The truth is you all like the game

I don’t like either one honestly I just post in here on and off when I’m bored. Boredom whether your here or in game doesn’t say you like it just not many options to choose from that still has a decent amount of players.

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I have a desire and hope for the game to get better, but I don’t even play retail right now. Part of me wants to be back in the raiding scene of it, but the other part doesn’t miss it.

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Of course I like it.
After getting AOTC and KSM, most people I know went off to play New World and I’m pretty much the only one who still logs on wow every day.

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I can’t take any poster seriously who deliberately mogs that helm. Now of you’ll excuse me. I have a date with a beach ball.

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And your point is?

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Year is acceptable in my book, I never expect Blizz to do anything quickly lol. I probably wouldn’t even think about it until 5 years have gone by but that’s just me. Guild permissions still haven’t been fixed as an example and that was 2018

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I used to :sparkling_heart: LOVE :sparkling_heart: this game.

Now? Just maintaining the addiction…

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No you like the game! :upside_down_face:

If you didn’t like you wouldn’t even bother coming to the forums of a game you don’t like tho.

To all of you who say you like the game:

You think you do, but you don’t.

Unless you do.

But you don’t.

Yeah, this post is definitely an out-of-season April Fools’ joke.


“Liked” it… You forgot past tense.

Because we used to like it… I don’t understand lol

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There’s no way, unless you’re coocoo for coacoa puffs, you’d be here at all if you didn’t even like the game.

What do you want to hear from me then? :wink:

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Unfortunately nostalgia is a powerful tool. Haven’t you seen how many movies get remade? Or why they went back and introduced classic? Lol

Again, “liked” the game. With the silly hope that some day it might get back to that point. I hate the token but at least it keeps the sub going for now.

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Idk I think deep down in that fetid corpse is a heart that beats for WoW.

For what it was and what it could be still, absolutely.

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i like WOW game


Is nice game. Pretty game


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well i am playing a different game right now and reading the wow forum what does that tell you

One does not equal the other. It’s a social experience here. You can still like talking to people here, even if you no longer play the game.