This is what i mean, good players can adapt cause they already know what to do.
Newer players do not, and shuffle doesn’t teach you coordination. At best shuffle teaches what each class does vs many matchups which might be good if you’re a fresh wow player but after that you basically learn nothing from shuffle.
Those aren’t rated, I want to test myself and move higher.
You can be dismissive and pessimistic all you want, I don’t really care what you think I do it for myself.
There’s no stat/rank there to track my progress, I can see you’re jaded at the system you think is making it easy for other players to get rewards you don’t think they deserve.
I can also see you’ve made up your mind and are set on being overwhelmingly negative, so you can just keep whatever post you’re thinking of making next to yourself I’m not interested.
Just saying new player or casuals did just fine with skirmishes and 2s to practice and meet people for 3s.
Solo allows you to skip the basics and like the op said doesn’t help you improve as a player.
I’ve had to lfg late nights after work before ss and with a lil patience I met some good friendly players. I just feel ss has done. O thing but harm to the game because every positive people bring up about ss was already done by other more casual brackets.
I don’t know why everyone always dances around points when this is all it ever boils down to.
The irony here is you’re mad that your game mode is dying because strangers aren’t providing their time to be free CR for veteran players, i.e. you want free rating but scorn others for doing the same. Lol
You always have the option of becoming a top .5% player for your rewards since you seem to lean so heavily on:
Because I’m perfectly happy avoiding arena and doing some chill BGs.
This game doesn’t want to teach you anything. Regardless of where you go to learn, you need a 20 year education just to have a vague idea of what you’re seeing. There’s zero in-built information on what went wrong in any given pvp encounter and until that changes the skill gap and quality of matches and chest-beating of smig old vets is only going to broaden
That’s not my reason at all. Ss is killing the social aspect of mmo pvp. All while making players worse skill-wise and communication-wise. People get silenced for making suggestion if the salty player is mad enough to report it.
Is randomly getting kills with little to no set up just tunnel the weakest guy in the lobby strategy, more fun than actually working as a team on coms.
You’re basically skipping all the fundamentals and going straight to high cr while not actually being as good.
You let the cat out the bag already. It’s not unique to you, though, everyone is guilty of this when they speak on the topic. If everyone was getting their typical rating then no one would care that all the noobs left 3s. You guys have hated us for years anyway; pissing on us over XP is the step 1 response the instant someone without multi-glad XP upsets one of you (you I’ve never seen do this, but this is a general response, not just a direct response).
You’re sick of getting your guts kicked out by better players in half your games at much lower MMR than you think it should be happening (and I don’t blame you, that’s also why I don’t find arena fun) but that’s harder to admit than saying ‘u GuYs R nEvEr GoNnA lEaRn NoThIn N tHoSE nEw WeLfArE sOlo QuEuE bRaCkEtS,’ then you couple it with ‘you all just want easier rewards!’ to couple the phony interest in my growth with fake shame, all because you want something from me to make your life easier.
But that’s not enough, not only do you guys want solo queue brackets removed so you can walk on our shoulders and call yourselves tall again, but you also despise seasons where we can earn milestone rewards. So the consensus idea of a 3s player’s perfect game is one where I eat dirt and you get a glad drake, and if I were to ever get one it’s ‘boosted, inflated, broken spec, etc.’
This, plus the gameplay being maximun levels of annoying with omega levels of coordinated CC, and none of you can understand why 3s is dying? Like really? Lol
You know, man. One cool thing about BGB is I can actually do arena a little here or there and not hate it because now it’s just screwing around with friends to me, instead of trying to accomplish something. We can Ele/Surv/Holy anytime you guys like. Lol
Wrong. I tell people what they’re doing wrong all the time and get reported for it and have never gotten banned. As long as you don’t turn it into insults you are fine.
You’re just upset because things aren’t going your way, so you’re looking for anything to put the blame on as to why no one wants to play with you anymore.
Says who? Any PvP practice, especially in shuffle, will help you to improve your skill.
It won’t help you with softskills like communication or setups with your teammates, but definitely in terms of tracking enemy cooldowns, learning what are good targets to hit and so on.
This is such a detrimental mentality, though. I know that’s your point, but it’s really just sad to see. Especially now, with how easy it is to mainswap to a new alt (can level from 1-70 in like 4 hours completely afk for the cost of a wow token or two) and be full geared the same day.
People would rather just reroll fotm and play exactly the same and get SLIGHTLY easier rating than just focus on improving.