I appreciate you not wasting my time and just refusing to engage instead of floundering about.
What RP and baby nonsense? I play a RP server, Blizzards writings have RP consequences, one concession I’m more than willing to give you and I’m willing to walk back is, I was wrong about the Horde griefing, as I’ve outlined, Horde forming IC bonfires and taunting every nelf who walks by would be entirely in character and appropriate and wouldn’t constitute griefing of any kind. So, you got me there, griefing is unlikely as all of the “griefing” behaviour would basically make sense in character.
Oh, okay, that’s what you’re talking about. Yeah obviously that’s speculation bro LOL. The forsaken have been the worgen primary antagonistic force basically from the get go and we’ve never at any point seen the crusade dedicate resources to proactively attacking any living group. However bigoted they may be, up to this point all of their time and money has been dedicated exclusively to fighting the undead, be it scourge or forsaken.
I’m speculating this is to avoid hurting Horde feelings because otherwise why would you a** pull fighting scarlet crusaders instead of just a Sylvanas loyalist splinter group? Because Horde are participating in the quest and don’t want to kill forsaken who they would have been buddies with a few expansions prior, that’s why.
On behalf of all Horde loyalists, we will gladly put down any traitors to the Horde, and have been doing so via quests since Vanilla.
Your rationale is flawed, faulty and incorrect. While it would be lovely if there were Sylvanas loyalists around that the worgos could murder, the truth is simpler:
Shadows Rising established those loyal to Sylvanas after BfA went with Sylvanas. Except the player character, because we’re all just total mercs.
Because they a** pull scenarios all the time? Maybe they just want to push the Scarlets into the story right now to set up some future story point.
I actually doubt this. They didn’t think of this when asking us to help Baine kill Forsaken. Or when asking us to defend Jaina Proudmoore from an angry Sunreaver.
I don’t mind the scarlet crusade returning, that’s whatever. I just think using them to provide a convenient excuse for players NOT to kill Forsaken, the Worgen’s traditional enemy that they’ve never at any point scored any big wins against with the minor exception of the business in Stormheim. And it’s especially insulting when they couldn’t even dunk on Forsaken who aren’t even Horde.
Okay well, I’m just basing this off the thread and lots of people being pretty happy not to be killing forsaken, splinter group or not. I think one even said it was “against the themes of reconciliation” in DF. Blizzard clearly does not want Alliance players killing a traditionally Horde aligned race, traitors to the Horde or not. And they don’t want to force the Horde to do it either.
A** pull for scarlets to somehow have tens of millions of men ready to fight again despite getting owned in every expansion, cool. A** pull that a handful of Sylvanas loyalists stuck around on Azeroth? Now you’re taking it too far.
I don’t think Vanilla, Wrath, and MoP are every expansion. WoD, Legion, BfA and Shadowlands also happened before DF.
You’re also working from a faulty assumption, which is unsurprising; you don’t seem to know anything about anything already. But there doesn’t need to be “tens of millions” or anything. Just enough to use whatever this new source of power they have turns out to be to keep Genn and company out. Given they were recruiting actively as late as BfA, that isn’t unreasonable.
The only a** pulling is your arguments.
I love how we go a single expansion without Horde-looking villains, and suddenly you’re thinking this is some massive trend.
Take a vacation from Reddit, bro friend buddy pal bestie.
Recruiting who? Prior the Scarlet Crusade were made up of the remaining living Lordaeronians, virtually all of them should be dead by this point considering how long we’ve been killing scarlets, so the alternative is they’re from a different stock, why would random humans from stormwind or any other human kingdom be joining them, especially in BFA, if I’m a random human from stormwind who wants to kill Forsaken, I can easily do that within the Alliance. Any refugees from southshore or hillsbrad fields would be with the Alliance elsewhere.
You can nitpick hyperbole all you want but admitting we fought them in 3 expansions is not a good look. Also we fought them in cata, and they’re still (absurdly) implied to have a presence in Legion.
Not even remotely close to every living Lordaeronian joined the Scarlets.
K, and you probably died during BfA, so your children joined up the SC.
You’re making a whole cryboy argument about population numbers now? While posting on a night elf and complaining the massively diminished night elves should be kicking the greatly outnumbering Horde off a tree Tyrande invited them to visit?
You are an unserious little guy.
We barely fought them in those three expansions beyond a single church.
I murdered Alliance across six continents, three worlds and two island chains. In six expansions. Somehow, there are still Alliance.
I’m not nitpicking your hyperbole, I’m nitpicking your selective use of logic and game mechanics.
So Lordaeronians who didn’t join from Vanilla to DF are just now deciding to join the Scarlet Crusade? Lmao.
I’m saying Tyrande never should have invited them in the first place lmao. Also you’re forgetting about the rest of the entire Alliance who would be more than willing to back up the miniscule request of not having Horde in the city made to replace the one the Horde previously burned down lmao. The idea that refusing to let Horde in Bel’Ameth is reigniting the faction conflict is insane.
You are really bad about making things up in your head and assuming someone said them. I’m not your intrusive thoughts.
Well, she did, and you’re still saying the sentinels should attack on sight anyway so this imaginary army of Horde RPers will stop creating campfires beneath your feet, so make up your mind.
It is insane. That’s why it isn’t her reasoning.
You should learn the lore of the game. Read a book, do some quests. Stop thinking the game’s lore is whatever your intrusive thoughts tell you it is.
I dunno. I think we might need to investigate, Karebear. This man is insisting that where ever he goes on Bel’Ameth, Horde RPers will follow him. They will light fires under him. And they will spit upon him.
Maybe that is happening. Maybe he committed a crime so heinous, so despicable that Moon Guard’s entire Horde population talk about it to this day. Maybe when you first enter Orgrimmar, there’s an orc by the flight master and a troll by the portal room, and they wave you over.
“Hey, you new around here, right? Well, c’mere kid. I gotta warn you about this no-good, dishonorable, utterly despicable night elf named Waredrin. This man is so universally hated that when Tyrande herself was calling everyone, and I mean every single person, to go defend Amirdrassil? He was not among the names she called upon. This man is hated by the Alliance and loathed by the Horde. Come, let me tell you the tale of the true mastermind behind the War of Thorns…”