The truth on why you'll never get Worgen tails

Hey, we should get optional tails! Have a questline to unlock the tail option (Could be a blessing from Goldrinn or something) and option to hide weapons so we can fight with our claws.

Yes. They’re incapable of implementing it since the A team is long gone.

The reason worgen don’t have tails, is because having a tail suggest and andromorph wolf, which is not what worgen are, rather than a traditional werewolf, which IS what worgen are (well with a wow spin to make it fit in lore).

We have beast races in wow, and they have tails because they are are anthromorphed versions of the animal, rather than being a monster race. Tauren=bull, pandaren=pandas, vulpera=foxes. None of these are meant to be monster races, rather they’re beast races. Tails make them retain that animalistic nature, art direction wise.

Worgen, instead, are a monster race. They were supposed to be the monster race for the alliance, after draenei failed to capture that. The only tie in with animalistic races, are that the monster they happen to be is based on wolves in pop culture/mythology, but they’re not meant to be anthro wolves themselves. Not having the tail, art direciton wise, helps sell this.

If Blizz was willing to “we change our minds lol” their way into letting not only Draenei but LIGHTFORGED DRAENEI become Warlocks, I do not understand why people are so stuck up about how Worgen shouldn’t be allowed the OPTION to have tails if a player wants

People out here dropping lore references as if Blizzard doesn’t recon and rewrite history that sometimes even we as players personally experienced

The current “canon” worgen lore doesn’t even line up with the literal in-game intro quest lore anymore, but tails are where people draw the line in the sand lmao

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Again I’m suddenly reminded that the ones vehemently against this idea somehow equate tails with things like furries or “anime wolfgirls” and they are absolutely afraid of being even remotely connected to those things. The rest of us, though, never even consider that thought, as we’re not obsessed with furries or anime wolfgirls.


I have to disagree with this, since there is a very large, non-druidic church in the middle of the city of Gilneas. As for the rest, I shall quote myself from a post I made in the long-standing thread (over three years old, with Fourteen Thousand plus posts) concerning our request for tail options, in reply to someone asking why we had “never gotten a blue reply” :

This is only conjecture, but it’s likely they don’t intend to implement our request any time soon…if ever…and to publicly respond here on the forums is tantamount to making an official statement about it.

In other words, no real harm to their reputation (or income) would occur if they came here to say we would be getting tail options soon®…but to actually announce they planned NOT to would be disastrous. There would likely be a great deal of negative fallout, both for being parsimonious, and for waiting so long to tell us. People would walk, and take their money with them.

So, they haven’t, and probably won’t. I’m no longer optimistic on this issue, because they’ve given us no reason to be.

I’ll happily admit to being wrong if a developer were to demonstrate the fortitude to tell us one way or the other…or more accurately, if the leadership allowed them to.

Great Argument but the beast races in world of warcraft come from beast ancients (spirit gods)

Worgen are from Goldrin A WOLF spirit God .

Maybe in the old lore when they were from the Twisting nether your argument made since but with the current lore… tails make sense even more.

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To my understanding, no, most of the Worgen playerbase aren’t 14 year old boys trying to muddle their way through puberty without a father figure.

I’m not talking about lore, I’m talking about art direction. The beast races are themed to be anthromorph cows/foxes/pandas.

Worgen are themed to be traditional werewolves. Tails lessen the “monsterness” of them, and put them more in the anthro animal camp.

Even in a lore standpoint though, the fact they come from Goldrinn means very little. It’s still a curse that spreads like a werewolf, hence, it’s still a monster race, more akin to the forsaken than anything. You don’t see people turning into Tauren, because even in lore, they’re different.

“Yeah, well, you know, that’s just like, uh, your opinion, man.” - The Dude.

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Opinion of a professional artist, working in a relevant field (animation)

Tails are cute and are an inherently animalistic feature. It’s why in other media, very little of it has werewolves with tails, because werewovles are meant to be monsters, and in like 90% of the time horror based, “cute”, and things tying them to actual wolves more so than they need to be, are out.

Then refer to the Wogen concept art…which unfortunately, I don’t have the trust level to link. There is nothing cute about the savagely brutal looking…and tailed…were-creatures in those images. The worg companions my character travels with don’t appear to be anything but lethal killing machines, despite their hirsute rear appendages.

Besides…with the direction Blizzard took the last time model updates were made to Worgen, maintaining a monstrous demeaner doesn’t appear to be a priority.

I remember those. You mean the two female worgen concept art?

So here’s the thing with concept art. It’s one artist, just brain dumping what they could look like. And I agree, some pieces, probably more than we’ve seen publicly, likely included tails. Doesn’t mean it’s the final product, and things likely don’t get included.

You also right, they’re not necessarily “cute” in this case, but in my opinion, and I’d bet this is why it wasn’t included, they make them look more like an anthro wolf, than a werewolf. Also I’m not saying the worg pets you have don’t look vicious, sure, but that’s not the point. They’re animals. If you made anthro’d them then yea they’d probably have tails, but that’s because they’re not werewolves.

Also I agree, blizzard made them less monstrous when they were updated, but I think that was a mistake, considering they’re, again, literal werewolves. In fact I used to be a worgen but swapped to dwarf shortly after they were updated for that exact reason.

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I’m still losing IQ over the idea that worgen tails is a fighting cause.

To each their own I guess.

Yikes! You might want to avoid this thread then, it would be awful to lose the ability to…tie your shoelaces or something.

You know I only kid.

Slightly off topic, but I like how they show all those images of Gilneas City and how they’re going to one day reclaim it.

Considering how much time has passed in-universe, I would think that Gilneas City would probably have to be almost completely rebuilt from scratch considering by now nearly every single structure would probably be an unsalvageable decayed ruin.

As for the actual topic here, Blizzard currently seems to be very much against the idea of werewolves having tails as evidenced by the fact that they retconned Diablo werewolves to be tailless.

Meanwhile in Diablo’s Sanctuary, the tailless curse makes its way, as even D2r druids lose their tails too. And D4 also lacks tails

Devs at blizzard/activision just hate werewolves with tails, like it’s revolting or something. Maybe Microsoft can change things?

Imagine the painful transformation into a werewolf, and every time your spine has to grow a bunch more vertebrae to give you a tail, and then they’re removed when you change back.

The real reason is because Worgen are werewolves and werewolves don’t traditionally have tails (this is seen across media featuring werewolves and comes from the original werewolf stories from what I understand).

However, I agree that Worgen should have tails (and frankly so should werewolves), but I guess that’d make them too cute for anyone to seriously view them as monsters.