The Twink Menace

Cluster B forum-enjoyers think everything is a bait thread. Please close this thread mods since it is off topic and became toxic.

I guess this is this week’s “outrage” topic.

Those are usually non-issues, but I think this one takes the cake as the biggest manufactured problem I’ve seen in a while.

Guess that means the game is doing pretty well if this is all y’all can come up with.


I was hoping this was about something else


I’ll say what I said before in another thread:

This is Remix scaling outside of Remix. That needs fixed. In Remix, it’s fun, because that’s part of Remix hilarity. Outside of that mode, it shouldn’t be detrimental to the whole group and scaling needs tuned.

In the meantime, if no one is happy in the dungeon with the twink screwing people out of dungeon credit or getting people killed by running ahead, then VTK. If you don’t want to risk running into them in the first place, run with friends or guildies.

Oh hey, haven’t seen you in a while. How ya been?


I don’t think it’s unreasonable for Blizzard to revisit scaling so that Twinking isn’t so dominantly powerful.

Twinks are heroes of my weekly 5 dungeon chore quest.

Love y’all, ignore the yappers!


Not bad, guild exploded, buncha people I thought I was chums with turned out not be chums

And my “vacation” expired, so may as well waste time on here again


Ahh, that sucks. Been there.

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Aww I’m sorry. :slightly_frowning_face::people_hugging:

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Thread isn’t to converse with your friends. Keep that to in-game.

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Unless you stopped to fight the invisible imaginary mobs that the tanks already killed, this is a you problem


Just how many more of these threads do we need? The topic has been beaten to death, buried, dug up, beaten some more, reburied and so on.

The scaling is broken, it is not the twinks fault, it is blizz.

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Whoops… my bad. Misread the title. Now I want twinkies.

/leaves and heads to the store

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The sad truth is that Blizzard makes game decisions based on how much “outrage” (manufactured or justified) there is on the forums. Or particularly on Twitter.

Players on the forums aren’t representative of the majority. And it’s only a tiny subsection of those that are seemingly upset about this. Yet they make a lot of noise.

The real problem here is that content scaling is a fundamentally broken idea. Putting level 10 and 80s in the same group was foreseeably bad and Blizzard was warned.

I was happy with the previous system where anyone could farm TW specific gear if they watned to. TW dungeons weren’t hard enough or annoying enough where that was mandatory. There was an active community around this and Blizzard nuked teh whole thing, creating this “problem”.

Remix worked exactly like this except high levels became OP if they maxed their gear so nobody cared. Retail is like Remix without the payoff at max level.

And people think the problem is the low levels?

You created the 10th or so new thread on this same topic. You could’ve just responded to one of those instead of making a new one.

At least them chatting with each other and catching up is new.


Maybe you can apply for a moderator position since you are so bothered?


At least you tried


No one answers why a lvl 11 can throw down with 200 mobs izi but 25 people cant just slap a boss who stands there and slaps back for the same thing (dopamine)

In your honor, a Meme of Meme :blue_heart: