The UI Is The Final Straw For Me

Literally how?

Just started with the nonsense off the rip.

Add-ons - bartender 4,leatrix plus,leatrix maps edit and options menu…withe these tools you can set up the screen anyway you like.

Guys, last night I figured out one of my issues with the UI wasn’t only the edit sizing.
I turned on UI scaling and scaled it ALL the way down, then sized up the UI elements to fit and now it’s perfect.

I really think people should try the UI scaled then resize everything else, it helped so much.

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I have always has a minimalistic UI, I use bartender and there were no major changes for me, all I had to do was move the creepy eye. I do find that the tool tips are too big and they get in the way of my healing grid, I found a script that reduces the size of the tool tips, but ideally I would like to see that these can be toggled off and on in the Wow Interface Options.

I cannot find a work around for the flag carrier bars when doing bgs, they seem to have disappeared which is a major pain for me. I am wondering if this is a complete oversite by Blizzard, as I can’t find anything in the UI to turn the lag carrier bars back on.

Hard to use? You literally have all the options in front of you and you can easily make the UI how you want. If you can’t overcome something so simple than this, then yeah you need to go. There is even a Classic option for you.

I like the thought, but I’m bummed that it feels half implemented. UI 101 always let folks who want to keep the old look, check a box and keep old look.

  1. Edit/config – needed this forever, I wanted to love it, but it’s half baked as I can only move 10% of the things that ‘moveanything’ add on allowed me to do. I can’t even re-size the chat box or the inventory bag. I’m old and blind, I need cartoonish icons, despite how they look. :wink:

UI 201 – implement features of addons that millions of people have downloaded. Instant success/user bliss. i.e. sexymap, moveanything, kui/plater/tidy-threat plates, bartender/dominos, DBM, weak auras, inventorian/bagnon/bagbuddy/etc.

  1. I love that little pop-up fishing what you caught and the journal may be fantastic if similar to fishingbuddy retaining info on where and percentages caught.

  2. I’m excited about the profession windows new look.

  3. I hope this sounds balanced and not negative. I’m sure the devs worked their tails off to get it in on time and on budget. Hopefully, it’s a work in progress and will continue to improve. The UI needed some love since forever. Activision let my people go so they can create brilliance. :wink:

you can always click the drop down in the edit portion and click classic layout…

I had basically the same setup on all my characters on Bartender and Dominos so after I saved a template I just swapped to the template on all other characters.

Honestly if this new UI is confusing and hard to use and you are having issues wrapping your mind around it, then it might be time for you to move on.

This is baby-level stuff meant to bring many QoL changes to the UI. If the end result is that you can’t handle such a simple thing, you need to step back and work on yourself. Do a lot of reading. Lots of brain exercises to bring you up to the standard.

Did everyone else get a completely different UI from me or something? This is the most intuitive and easy to use default UI I’ve ever seen in any game. The only problem I have with it is that it doesn’t save my settings, and every time I go through a loading screen it resets it back to the default settings, as well as the fact that some of the UI elements can’t be moved or resized. Even the default settings are just fine in most cases, and 99% of players won’t have to move any part of the UI at all.

It can be resized, but it’s not readily apparent. You have to go into edit mode and click on the chat window you want to resize. After you’ve selected it, a small arrow icon will appear in the bottom right corner (hard to see, almost the exact same color of the selected window). Just click, hold and drag the arrow to resize the window.

Edit: Be careful when dragging the arrow. If you go off the bottom of the screen, the window will expand very rapidly and may expand up to half the size of your whole screen. This is easily fixed, but figured I should mention it.

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