The truth is you all like the game

I don’t want to hear it you know you like it. You are here reading these forums all the time, probably even neglecting your homework or job obsessing over patch notes. You know it’s true don’t deny it.

If you didn’t care at all you wouldn’t even be here.


I have a phobia of playing WoW but secretly I want to be in the world of Azoroth


I do care that is why I’m here ,I have nothing else as of now. Plus it not bad to keep up with in coming changes.


Well you’re not wrong, i do like the game. :man_shrugging:


Exactly and admitting it is half the battle!

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I mean duh why would anybody pay for something they don’t like? Lots of people quit, but I’m not one of them because I found my own fun. :man_shrugging:

And I’m not telling you what that fun is, Blizzard! Nice try, you won’t ruin this too, not on my watch /cackle


People do weird things

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There are so many parts of the game I absolutely love and moments in the game I find absolutely magical.

This morning, I saw Lordaeran for the first time from above without the dark haze over it and was awestruck.

But there is also so much bad. Right now I am running around collecting all the starter robes because they are one more thing Blizzard is removing from the game and one of the few I can actually preserve. And no, I am not talking about the emotes or the jokes, I don’t care about them, I am talking about stories and quests and their rewards.

Yes, there is a lot to like. But there is also a lot to deplore.


Good news! A blue commented about this recently, you won’t have to do this because they are going to put the old ones on a vendor. I’ll try to find that post for you hold on

Although I did the same thing with all the worgen gear when I thought it was being removed, oh well it doesn’t hurt to have cool stuff :laughing:


I think they said they’ll have a way to still get that starter gear but yeah maybe not a bad idea to collect them anyway.


Well, I’m not so desperate for trolling that I’d pay each month just to lurk here.
So… guilty. There’s still more to like than dislike for me.


Don’t get it twisted OP, a lot of people are here on the forums because they care about the game/want it to be good again :slightly_smiling_face:

Feedback/discussion is what video game forums are for…


Thank you, I had read that.

But they also said they would re-add the WoD craftable gear that disappeared with Shadowlands’ drop and it is now almost year and I am still waiting so I am going to be safe rather that sorry.


I haven’t played much recently. I’ve just been on the forums mostly.


I have a personal stake in that one, since I’m the poster Kaivax replied to when he said that.


Duh. What’s the point of this post?


Big difference between not caring, and not liking.

No. I don’t like the game anymore. Yes, I’m still on the forums. Why? Because I still care about the game. They are not mutually exclusive.
But I can tell you this, I’m not renewing my sub when it expires, and it’s doubtful I’ll buy the next expansion.


There are parts I like far, far more than what is on offer right now.

I am here, because I know how good the game can be, when they stop pulling bs tactics in order to meet “metrics”.


I’d vote you in as a green text MVP if I could (if you’d even be interested in that). Your posts are consistently sincere and endearing. I enjoy your contributions and just want you to know.


Ah so you care and in that there is hope, and in that hope there is the lurking desire to always keep checking up on the game. Because you and I both know how good it can get when it hits enough of the right key things to make it amazing.

Obviously turning ladies in bathing suits into fruit isn’t one of those key things but whatever.