The Two extra cosmetic masks rewarded for the Troll Heritage armour quest should be 300-500% bigger

As per the title of this post, it is my firm belief that The Two extra cosmetic masks rewarded for the Troll Heritage armour quest should be 300-500% bigger when worn by Trolls.

Trolls in WoW are known to use humongous masks which include as pets, decoration, as worn by Shadow Hunters in WC3 and other troll concept art. However, until even recently, there are no usable Rus Kah Masks available to Troll Players that would fit the majestic huge size of the wooden masks often depicted in any Troll concept art.

At the very least, the masks should be the size of a shield or the size of the back piece of the Troll heritage armour to represent the true sheer majesty of Troll culture in wow.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


My thoughts exactly, funnily enough they were old assets that hung on a wall in WoD and they were huge, they shrunk them down for this and clearly way over did it. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy they included them since Trolls seriously lacked masks that can be used accross all armor types but these masks are so small they’re completely unserviceable, it would have made morse sense to make them comically huge in keeping with real voodoo masks and established lore, atleast you could wear them shirtless or something to avoid clipping.



Exactly, now they’ve got 3 masks to fix instead of 1. I’m not going to hound them about fixing the 2 extra since they’re extra but they really should. That Heritage mask on the other hand is an oabomination.


Seriosuly? As if the first mask they gave us wasn’t bad enough, why’d they make the other two so friggin small? Is this some kind of a sick joke?


I was so hopeful and excited to hear there were going to be two other masks to choose from! Then I saw them and I was like “What the heck?” Why are they sooooo little?? Aren’t Voodoo masks traditionally large? Why was this the go?


They’d probably fit Goblins just fine since they’re small too (Not gnomes because their heads are the same size as Trolls, lol). Really though, how come they’re so small? Shouldn’t they be much bigger? What was the thought process there? Troll Micro Masks, hmmmmmm.

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Even in real life Voodoo where the inspiration for these masks comes from they’re often times very large. A buddy of mine has one from Somalia, it’s huge and was used in actual Voodoo rituals. These little things don’t match anything let alone the heritage sets.


Wish we could test this, wait can we? I need to check if they’re moggable for non Trolls! I’ve got a creeping suspicion they’ll fit Humans perfectly…


lol no they aren’t they don’t appear in my transmog options, looks like they’re just for Troll but since the design the mogs on Human models I wouldn’t be surprised if they did only fit Humans.

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The brown version of the Darkspearf Heritage armour mix and matches well enough with the Blood Troll set and fortunately, Shaman and Hunters can mix and match the red version of the heritage set with Shaman’s Legion set.

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I got a mask for ya right here! Check out this post and follow the links from it Fuzzbutt is on to something about the nose under the mask, this ain’t right and all that material bunched up over the nose, there’s more to it than just the nose being covered.


I fully support this because it worries me that my Troll brothers and sisters resort to wearing my clan’s Laughing Skull Masks as alternatives.


I’d be happy with a version of the heritage mask without the trunk. The rest of it looks fine.


The extra masks look they belong on my knees, not the face. They are so small they barely cover my nose.

This is like complaining that the icecream man only gave you 1 scoop instead of 2, then he’s like “alright fine here you go” and hands you a cone full of poo.

I’m actually convinced that Blizzard doesn’t have anyone working quality control if they let these masks make it into the game.


I concur that it looks fine (except for the belt and mask), but I don’t feel like fine should be the standard. There was a ton they could have done with this and there’s actually a negative amount of fan service present in this set. As just another Troll mog, it’s gootch to the nooch bring it on down town, but this is The Heritage Set, and there’s a very high likelihood the Darkspear won’t be getting anything else for a very long time.


Couldn’t have said it better myself, right down to the desire for better knee plates. **Chefs kiss.

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Thank you, this has been a long standing issue between our two tribes lol


Yeah, when I saw them I was like…“is that it?”. They could certainly use a size increase.


Conveniently they seem to fit the human model just fine…

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I also noticed that on wow head.

“Jeez, those stings on the mask look completely off on troll male, let’s see how it looks on human” …

“Yea it looks just fine.”

Maybe those masks should’ve been given to humans instead Blizzard, eh?