The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread


void elves can't return to silvermoon. they seem to have a strange effect on the sunwell, that causes void creatures to spawn from it. that's why lor'themar told them to leave.

heres a video of it
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11/13/2018 11:23 AMPosted by Softsong

You must have forgotten about Varessa who has literally been the one leading the High Elves since WotLK. Alleria didnt show up until legion and pretty much hasn't said shes rejoining either the high elves or blood elves. It's like shes the middle sibling and choosing a path between her two sisters.

Also, Alleria doesnt have a lot of normal high elves following her. Like what two npcs in the void elf starting area? She got blood elves to follow her. Not high elves.

Vereesa leads a small partisan group of High Elves on Dalaran, but she does not make up the majority. I also believe Alleria stronghold has larger populations of High elves as well. It's also important to remember that in-game populations do not accurately represent the official populations of these settlements, which are likely far larger than what see in-game. It's very likely that the High elves we see at the Sunwell make up many of her forces, (As most do not reside in Stormwind) as Shattrath provides direct travel to the Isle of Quel'Danas where the Sunwell is located. If not also many High Elves from all around Azeroth.

I can easily see many of the remaining High Elves of the alliance being troubled by the recent proliferation of Void elves into their ranks, as many of them only chose to remain away from Quel'Thalas because of the Blood Elf's use of the very similar corruptible fel magic. The Void elves pose a constant threat to both the High elven, and Blood Elven ways of life, as their presence jeopardizes the sanctity of newly restored Sunwell they all now draw from once again.

I theorize that something will occur with the Void elves, Alleria included, which will drive away many of the remaining High elves back to Quel'Thalas. Perhaps their presence will begin to corrupt nearby High Elves (Justifying the presence of lighter skinned Void Elf customizations, without destroying the lore.) With High elves integrating back into Blood Elven society, this might also provide a reason for Blue eyed Blood elves as well. After all, with practice of siphoning magic going obsolute, and the Blood elves regaining the power of light, many of the differences between them have grown smaller. Also considering that many of the High Elves still have family and friends in Quel'thalas as well.

You realize it's mostly High Elves that look down on Blood Elves right? From the very beginning the rift was started because there was a sect of Thalassian Elves that refused to go down the path that they were being taught in order to cope with their addiction. In response they were exiled by Lorthemar.

This was in the past. When Lorthemar tried to make amends with the High Elves they were furious at him, and proclaimed they should lop his head off and serve it to his warchief because the Horde have been relentlessly assaulting them. This is just one sect (arguably the largest) that is no longer around.

The other largest sect belongs to Veressa. Lo and behold, she absolutely lothes the Horde for what they did to her husband and Theramore. She was along side Jaina when they were forcefully removing the Sunreavers from Dalaran.

To this day the hatred only grows. They're allowed to visit the sunwell, sure, but that's it. The Sunwell is not in the kingdom. It's on an island off the coast of the continent. Besides, peace is nowhere near as interesting as war in warcraft. But all I've thrown at you are in-game and lore related reasons, no personal speculation or feelings on the matter.
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11/13/2018 01:38 PMPosted by Heliwyr
High elves are welcomed in Quel'thalas though, hence why Theron allowed them access to the Sunwell in the first place.

They are most definitely NOT welcome in Silvermoon. The current blood elf leader told them to leave when they came to help with the Armani. They are allowed pilgrimage to the sunwell. The sunwell is not in silvermoon.

They're allowed pilgrimage to the sunwell, but even then they're watched closely. Pilgrimage doesn't mean they'd be welcomed back, nor does it mean they'd want to go back
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11/13/2018 01:05 PMPosted by Iratio

Given that besides the very young, every living Blood elf/Sin'dorei remembers being a High elf/Quel'dorei - there is no racial fork or sub-race. Given the dispersed nature of the High elf remnants, there is no nation or cultural foundation.

I hear this a lot, and it's true. Pretty much the vast majority of High Elf culture is Blood Elf culture, however, something people don't seem to grasp is that the reversal is also true. Blood Elf culture is not High Elf culture.

Just look at their heritage armor and quest. It revolves around the near present. The birthing of what makes them Blood Elves. To be a blood elf is to circle around those events that took place during WC3 and beyond. To be a blood elf is to be shaped by the events of that one very crucial point in time, not anything before that.

To be a High Elf is to be the other fork in the road after that point. To not 'stoop' to the same actions that Blood Elves did. To be conservative in their nature, to keep to their old habits and ways. To remain pure and untainted, and use that to press forward.

1. The High elves still make pilgrimage to the restored sunwell - formal membership of the Alliance is a very bad idea for these elves.

2. Standing shoulder to shoulder with the Void elves? Let's not forget why they ain't Blood elves to begin with.

Maybe I'm missing the point here, but they're not welcomed in Silvermoon OR the Sunwell because they're a danger to it by sheer proximity. That's it.
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<span class="truncated">...</span>
Vereesa leads a small partisan group of High Elves on Dalaran, but she does not make up the majority. I also believe Alleria stronghold has larger populations of High elves as well. It's also important to remember that in-game populations do not accurately represent the official populations of these settlements, which are likely far larger than what see in-game. It's very likely that the High elves we see at the Sunwell make up many of her forces, (As most do not reside in Stormwind) as Shattrath provides direct travel to the Isle of Quel'Danas where the Sunwell is located. If not also many High Elves from all around Azeroth.

I can easily see many of the remaining High Elves of the alliance being troubled by the recent proliferation of Void elves into their ranks, as many of them only chose to remain away from Quel'Thalas because of the Blood Elf's use of the very similar corruptible fel magic. The Void elves pose a constant threat to both the High elven, and Blood Elven ways of life, as their presence jeopardizes the sanctity of newly restored Sunwell they all now draw from once again.

I theorize that something will occur with the Void elves, Alleria included, which will drive away many of the remaining High elves back to Quel'Thalas. Perhaps their presence will begin to corrupt nearby High Elves (Justifying the presence of lighter skinned Void Elf customizations, without destroying the lore.) With High elves integrating back into Blood Elven society, this might also provide a reason for Blue eyed Blood elves as well. After all, with practice of siphoning magic going obsolute, and the Blood elves regaining the power of light, many of the differences between them have grown smaller. Also considering that many of the High Elves still have family and friends in Quel'thalas as well.

You realize it's mostly High Elves that look down on Blood Elves right? From the very beginning the rift was started because there was a sect of Thalassian Elves that refused to go down the path that they were being taught in order to cope with their addiction. In response they were exiled by Lorthemar.

This was in the past. When Lorthemar tried to make amends with the High Elves they were furious at him, and proclaimed they should lop his head off and serve it to his warchief because the Horde have been relentlessly assaulting them. This is just one sect (arguably the largest) that is no longer around.

The other largest sect belongs to Veressa. Lo and behold, she absolutely lothes the Horde for what they did to her husband and Theramore. She was along side Jaina when they were forcefully removing the Sunreavers from Dalaran.

To this day the hatred only grows. They're allowed to visit the sunwell, sure, but that's it. The Sunwell is not in the kingdom. It's on an island off the coast of the continent. Besides, peace is nowhere near as interesting as war in warcraft. But all I've thrown at you are in-game and lore related reasons, no personal speculation or feelings on the matter.

The High elves of the Quel'lithien lodge are pretty much irrelevant as they were not affiliated with the Alliance or the Horde, and isolated themselves from the world (Even from other High elves) with only the bitter memory of their exile. If Nathanos had not attacked the lodge, (On his own accord) chances are they would have been more receptive to Theron's aid. But they all died and became wretches afterward anyway, so it's really a moot point.

The Quel'dorei remnants I'm referring to are the ones that remained with the Alliance, or are scattered across Azeroth and Outland (Many Quel'thalas expressed great remorse and sadness when they learned of Arthas's attack on Quel'thalas, but had no means of sending aid.) They had left Silvermoon because they attested to the use of Fel magic, and the siphoning of magic from creatures (Something blood elves have largely abandoned with the restoration of the Sunwell.) Not because of their hate for Blood Elves. The Void elves now present the same problem for them, as they now practice chaotic, and volatile void magic which threatens their very way of life.

Vereesa's partisan group does not represent the largest body of high elves, as the manga and other novels have suggested far more reside within the Hinterlands, and Alleria's stronghold in outland. And some are even friendly to the Blood elves like Gilveradin Sunchaser (Presumably a relative of Auric Sunchaser) who is friendly to Horde members, even offering them quests. The Highvale elves were neither exiled, nor left through political reasons as their lodge served as a communications outpost for Silvermoon that lost contact with Quel'thalas after Arthas attacked.

With the restoration of the Sunwell, relations noticably have improved however. This is evident by the presence of High elves on Quel'danas, and Auric's dialogue for when the Quel'dalar is restored by a Blood Elf. He shows no disdain for the Sin'dorei, and instead claims that both High elves and Blood elves should rally behind them, referring to both as "Children of Silvermoon" collectively. (It's worth noting that when a non Blood Elf returns the blade both Auric and the player are seized, even if the player is a member of the Horde, suggesting the hostility does not stem from a racial feud between the elves, but rather the safety of the artifact itself.) There are other instances of High elves and Blood Elves getting along like the High Elf Nalenn Heartreaver, a HIgh Elf paladin that is only available to the Horde, and travels with Blood Elves instead of other High elves. There was the notable case of High Elf Vyrin Swiftwind and her Blood Elf husband Talithar Swiftwind. Although the two were estranged, Vyrin had left on her own accord because she apposed the teachings of Kael'thas, while Talithar embraced them. Despite this she goes on to express a deep longing to reunite with him again once again to her Dwarven ally.

Also Vereesa does not hate the Horde, she hated Garrosh's Horde for killing Rhonin. This is further supported by the fact that she even briefly debates leaving the Alliance to join Sylvanas in Undercity with the new Horde. It was through their bonding, and kinship along with her anger with Garrosh that Vereesa was tempted to join her, which I imagine might be the case for many High elves with family and loved ones in Quel'thalas. She only decided against it because of her children, something many High elves might have left in Quel'thalas as well. If the Silver Covenant's leader itself could be tempted, I can't see why other High elves that are more nuetral wouldn't also be tempted, especially if their livelihood was threatened by the newly accept Void elves into the Alliance.

In the end, many of the social causes that separated the High Elves and Blood Elves have dissolved in one way or another, and there have been many occasions of both sides reaching to one another in hopes of reconciliation. It's not to say that all High Elves agree, as it's stated that many High elves do not share common ideals, opinions or goals, but it is certainly not a long shot that these fueds have simmered down with no catalyst to fuel them. Velen himself says the Sunwell represents a symbol of hope, and in time could rebirth the elven nation, as both Quel'dorei and Sin'dorei draw from it. I'd imagine both would fight to keep it safe, especially should the Void elves threaten it once again.
11/13/2018 01:38 PMPosted by Heliwyr

They are most definitely NOT welcome in Silvermoon. The current blood elf leader told them to leave when they came to help with the Armani. They are allowed pilgrimage to the sunwell. The sunwell is not in silvermoon.

They're allowed pilgrimage to the sunwell, but even then they're watched closely. Pilgrimage doesn't mean they'd be welcomed back, nor does it mean they'd want to go back
Where does it say they're closely watched? From what I saw, they're all lounging around, bathing in the light of the Sunwell amongst the Blood Elves, not herded into corners. It makes very little sense to suggest that they're not welcomed, for the Sin'dorei had no obligation to allow them access to the Well in the first place. It was an act of goodwill from Theron to help rekindle the relations between the Quel'dorei and Sin'dorei. We were already given an insight on how Theron sees the High elves, as he made great strides to assist and help them, and showed great remorse at the conditions they had lived in.
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<span class="truncated">...</span>

They're allowed pilgrimage to the sunwell, but even then they're watched closely. Pilgrimage doesn't mean they'd be welcomed back, nor does it mean they'd want to go back
Where does it say they're closely watched? From what I saw, they're all lounging around, bathing in the light of the Sunwell amongst the Blood Elves, not herded into corners. It makes very little sense to suggest that they're not welcomed, for the Sin'dorei had no obligation to allow them access to the Well in the first place. It was an act of goodwill from Theron to help rekindle the relations between the Quel'dorei and Sin'dorei. We were already given an insight on how Theron sees the High elves, as he made great strides to assist and help them, and showed great remorse at the conditions they had lived in.

IIRC dialogue in the Sunwell plateau for the Quel'delar quest outlines that the Blood Elves citizens aren't happy about the High Elves being there, and the High Elves don't feel safe being there.

Also don't the Blood Elves pretty much immediately try to execute all the High Elves if an Alliance player doesn't hand over the blade? I'm not 100% on that last bit.
I do not envy the participants of this thread whence the new forums roll out. Myself included. I fear a lot of false flagging will be done to posts simply out of spite.
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<span class="truncated">...</span>Where does it say they're closely watched? From what I saw, they're all lounging around, bathing in the light of the Sunwell amongst the Blood Elves, not herded into corners. It makes very little sense to suggest that they're not welcomed, for the Sin'dorei had no obligation to allow them access to the Well in the first place. It was an act of goodwill from Theron to help rekindle the relations between the Quel'dorei and Sin'dorei. We were already given an insight on how Theron sees the High elves, as he made great strides to assist and help them, and showed great remorse at the conditions they had lived in.

IIRC dialogue in the Sunwell plateau for the Quel'delar quest outlines that the Blood Elves citizens aren't happy about the High Elves being there, and the High Elves don't feel safe being there.

Also don't the Blood Elves pretty much immediately try to execute all the High Elves if an Alliance player doesn't hand over the blade? I'm not 100% on that last bit.
From when I did the Quel'dalar questline there were no dialogue signs that suggested discomfort for the High elves, or Blood elves, (And I spent quite a while wondering around, so I really doubt this is the case.) but if I'm wrong, I'll need a little more proof than your word.

And secondly they seize you even if you're a horde character, this suggests that it's less about race affiliations and more about the security for a revered Sin'dorei artifact.
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11/13/2018 03:32 PMPosted by Grabmytotem
I do not envy the participants of this thread whence the new forums roll out. Myself included. I fear a lot of false flagging will be done to posts simply out of spite.

Trust me, if they falsely flag you or spam flag posts just because they dont like, they are the ones that will get a forum vacation.
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11/13/2018 03:34 PMPosted by Softsong

IIRC dialogue in the Sunwell plateau for the Quel'delar quest outlines that the Blood Elves citizens aren't happy about the High Elves being there, and the High Elves don't feel safe being there.

Also don't the Blood Elves pretty much immediately try to execute all the High Elves if an Alliance player doesn't hand over the blade? I'm not 100% on that last bit.
From when I did the Quel'dalar questline there were no dialogue signs that suggested discomfort for the High elves, or Blood elves, (And I spent quite a while wondering around, so I really doubt this is the case.) but if I'm wrong, I'll need a little more proof than your word.

And secondly they seize you even if you're a horde character, this suggests that it's less about race affiliations and more about the security for a revered Sin'dorei artifact.

From what I recall, only the Alliance Side is seized - after Lorthemar tries to take hold of the blade but cannot. Rommath seizes you saying "What is this treachery?". The Silvermoon Gaurds go to Auric telling him to "Drop his weapons, traitor" - which Aruic replies saying that Quel'delar isn't chosen, it chooses who wields it.

The Horde side has you as the player take hold of the blade after being told to. Nothing happens to you. You are warned however by Halduron to be weary of Rommath and Lorthemar but that's about it.
They should just have the Void Elves seize the Sunwell and use it to cleanse the void corruption. It's not like they would really care what happens to Silvermoon anymore anyways.
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11/13/2018 03:32 PMPosted by Grabmytotem
I do not envy the participants of this thread whence the new forums roll out. Myself included. I fear a lot of false flagging will be done to posts simply out of spite.

As long as you're participating in the topic and being respectful you have nothing to fear.

It's going to be a lot harder for the trolls who just jump in here to harass and not contribute to the topic though.

Everyone needs to be on their best behavior. Anti and Pro.

Personally I'm excited to have a better report feature. Time to cut down on those personal attacks and bull crap.

11/13/2018 05:44 PMPosted by Gulrum
They should just have the Void Elves seize the Sunwell and use it to cleanse the void corruption. It's not like they would really care what happens to Silvermoon anymore anyways.

Or Void it into the Eclypse Well and make a large chunk of the Blood Elves into Void Elves.

Maybe that's why their population started out small.
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11/13/2018 02:50 PMPosted by Softsong

The High elves of the Quel'lithien lodge are pretty much irrelevant as they were not affiliated with the Alliance or the Horde, and isolated themselves from the world (Even from other High elves) with only the bitter memory of their exile. If Nathanos had not attacked the lodge, (On his own accord) chances are they would have been more receptive to Theron's aid. But they all died and became wretches afterward anyway, so it's really a moot point.

You say they're irrelevant to your point, but I brought them up as the group that had the best chance of being any sort of sympathetic to what the blood elves have become, and the story they have carved for themselves.

The Quel'dorei remnants I'm referring to are the ones that remained with the Alliance, or are scattered across Azeroth and Outland (Many Quel'thalas expressed great remorse and sadness when they learned of Arthas's attack on Quel'thalas, but had no means of sending aid.) They had left Silvermoon because they attested to the use of Fel magic, and the siphoning of magic from creatures (Something blood elves have largely abandoned with the restoration of the Sunwell.) Not because of their hate for Blood Elves. The Void elves now present the same problem for them, as they now practice chaotic, and volatile void magic which threatens their very way of life.

So now because they don't use as much fel magic as they used to, you believe that will be enough to make amends for everything else that's transpired thus far? I would imagine it to be even more difficult to gain the sympathy from those loyal to the Alliance simply because the Sunwell is back (which they can just visit anyways). You can't simply ignore everything else that has transpired since that fracture happened in the near past. The entire defining story about the High Elves you are specifically targeting is a sect that chose loyalty over race. Why would they change their mind now?

They did not originally hate their own kind, no. That is not why they left. The hatred came afterwards during the events of Theramore and the heavy involvement the Sunreavers had towards helping create the mana bomb. Not to mention the massive rift there already was starting in WotLK between the Sunreavers and Silver Covenant.

Vereesa's partisan group does not represent the largest body of high elves, as the manga and other novels have suggested far more reside within the Hinterlands, and Alleria's stronghold in outland. And some are even friendly to the Blood elves like Gilveradin Sunchaser (Presumably a relative of Auric Sunchaser) who is friendly to Horde members, even offering them quests. The Highvale elves were neither exiled, nor left through political reasons as their lodge served as a communications outpost for Silvermoon that lost contact with Quel'thalas after Arthas attacked.

The Highvale may have some who are sympathetic, but are far, FAR closer to the native inhabitants (Wildhammer) and the Draenei that have taken refuge there. It's one thing to look at what your kingdom has become and feel sorry for them, it's another to change your entire lifestyle to join into what you feel 'sympathetic' for in the first place.

With the restoration of the Sunwell, relations noticably have improved however. This is evident by the presence of High elves on Quel'danas, and Auric's dialogue for when the Quel'dalar is restored by a Blood Elf. He shows no disdain for the Sin'dorei, and instead claims that both High elves and Blood elves should rally behind them, referring to both as "Children of Silvermoon" collectively. (It's worth noting that when a non Blood Elf returns the blade both Auric and the player are seized, even if the player is a member of the Horde, suggesting the hostility does not stem from a racial feud between the elves, but rather the safety of the artifact itself.)

The irony is that he states this while both the player and himself are surrounded by both Sunreaver and Silver Covenant NPC's with clear selfish intent to claim the relic for themselves. I'm not saying there aren't sympathisers and those who wish for peace and unity between the races, but they are so disgustingly outnumbered by the two opposing sides that they may as well be a bucket of water against a wildfire. The entire WotLK storyline (including the Quel'dalar) scenario is a constant theme of potential unity blossoming before something horrible happens that further severs the two main factions (Wrathgate, Pit of Saron where the horde and alliance slaves and their corresponding leaders are killed just as they spout something related to working together).

So I'm not saying that there aren't those within those sects you pointed out that don't want unity, but time and again those who look and reach out to the other side for too long and make any headway toward peace usually end up dying somehow for the sake of preserving conflict.

There are other instances of High elves and Blood Elves getting along like the High Elf Nalenn Heartreaver, a HIgh Elf paladin that is only available to the Horde, and travels with Blood Elves instead of other High elves. There was the notable case of High Elf Vyrin Swiftwind and her Blood Elf husband Talithar Swiftwind. Although the two were estranged, Vyrin had left on her own accord because she apposed the teachings of Kael'thas, while Talithar embraced them. Despite this she goes on to express a deep longing to reunite with him again once again to her Dwarven ally.

See above.

Also Vereesa does not hate the Horde, she hated Garrosh's Horde for killing Rhonin.

Here's the thing; Garrosh's Horde is still the Horde. They aren't some different group of people. They aren't some different demonic blood infused hybrids. It was the Horde. More so, it was the Blood Elves that helped create the mana bomb with the stolen focusing iris.

This is further supported by the fact that she even briefly debates leaving the Alliance to join Sylvanas in Undercity with the new Horde.

Right. She had a moment of weakness because she hated where the Alliance was going with the trial. The fact that there was a trial at all is the reason why she almost decided to leave, but she ended up not doing so because of her family and loyalty and because she wasn't likely looking to die and be resurrected. She was tempted to go be with her sister before thinking better of it.

It was through their bonding, and kinship along with her anger with Garrosh that Vereesa was tempted to join her, which I imagine might be the case for many High elves with family and loved ones in Quel'thalas.

I can't speak for Veressa, but you can't make it seem like she was in the same boat as any other person in that world at that time. She just lost her husband to this man and his Horde, nobody was sympathising with her over her loss and that fury was building into wanting to take action. The only other person there that was willing to do that was Sylvanas because (surprise surprise) she's a homicidal maniac with brilliant motives and plans for everything.

She only decided against it because of her children, something many High elves might have left in Quel'thalas as well. If the Silver Covenant's leader itself could be tempted, I can't see why other High elves that are more nuetral wouldn't also be tempted, especially if their livelihood was threatened by the newly accept Void elves into the Alliance.

By this logic it's only a matter of time before Blood Elves become a part of the Alliance as a whole because Lor'themar was involved with secret talks with Anduin about rejoining the Alliance in the past, but had a change of heart at the end because of how things turned out.

In the end, many of the social causes that separated the High Elves and Blood Elves have dissolved in one way or another, and there have been many occasions of both sides reaching to one another in hopes of reconciliation.

This is true and you have provided much evidence to that fact, but at the same time it's important to not ignore every single counterpoint that points to a building conflict in the horizon. It's in everyone's best interest to try and work together, but something always happens to further split everyone apart.
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11/13/2018 06:02 PMPosted by Drede
11/13/2018 03:32 PMPosted by Grabmytotem
I do not envy the participants of this thread whence the new forums roll out. Myself included. I fear a lot of false flagging will be done to posts simply out of spite.

As long as you're participating in the topic and being respectful you have nothing to fear.

It's going to be a lot harder for the trolls who just jump in here to harass and not contribute to the topic though.

Everyone needs to be on their best behavior. Anti and Pro.

Personally I'm excited to have a better report feature. Time to cut down on those personal attacks and bull crap.

11/13/2018 05:44 PMPosted by Gulrum
They should just have the Void Elves seize the Sunwell and use it to cleanse the void corruption. It's not like they would really care what happens to Silvermoon anymore anyways.

Or Void it into the Eclypse Well and make a large chunk of the Blood Elves into Void Elves.

Maybe that's why their population started out small.

Well that would certainly be something dark that the alliance could do to strike at the last Horde stronghold on the EK.
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11/13/2018 03:32 PMPosted by Grabmytotem
I do not envy the participants of this thread whence the new forums roll out. Myself included. I fear a lot of false flagging will be done to posts simply out of spite.

Almost makes you wonder if the new forums are a means of stopping these threads (among others)...

Also bump for High Elves!
11/13/2018 06:12 PMPosted by Talendrion
Well that would certainly be something dark that the alliance could do to strike at the last Horde stronghold on the EK.

It would make an awesome Cutscene.

Or the player just accidentally catapults Alleria into the Sunwell.
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11/13/2018 06:12 PMPosted by Talendrion
11/13/2018 06:02 PMPosted by Drede

As long as you're participating in the topic and being respectful you have nothing to fear.

It's going to be a lot harder for the trolls who just jump in here to harass and not contribute to the topic though.

Everyone needs to be on their best behavior. Anti and Pro.

Personally I'm excited to have a better report feature. Time to cut down on those personal attacks and bull crap.


Or Void it into the Eclypse Well and make a large chunk of the Blood Elves into Void Elves.

Maybe that's why their population started out small.

Well that would certainly be something dark that the alliance could do to strike at the last Horde stronghold on the EK.

I kinda think they are doing the whole pruning thing with cities. Old ones are being destroyed to make room for new ones like Boralus (they probably didn't want city bloat). I could fully see them destroying both Silvermoon and the Exodar next tbh.
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11/13/2018 07:29 PMPosted by Gulrum
11/13/2018 06:12 PMPosted by Talendrion

Well that would certainly be something dark that the alliance could do to strike at the last Horde stronghold on the EK.

I kinda think they are doing the whole pruning thing with cities. Old ones are being destroyed to make room for new ones like Boralus (they probably didn't want city bloat). I could fully see them destroying both Silvermoon and the Exodar next tbh.

Probably! Depends on what you mean by city bloat I guess. In terms of like portals I suppose so. But from a perspective of server load the old cities are still a thing. Just phased. So who knows!
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They're allowed pilgrimage to the sunwell, but even then they're watched closely. Pilgrimage doesn't mean they'd be welcomed back, nor does it mean they'd want to go back
Where does it say they're closely watched? From what I saw, they're all lounging around, bathing in the light of the Sunwell amongst the Blood Elves, not herded into corners. It makes very little sense to suggest that they're not welcomed, for the Sin'dorei had no obligation to allow them access to the Well in the first place. It was an act of goodwill from Theron to help rekindle the relations between the Quel'dorei and Sin'dorei. We were already given an insight on how Theron sees the High elves, as he made great strides to assist and help them, and showed great remorse at the conditions they had lived in.

Do the broken hilt quest for the Alliance, they severely distrust Auric and any Alliance High Elf for that matter