10/17/2018 06:20 AMPosted by
Black people and white people are literally humans
Blood elves and high elves are literally the same race
It’s that easy, just because they may call themselves something different does not make them a different race
And yet in both cases, there are different potential customization options! Let's add those through the addition of High Elves.
[Edit]: Personally I hope High Elves have some darker skin options too. Someone posted pictures in the Discord of their High Elf concept.
Look at that. Absolutely beautiful.
This will be a bit of an aside for HE and it's most about elves in general.
x I love WoW elves, but if there's one thing I want from them beyond High Elves, it would really be some larger diversity: Elves were the race that conquered all of ancient Kalimdor, and IMO, we could have had a lot of more ethnic differentiation going on, but as fantasy is bound to it seems, like we really got saddled with white elves first and foremost. But like, everything we have discovered of Elves since War2 could very well support a lot more of variety.
Besides my model edits with humans stance where I already added more skin tones, I do other VE->HE conversions as seen above, based on artwork I have done of them.
Warrior (Drawing): https://66.media.tumblr.com/ac9c4f4452280aaff1f0910866d229e2/tumblr_pcvc5g6oRH1smv67eo1_1280.png
Warrior (Paintover): https://66.media.tumblr.com/e0a1c2d60529838194173bbb590c0b81/tumblr_pgr494TnQ01smv67eo1_1280.png
Hunter (Drawing): https://66.media.tumblr.com/dfdc4c292e156caa98e7ee10b98648e2/tumblr_pflruaorNJ1smv67eo1_1280.png
Hunter (Paintover): https://66.media.tumblr.com/c2b95046ebb070881dc135dd06d9165c/tumblr_inline_pgr3r8AzRP1r9sebx_1280.png
Her family had a Suramar background, so I'm exploring the idea that Suramaritan Elves had their own group differentiation on the days of the empire (darker skin, almond shaped eyes) so the idea is that those phenotypes already existed before the Nightborne came to be.
I really liked the idea of the Warcraft movie of casting an asian actor for a High Elf, although I can see how he personally wasn't what we would call attractive on that way we think of elves -which is by itself, debatable as a premise tbh- But like, imagine they would have cast someone like Dichen Lachman to play a High Elf.
I really love that the HotS Alexstraza model has an east asian sensibility to her as well
So I really feel there is a lot more WoW could be doing with their elves beyond the White Tolkien Elf base it all came from.