Rss is convenient. I q up and can literally play another game or do w/e i want to play in the meantime.
Waiting an hour in lfg for a potential game can lead to exciting matches but its alot more involved and time consuming.
At its core, RSS is exactly the same as lfg arenas. You might dislike it, but the core principles of pvp are all there. You just gotta deal with the rng and dampening.
But a well placed CC or outplay is just as effective.
Wow aint special. Ladders exist in everycomp game and people improve in those ladders all the time with effort if they want to.
Again, you aint special. Wow is just a game. People get stuck or improve just like everywhere.
Rss is convenient and thats the best part about it. Stop coping.
Iâm bothered that people have chosen to replace 3s with ss when Iâm sure the intention or the expectation of it was to be a stepping stone to real arena and to help you find partners, test builds, etc. This is what skrimishes and bgs did before ss.
I think what really messed up 3s was the first season of SS where everything was mega inflated. People easily got 3k+ rating and they got it in their heads that it was never them it was their partners and solo is where their skills really shine or whatever.
Im more sick of only facing the same 3 teams during prime time. SS and bgb spread the pvp base too thin. Maybe a fix would be to combine 3s and ss together.
Itâs not any worse than its been in other seasons. MoP remains the most cc spamming expansion ever with every spec having insane 1 shots. And that was one of the most popular pvp expansion.
I didnt say banned, I said silenced you can get chat silenced for making suggestion if someone reports you enough. It has happened.
If no one wanted to play with me anymore wouldnt i be doing SS?
CORRECT because the rating system is 20yrs old and it puts players with little to no knowledge with players that do have knowledge which in turn makes the game toxic because you get stuck with players who legit have 0 clue how to play their class or do the basics of pvp.