The truth about "Orc Fatigue" "night elf fatigue" "Human Fatigue"

??? Were the darkshore quests only available for nelf characters or something.

That would be awesome, two sides and all night elves…

They can be like the civil war reenactors, both playing their sides… all totally Night Elves trapped in the distant past unable to move on…

wait… :scream_cat: that sounds like now.

Have you guys considered therapy?

Bloody Hells, this is becoming my thing… blights it all… :joy_cat:


You don’t want blizzard to have Horde who assisted in defeating Fyrakk to be canonically allowed to enter the city, instead of mechanically. You can argue about why you think they should be there, but you can’t say “Well canonically it’s not neutral” because you’d be whining about the city only being “canonically” accessible to certain Horde adventurers instead of mechanically.

Technically speaking, the canon IS that Horde (adventuers) are allowed to hang around Bel’Ameth, make bonfires and wave around Horde banners, I think that canon is incredibly stupid, I’m arguing the canon is stupid and should be changed. Admittedly though Horde being canonically allowed in the city but not mechanically would take some of the sting out though, but it still wouldn’t be optimal.

My argument isn’t about the Horde being able to do the content it’s about Cureall implying that the Alliance left the nelves high and dry and the nelves defeated the entire Horde single handedly on their own blindfolded with both hands tied behind their back. (but not in any way that mechanically you’d notice in the actual game, just in canon)

Right?!? Night elf-on-night elf violence in the mean streets of Lor’danel, rival night elf gangs meeting up to knife fight in the Auberdine ruins, back alley alliance between night elf factions brokered at the Grove of the Ancients, all culminating in some massive night elf pan-gang epic battle around the Master’s Glaive!!

Whichever gang wins gets to share control of Amirdrassil with the Horde.

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I already have both. Canonically I’m allowed in, mechanically I’m allowed in. Tyrande said it’s cool, so that makes it cool.

You’re just a hypocrit, saying canon only matters if it matches mechanics, but refusing to follow through when it counts.

Until such time as you prove you have deleted your warrior, you are a fake night elf fan who cares not a whiff for canon. Your arguments are but puffs of hot air, wafting away on the breeze.


Well yeah… we helped her save her beloved… and I didn’t even object when she straight murderhobo’d those Druids of the Flame. So yeah, we are clearly on the good list.

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Damn, I guess you’re right sense Blizzard has written nelves to be pathetic and lacking any degree of self respect or dignity I should probably start RPing my character that way as well and ignore them blatantly making jokes about the fact they burnt down the place that the city they’re in was made to replace.

No? They don’t, going by her track record what’s she going to do, retaliate? LOL

Yeah, my problem is Tyrande want’s renewal so much to the extent that she’s letting Horde run around in her city. Tyrande can idiotically and pathetically grovel for renewal all she wants and the Horde can and will laugh in her face without repercussion. That’s not game mechanics, that’s based off her previous in universe responses.

Right??? I am pretty sure that Tyrande looks at me and only sees a bestie. I have personally helped Malfurion save Hyjal, personally helped Malfurion in Val’sharah (we’ll skip over how he forced me to “help” him in the beginning though), helped Tyrande look just everywhere for him after he got pwned by a dumb satyr, killed a dragon when she asked me to, rescued Malfurion, murdered his satyr bully for him, helped Tyrande’s adopted daughter find Tyrande in the worst zone ever, played Hide-n-Seek with Tyrande in Boreghast, saved Tyrande’s life, then made sure her beloved tree was safe.

I’m not only an honorary night elf.

Tyrande made me Shandris’s godmother for all the good I’ve done for this family.


I’m not, I’ve made the argument here that you guys have said “Dude canonically they’re not allowed in the city except for a miniscule handful of hyper specific Horde Adventurers who helped Fyrakk” if you genuinely believed this, you’d be cool with only being allowed in the city “canonically” instead of mechanically, but obviously you wouldn’t be, the same reason why I’m not cool with you being allowed “mechanically” but not “canonically” (At least not the hundreds upon hundreds of Horde players)

Also I’ve never been refusing to acknowledge canon I’m saying the canon sucks LOL, I’ve been saying that.

I mean you’re playing Horde so that’s kind of a given get to have it both ways, it’s been like this for… what the past, 20 years now?

Playing your character in the way Blizzards lore has set them up to be is not “Going out of their way to have a negative experience” again, the solution isn’t for Horde players to be civil, it’s for Blizzard to not have them in the city.

THE MOST appropriate and logically consistent way to roleplay a Horde character in Bel’Ameth is making a gigantic bonfire and shouting (Non-bannable) obscenities at every night elf character who walks by.

If you’re roleplaying a Horde character who’s deeply ashamed and repentant over Teldrassil’s burning that would be incredibly silly and eye roll inducing.

Pathetic is when you let every bully taunting you get a rise out of you. People who do that are the ones who lack self-respect.

Tyrande invited them. They have a right to be there. She said so. She rules the night elves.

You do not know night elf lore at all, do you?

Yeah, we’ve figured your real problem is Tyrande a while back.

No we won’t.

Literally all of your complaints have been that game mechanics exist and you somehow think anything that can mechanically be done is officially part of the canon.

I bet you honestly think every time you ran Stockades, all the bosses canonically were risen from the dead and you canonically put them back in their graves for the fifteenth time. Or some weird thing like that.

Well, that is the actual canon.

But that’s a nonesensical argument. If I can canonically go there, why would I want the mechanics to deny it? I can go there canonically and mechanically.

But I am both mechanically and canonically allowed to go there, so this also makes no sense.

No, you only think that because you’re not a smart person. You’re literally making child arguments and whining that people won’t agree with your twisted, failed attempt at a gotcha that makes no sense.

Delete your night elf. It makes sense canonically and mechanically.


Hey, Alynsa

I’m going in game. I’ve only got one monitor, way too small of a desk/space, and gonna do some stuff, nothing important, if you want to talk further we can there.


I am on my hunter again, mining Kobold ore!!


I literally have not once denied this. I’m saying they have ZERO reason to be respectful of her or any night elf. It makes no sense why you would respect someone who will never ever retaliate no matter what.

Okay that’s the point I’m making, why on earth would it be any consolation to me at all that only Horde adventurers who beat Fyrakk are allowed to be there??? I don’t get it this argument.

It’s tempting, I’m definitely not going to RP as one anymore after Blizzard brutalized their lore.

K, I’ll hit you up with my shaman. Don’t be afraid to send me a list your toons to any of my characters.

Gonna be a bit, though need to check some farms and stuff, just remember to breathe.

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Maybe sometimes I should see what someone posted after the thing I’m gonne reply to.


Thank you.


I honestly don’t care, because I haven’t unlocked it. Night elf towns are not really my vibe. I’m just aware that more elf content is coming and that this area is probably being set up for that.

Some of the problems with WoW’s writing is the pace of content, the lack of any proper foreshadowing, and the relegation of details to books. Blizz seems to be trying to tell a linear story across multiple expansions for the first time, and I expect the tail end of Dragonflight to help set that up. Just like That Other MMO, the one with the narrative cohesion I was talking about, often uses the patches of each expansion to set the tables for the next one (with the exception Endwalker, which used it’s patches to tell a side story that won’t resolve for years if at all. Still, this week’s patch sets up characters for summer’s expansion).

I expect Blizzard is already putting in narrative beats for the Worldsoul Saga in the story already. If you think that what you see in town is all that it ever will be, I can understand your frustration, but I think we’ll be talking about Bel’Ameth a lot in two years. We’ll see.

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Tyrande never allowed this. You might be thinking about Tyrande saying at the end of Siege of Orgrimmar that she’d allow the Horde use of Azshara’s lumber in exchange for the Horde withdrawing from Ashenvale.

Danuser’s answer at the Blizzcon 2019 Q&A Panel:

    Canonically, you know, the Alliance comes out on top in Stromgarde and in Darkshore.

    We gotta do what’s right for the story, and those are just some key, old Alliance locations, and that’s just what feels right for the world.

Ah. Waredrin is a troll. Got it. Puts away the feed.


No Amadis, he is a night elf!! They’re mutant former-trolls, but not trolls any longer.

… What?