The truth about "Orc Fatigue" "night elf fatigue" "Human Fatigue"

So he mastered the art of elf trolling!!


The last time someone did this on AD, was an Naruto-fanboy with the name “Sasuke”. He placed all his own alt-corpses around the cathedral, while sitting on them, and was banned for 6 months within a week. Should someone try to make a campfire (or several in this case), then just report them and these people get several months of bans.

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I mean, Suramar and Thundertotem are technically Horde cities now, lore-wise. And you can visit both of them whenever you want.

But even more than that, I think this is just going to be the MO going forward. I think Blizzard doesn’t want to design any more cities of the type we saw in Vanilla, with full amenities and closed to the other faction. They already tipped their hand in making Bilgewater Harbor, and this is just the next step along that path. (I’ve never believed before DF that they would actually eliminate the faction divide, but I’m starting to wonder now if they might finally be ready to do it.)


To be fair, Bel’ameth is an extra city this expansion. Valdrakken is the first in a long time that has had an AH that isn’t just for Engineers.

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Gonna be honest here, unless we’re counting the WoD mud camps as “cities” or the very-late-in-the-game AHs added in the final patch of TBC, I can’t think of a single expansion where the new city had auction houses for non-engineers.


Deciding night elves are a great starting point for that is almost comically insulting.

Point to the part in their post where you claim is being said.



I’m saying the first big city themed around a single race to be neutral from the get go being Bel’Ameth sucks lmao. Suramar and Thundertotem’s neutrality is based on legion content not being updated.

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No it doesn’t. Because heroes from both factions spent literally TWO EXPANSIONS protecting the seed that would become Amidrisaal and the town of Bel’Ameth. This isn’t something was planned in the final moments before the Emerald Dream patch came out


Yeah I don’t care about the token support the Horde has given to save face. The race that got brutalized the hardest by the Horde being Blizzards foray into neutral cities and ending the faction war is insulting.

Laughs in Worgen

/10 chars


I don’t think it was about Night Elves per se. They just happened to be the next group to have a home base city made for them after the dev team decided to move in that direction. And like I said, I think that move really started with goblins.

Not sure what was hard to understand about my earlier post? I think Blizzard has decided they aren’t building closed cities with full amenities as home bases for single races anymore.

Far as I know, we’re doing exactly the same quests you are.


This is funny. You are a funny troll.

The quests never once say the Horde players are only giving token support. We’re fully there, just like the Alliance.

But you have not been to the Emerald Dream zone, so you wouldn’t know this.

Therefore I have done more to help the night elves than you!!

In fact, most Horde players posting here have done more to give night elves a home than you. You should not ever be able to go to Bel’Ameth, because you didn’t help at all.


Which are being forced to fight scarlet crusaders because a forsaken splinter group would hurt Horde feelings too much lol.

I’m not gonna post from my main bro c’mon now. That’s just asking for trouble.

I post on my main. No one has ever bothered me.

Main or alt, the account-wide achievements still tell the tale, my dude bro pal friend guy. And you have not even a single one from the zone.

While you have contented yourself to sitting around, complaining about the Horde helping defend Amirdrassil, not even so much as exploring the area or accomplishing even the simplest tasks, myself and my Horde brethren have ensured your people have a future home.

Now I know why you’re afraid Horde RPers will grief you. They know you were too lazy to even defend your own home while complaining about those of us who did.


It’s such a cop out that you’re so desperate to not engage with any of my arguments that you’ll comb through my account to find an excuse not to engage, and you call me a troll? lmao

I did engage with your arguments, and you turned to RP and baby nonesense. I only stopped engaging with them when you stopped making them follow even basic logic.

Well not any more I won’t!!

Trolls defend their new homes!!!


Source, pls?