Solo shuffle/blitz do not help you improve your skill if you are a fresh to mid level player.
Solo modes are chaotic with little coordination going on, it is often harder to track everything unless you are already a well-honed top player.
Spamming solo will not help you change your bad habits, even if you get lucky win streaks you will inevitably go back down since you aren’t aware of what you’re doing wrong.
Pvp in wow is about knowledge, and the best way to improve your individual skill is by doing rated 3v3.
I don’t mean spamming lfg every 5 games to find a new team, but finding 2 other players who you are comfortable with that aren’t toxic and don’t think they’re the best players in the world hardstuck at 2k mmr or whatever.
This is much harder to find these days than it was back then but it’s mainly due to the ease of solo content, why would people invest time into improving the old fashion way when they can just queue up and ignore everything? The issue is solo content has fractured the playerbase far too much and it is significantly harder to find organized groups simply due to the lack of incentive these days.
Still , regardless of these things rated 3s remains the most effective at improving your skill, though it requires patience from all three members and a willingness to accept losses while looking at it from a problemsolving lens.
You shouldn’t be spamming games to win, winning and cr are things that come later when you’ve improved.
Tank the losses but learn from your mistakes , that is the only way to improve. Stop chasing the fotm meta, it really doesn’t affect your ability to climb.
There are non-meta specs at r1 cr right now, how can these guys climb up there with such a spec? They got carried? Bought their way up? Eventhough they’ve been r1 multiple times on said spec, they never gave up on it. Find a team that sticks around and improve together, you won’t have to worry about meta or whatnot until you reach the rank 1 level.