The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

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I may have been more scrict than necessary. I feel it can be similar, but does not need to be exactly the same. I just don’t think a high elf place should be like Silvermoon, where magic is everywhere and people can’t live without it. A high elf place should feel more natural.

To be fair, as I’ve stated before, I’d like an Elven District in Stormwind, right behind the Mage District, as a combination of Night Elven and High Elven design, so I doubt you’d see as much magic there as you would in Silvermoon, if I had my way at least.

Mind you, there is a big difference between being able to live without magic, and having it as a convenience.

I’d like to imagine a High Elven settlement to be a place of learning, philosophy, art, education. I’d like to think rather than Sanctums they would have libraries, and these libraries would have more than just magical knowledge within them. Magic remains a central part of their lives, but again, as a means to an end, rather than the end itself. The relationship between High Elven Rangers and Mages would be one of respect and gratitude.

Will Battlemages exist? Of course. But for your average High Elf, in which magic is a part of their daily lives, I don’t think that should change over-much. Do I think we need to see a High Elf using magic to make a knife butter their toast? Absolutely not. Do I want to see a High Elven Blacksmith using magic when forging armaments for the Silver Covenant? Yes. Do I want to see magic brooms sweeping buildings/roads? No. Do I want to see an enchanted tome that is a catalogue of a library’s contents and can bring a book directly to you? Yes.

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Then I think we may have reached an agreement. You convinced me.


How does one know their forum rank? I’ve posted youtube links before but can’t for Imgur for the sake of a picture. Is there an allowed site for posting pictures?

Go to your profile and type .jrd after the html.

Then look. It’ll say each forum rank you’ve accumulated.

Not that I know. You post post the URL with the [code ][/ code] tags and people can copy/paste to see it. If they are appropriate, I have enough rank to repost your URL so everyone can see it.

Your rank is defined by your activity. This thread explains it. There’s no easy way to check your rank, but the thread also has some info on how to do it.

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I appreciate the information Alamara thanks so much. But it’s essentially what I was talking about earlier.

It’s how I imagine the end territory barriers after the aforementioned starting zone experience. (It’s instanced so there is a 30-60 questing bracket later)
Wildhammers & Quel’dorei share one instance [Like Gnome and Dwarf Questing]
Revantusk Forest Trolls in another.

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From what I see you are thrust Level 2

I really like this idea, I’ve always seen High Elves as being more respectful of magic and how they use it.


Your image here:

Fun thing: I had some similar ideas about making Seradane high elven territory (with Dalaran floating over it to boot), and Jinta’alor becoming a Horde city.


I think the main issue in Seradane becoming a High Elven settlement is the World Tree. Druids use it as part of their class hall. They’re able to travel to each World Tree. Planting an Alliance settlement over one would really put Horde Druids at a disadvantage.

It was a pre-Legion idea. Nowadays there’s also the return of Nightmare dragons during WoW aniversaries. But before Legion, the are was essentially useless.

Nowadays, I’d prefer to simply expand Quel’danil into a town:

This is a collection of ideas to turn Quel’danil Lodge into a small high elven town, to act as a “capital” of sorts for an hypothetical high elf allied race.

The idea is that the highvale, the Silver Covenant and the void elves unite to create a new home. Quel’danil is perfect for an update, since it has very little content nowadays (in essence, 2 important NPCs and 3 interactable quest objects), so it could be reworked with minimum effort.

The main lodge would house martial classes. The main defenders would be a gestalt group of rangers, formed from all 3 elven groups.

The mage tower over the cliff would be staffed by Silver Covenant mages.

A hidden cave behind the waterfall would be maintained by the ren’dorei and decorated with void elf aesthetics. It would include a portal to Telogrus.

Even if playable high elves never come to be, I’d love to see something like that implemented. It would work for void elves as well, as a complementary “capital” beyond the barren islands of Telogrus Rift.


As much as I like the idea you’ve laid out for Quel’Danil, I still can’t see them accepting Magic within their settlement. I think we’ll have to rule Quel’Danil out as a potential home for the High Elves. Aside from that it’s a lot of work to do, remodeling that area, and can pose issues with questing from Cataclysm.

An addition to Stormwind that also gives something to Night Elves, and is accessible to more players, feels like the right way to go, to me at least. I mean, I’d gladly accept a slightly modified Dalaran hovering over some remote part of the ocean, but that’s a whole lot of space for an area exclusive to High Elf players, if it follows the same restrictions as more spaces like the Telogrus Rift or Lightforged Vindicaar.

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I think people and ideas evolve. A comic saying something does not mean it’s an immutable rule.

Actually, not. The area itself is barely used in questing. There’s 2 interactable NPCs and 3 objects, and an alternate phase (the Horde attack) that could easily be maintained. It’s not used for anything else.

An elven district behind the mage district is yet another idea I’ve contemplated. I have a lot of different solutions for things, some of them even mutually exclusive. I like to keep it open, so whatever comes I’m okay with it.

I would really like a full elven district in stormwind but at the same time I do believe org and stormwind may be getting updated sometime soon so it would be weird to add an elven district to just change the entire city soon after.

The addition could always be as part of an update. The Mag’har, for example, use space within Orgrimmar that already exists. An Elven district could be added to Stormwind, and when High Elves becoming playable, be their starting location.


true but the way I see it is high elves being a pre order bonus for the next expansion but the capitals wouldn’t get updated until the 9.0 pre patch.


My idea would be making a new island off the east coast of the Eastern Kingdoms as their new “Homeland” since that side of the map is underused and it would allow for them to use their Elven Frigates like in Warcraft 2.


I like that idea.

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Hey I also had the Idea pre-Legion, but I only revisted it recently.

Yes this is true, but the questline I made wasn’t shared. But in it they change the tree into something else, it won’t function as a Dream Portal Tree anymore because one it’s unfair. And two you can shut down those portals, the one in Feralas was supposed to be closed in Cataclysm but I suppose Blizzard forgot that in Legion.

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Yes, I pretend he’s a Frost specialization Battle-Mage. :slight_smile:
Until they give us High Elves, he’s my high elf.