The truth about skill in pvp

Solo shuffle/blitz do not help you improve your skill if you are a fresh to mid level player.

Solo modes are chaotic with little coordination going on, it is often harder to track everything unless you are already a well-honed top player.

Spamming solo will not help you change your bad habits, even if you get lucky win streaks you will inevitably go back down since you aren’t aware of what you’re doing wrong.

Pvp in wow is about knowledge, and the best way to improve your individual skill is by doing rated 3v3.

I don’t mean spamming lfg every 5 games to find a new team, but finding 2 other players who you are comfortable with that aren’t toxic and don’t think they’re the best players in the world hardstuck at 2k mmr or whatever.

This is much harder to find these days than it was back then but it’s mainly due to the ease of solo content, why would people invest time into improving the old fashion way when they can just queue up and ignore everything? The issue is solo content has fractured the playerbase far too much and it is significantly harder to find organized groups simply due to the lack of incentive these days.

Still , regardless of these things rated 3s remains the most effective at improving your skill, though it requires patience from all three members and a willingness to accept losses while looking at it from a problemsolving lens.

You shouldn’t be spamming games to win, winning and cr are things that come later when you’ve improved.

Tank the losses but learn from your mistakes , that is the only way to improve. Stop chasing the fotm meta, it really doesn’t affect your ability to climb.

There are non-meta specs at r1 cr right now, how can these guys climb up there with such a spec? They got carried? Bought their way up? Eventhough they’ve been r1 multiple times on said spec, they never gave up on it. Find a team that sticks around and improve together, you won’t have to worry about meta or whatnot until you reach the rank 1 level.


Why improve at all if blizzard has a track record of always giving the worst players a free pass to every achievement?

Just wait your turn. It’s either s1 shuffle, s1 blitz, 10.1.5 ret, or dh, or sub rogue, or mage.

You do not need to improve at all, just play what’s op and what’s most inflated. If neither are available, throw a tantrum and it’ll get that way.

Sucks that it is that way, but truly if your goal is the achievements, do that.


haha new players doing 3s. That’s cute.
Considering that everyone in LFG is inflating themselves while still looking for a carry, not exactly a welcoming environment for new players.

One-and-done solo matches are popular because they don’t have to deal with an hour of declines to finally get a group that gets the “gg u suck” disband farewell after winning 5 losing 1. :rofl:


Weird, I see a lot of people in LFG Looking for 2.4+ xp, then i search them and they have only been 2400 in shuffles and a high of like 2k in 3s.

The community has killed this game and it is extremely hard to get into pvp other than shuffles and blitz.


This is the truth. Everyone multi-glad experience but 1.7cr

And becareful joining a groupwith 2 friends, they will quickly blame you and kick you out.

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You do get better in Solo Shuffle, you continue to improve until you can carry in every randomized comp you come across.
I don’t have time to sit around and wait for other players to be online, I want to play when I want to play and I love Solo Shuffle for that reason.


Not really true.

RSS puts you in a bunch of rando comps and forces you to adapt to climb.

Depending on how high you wanna push, you’ll have to play off your teamates good plays and bad ones.


Yeah, gotta learn to carry my ret who doesnt bubble 3 rounds in a row :slight_smile:

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I agree with your general philosophy, but you go too hard into one side. Solo shuffle does help a bit, but I can see it yielding diminishing returns.

Let me give you an example. I have a prevoker alt and I’m hot garbage on it. I queued some structured 3s with my homies and they were just flopping.

I looked up cdew and some other r1s playing prevoker to see how they were pumping big numbers and doing the prevoker things and I realized what abilities I was supposed to be combining and when. It still doesn’t make much sense to me, but doing solo shuffle helps me get better acquainted with the kit and how I should be using things to go for CC.

You’re absolutely right that 3v3 is not the same as solo shuffle. Solo shuffle is way easier, from my limited and biased healer pov at least, in the sense that the lack of coordination from the enemy team gives me more room to breathe. However, due to the exact reason it is easier, it does provide an easier entry into 3v3.

Here is the TRUE truth about skill in PVP:

Can’t tell you how many times I’ve used Rapid Fire gotten somebody down to where if somebody sneezed on them they’d die and nobody capitalizes :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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I just cant get onboard with this one. To me, the most important thing for all players is high reps. Stepping into the game, in any format, is crucial practice for awareness, dps / uptime, every little mini interaction and so on.

I agree that game knowledge is crucial, but you have to get to the point where it matters as well. i play a lot of smash bros melee and its similar in the sense that if you have no mechanical / basic execution, then you’re gona get dumpstered by basic mechanics. high reps and practice matter in these games with extremely high mechanical / awareness skill caps.


Eh, nah. Some reps are required but without meditation and reflection it’s just pulling the lever hoping to get a lucky streak.

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Rng team mates are rng team mates.

Climbing solo q in competitive games is not about sweating the unwinnables or patting yourself in the back on stomps.

Those 2 cancel each other out.

Its the even games where you gotta improve.

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What does this even mean. Every rss matchup is just playing to out damage the enemy team while not dying and have better cds rotating back for the second set of dps burst cooldowns that decide the game.

You auto win the game at the 2.5-3.5 minute mark just for staying alive and doing more dam on details.

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You can do both damage and proper/cc/cd usage to outgame your opponents.

In fact , someone doing both will climb higher.

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Your points are all over the place and they’re not well connected. 1/10 essay.

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We don’t speak of 3s on this forum.

Just a significantly lower skill dumbed down gamemode. One of the core aspects of competitive wow is mid game communication on how to synergize the toolkits between your classes which is mostly nonexistent in shuffle.

Also the nature of the gamemode will put you in unwinnable matchups that will auto lose you the game with the rapid damp even if your team had much cleaner gameplay during the round.

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Eh. its not supposed to be the pinnacle of WoW pvp, but no voice does have high potential to play off of each other if you have good awareness. The higher you go on the ladder, the better players will be at this, and their coordination off of sheer awareness will far far outpace any lower level 3s attempt to coordinate on voice.

You can and should know the gameplan without comms.

Its obviously not as clean, but to say good players cant play off of eachother in rss is noobtalk. Like, if im in rss playing an splay, i got a good idea of the flow of goes, whos going to be target, how i should play around my healer, etc.

And yeah, unwinnable matchups suck but you move on and q up.

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