil (with the NE’s abandoning it, following a Forsaken-assault).

[quote=“Alamara-goldrinn”]Silvermoon itself? Ruins of Silvermoon vs. Eastern Silvermoon?[/quote] I’d say something like the Alliance has control of the entirety of the surrounding territory, and the Horde is garrison’d in the eastern portion of Silvermoon.

[quote=“Alamara-goldrinn, post:4123, topic:18812, full:true”]Quel’danas? Alliance targets the Sunwell?[/quote] I don’t like the idea of the BE’s losing the Sunwell, or it becoming corrupted. I’d rather they literally move it, drop by drop, onto a transport vessel and re-establish it elsewhere. It literally provides the BE’s with an enormously unique aspect, that being the Light.

[quote=“Alamara-goldrinn, post:4123, topic:18812, full:true”]Voidwell Plateau raid?[/quote] Please, no. :slight_smile:

I think that’s how things will be after this war. If Blizzard’s words are to be believed, this war will be the conclusion to the faction war.

I think this and the above estatement (end of faction war) may end up both true. However, with 8.1.5 being the night elves fighting back in Kalimdor, maybe the idea of a Horde-controlled Kalimdor and Alliance-controlled EK may not end up being true. Unless the night elves lose in their offensive.

To be frank, I’d like to see the Sunwell being lost. The blood elves would need to find a new way to survive. I don’t like the idea of it being movable. Maybe another one, weaker, could be created, but the very location of the Sunwell is important (it’s on a ley-line vergence, after all, like Karazhan).

Wow, that would leave the night elves really angry. But, hey, it’s war.

I’m afraid this may end up being true. There’s hints so far that may or may not be foreshadowing of it.

  • Void elves may be a sign of the high elves being transformed in the future (end of high elf discussion and a conclusion to their storyline), as much as we may fear it;
  • Alleria and Vereesa clearly intending to bring Silvermoon back to the Alliance, Alleria being certain of it (remember that she can see the future as told by the void);
  • The nightborne introduction questline showing that, despite being Light, the Sunwell risks corruption by the Void;
  • Il’gynoth’s whispers: “Its surfaces glows bright, masking the shadows bellow”.

So, while I’m not saying it will happen, it’s just a guess, I don’t ignore the possibility.


Is there any way to block threads like with a hashtag? For instance: #highelves or #high #elves ?

except you know, they haven’t. Tortollan didn’t get this treatment, Blood trolls didn’t get this treatment, The new quilboar didn’t get this treatment, The kul tiras witches didn’t get this treatment.


It’s possible that Winterspring has a powerful set of leylines beneath it. The blue dragonflight was housed there, which lends credence to the notion.

I just think the BE’s losing the Sunwell now takes them backwards ten steps, whereas losing their city will push forward both the Alliance and Horde narratives.

As someone who plays NE’s nearly exclusively, if it leads to Tyrande/Malfurion disappearing from the universe (especially Tyrande), so be it.

Anything is possible with these writers. You can never make guesses anymore based upon “what would be good storytelling”, or “what would be bad storytelling”. The consistency in either direction isn’t there.

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