The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Much better. I hope for Ogre players that this is the model they get.

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They did it in heroes of the storm.

Haha. You can only log on with a friend. One person drives and uses physical skills and the other casts magic.

Takes two slots in a party.


Should Blizz choose to add Ogres at all I’d hope they’d be ballsy enough to attempt to include that as an option. Probably wouldn’t happen, though

God, I came here to talk and debate about High Elves, and you people have me gushing over Ogres!


But look at the image I posted. Compare the LD old ogre model with Rexxar’s head.

Same nose. Same mouth. Same eyes (even similar tatoos). Same ears. Rexxar model even has the “slot” in the forehead where the horn should be.

Why did they make that head for a character that always uses a cowl?

Because it’s an ogre head.
I think that’s a test for a HD ogre model. THought I think playable ogres won’t have Rexxar’s abs.


And Arator is a Half-Elf, is he not? Playable Ogres probably wouldn’t get that exact model, but I just can’t help but gush over how amazing a high res Ogre model would look


Go represent.

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is that a hearthstone reference?


No, at least not one I’m aware of.

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that is too tough for me. I have said this a lot before. I like everything. What is my “favorite” very much can change on a whim. Sometimes it will be like that for weeks while other times I’ll go through 4 or 5 races in a day.

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ah, okay. Ogre cards in hearthstone are infamous for having this 50% mechanic to attack something else and so on. The cards vary in what exactly they are affecting with that 50% random chance.


It was a coincidence.

Or fate. Who knows?


If you want to get more in depth about Ogres or read some of the discussion on them there is a Megathread.

I was hoping it was a reference too.

I’m thinking something like.

----Links about the request for High Elves----
----Blue Quotes about High Elves----
----Fanart for High Elves—
----Discredits against arguments against High Elves----
----Why they are relevant.----

And just letting people fill it in.


a racial with some kind of cleave like this would be interesting to work on


50% to knock enemies within 5 yards in front of the play to the left and 50% to knock them to the right. Also deals x amount of damage and non player enemies are stunned for 2 seconds.


Considering 2019 is looking to be a lean year, I would imagine anything added to the game to increase micro transactions (like race changes, level boosts, etc…) would be something of a priority. It’s plausible we might see High Elves before the year is out, especially towards the end of the year when they’re looking to really push the numbers for the annual report.

I don’t believe it personally, but it’s possible. It’d obviously be for the money, but PR can play it off as, “We asked what you wanted to see added, and we’re happy to deliver it to you. We do listen to feedback.”


Blizzard should keep ap gear next expansion, so many people dont like them blizz doesnt want to look like they caved in to the player base and got rid of them.


2 minute CD. 10 second duration.
Your Attacks/Spells/Heals have a 50% chance to hit your target or a nearby target for X% AP/SP.


Could actually make this work by saying some nelfs who survived and believed Elune turned her back on their people and converted to the light.

Or, much more simple, having the already-established paladin Delas Moonfang start training other Priestesses of the Moon in the arts of the war. The nelf paladin order could even be called “Moonfang” something.


Yeah. That’s something too. They’re trying to prove that they listen to their players. Not really a better way to do it than add the thing their players ask for the most.