The truth on why you'll never get Worgen tails

It is just insane cause even the offical Worgen page on world of warcraft website talks about this dark sinister race.

Look at all the official worgen art, or the fact Gilneas city looks like an absolutely terrifying place.

It isn’t head canon… it’s in all the art, in game represented, on the offical wow website and in all the cataclysm promotions.


It literally says they learned to control their ferocity, not embrace it.

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Umm so you’re just not reading what you copy and pasted?

That doesn’t make them “dark and sinister”.

They keep their savage side under control. Ivar is not the representative of the typical Worgen.

Anyways, this is far afield of the fact that Worgen have never had tails.

Except he literally is… find any Worgen NPC in game and they’re more like Ivar than Genn…

I can’t even think of another worgen in game walking around reeking of Worgen guilt other than Genn.


That aside, Worgen have never had tails.

Subjective, weak, spineless counter point.

They’re never explicitly stated to not have tails, just like tons of modern customization we’ve received.

Normal eyes, glowing eyes, brown skin blood elves, curly hair humans… the list goes on. We only need an excuse when they were explicitly told to not look or have this characteristics… if it is never stated, you don’t have to put a lore reason other than, it’s always been there.

Key the Manari getting a questline… cause we know the draenei do not have red skin.

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Much of that old, spooky lore was from when worgen were creatures of the twisting nether. Very different beasts now.

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Right? This is what i keep telling people!
It would be like if blood elves suddenly had head tendrels.
This isn’t some fantasy world

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Wonder if it work for me :laughing:

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Objective, strong reality.

Much like your weird fantasy of Gilneans being tribalist savages out of nowhere, your imagination does not match what is actually presented.

Man’ari have always existed. Worgen with tails have never existed.

Think you meant to say “Cue” there too.

They should give them rat tails.

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Who frequents Trader Vic’s, with perfect hair

Even their current lore.

Being a druidic form used to fight the Satyr still is definitely spooky.

Even watching the Worgen introduction cinematic the narrator paints the Worgen as spooky beast.

I can not remember even seeing a werewolf in the movies having tails. The underworld series, Silver Bullet, Trick or treat, Wolfen. I can not even seeing a tail on the werewolf in the movie American Werewolf in London.

Theres many more movies that the werewolfs do not have tails neither, so to me, this is the reason tails were never considered by the devs at the time when they were released in game.

Jucs my .02 cents


Despite the tails, the current native being fed to Worgen is terrible especially for what the race was orginally being sold as and even the current in game Worgen introduction quest

Yeah, it’s funny that this guy who wants blood and guts savagery werewolf monsters also wants tails lol

If you want anime wolfgirls instead of classic werewolves, go play FFXIV. I’m sure there’s something there for that.

This is what the 'ol Wiki says about that:

Second paragraph in the linked section mentions that the no tail is pretty standard.

Obviously, not a definitive guide to werewolf canon.

I will say, tails look cool to me, though I don’t play a Worgen.

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Give worgen tails, Just say a wizard did it I’m sure Archmage Khadgar gotta have a book or tome somewhere in his libary that has a spell for tails :beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_blue:

Eh, it’s Victorian Gothic. Not the savage, bestial creatures of the great beyond that you’re trying to paint them as (though I miss those days. I really do.)

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