The truth about "Orc Fatigue" "night elf fatigue" "Human Fatigue"

I love my Horde roleplayers. Can’t get mad at them for going along with the lore Blizzard wrote.

Well, just throw them on ignore and move on. Don’t worry they can’t hurt you unless you let them. Like I said, we got troublemakers, some are hardcore pvpers who feel threatened by the move towards neutrality and can’t engage with content that doesn’t involve them getting into fights with each other.


Can we have some separation of game mechanics and story? The city isn’t neutral in the sense that Dalaran or Shattrath is. I haven’t seen this place myself, but if there’s Horde story characters having discussions in there, that’s meaningful. Horde players are whatever, players are of varying relevance to the story depending on the expac and Horde PCs have been helping Tyrande since Legion.

This is really a “how dead is dead enough” question. Sylvanas is as alive as Arthas was at the end of TFT. She’s janitor for eternity, and written into a niche where she may never come back but theoretically could in the long future if the writers reach far enough. For a character who was already dead anyway, that’s about as good as you can do without going full Arthas. Keep in mind people got mad and actually lost interest in Warcraft when SL conclusively and “irreversibly” disenchanted Arthas for mats, even though the character has only been a memory for more than a decade.

I think Bel’Ameth is neutral because it’s going to be a stage for the big Elf Reunion Special in 2026, and if it does become a true neutral town in the Dalaran sense of the word, then it’ll be because the sin/shal behest. They certainly aren’t using TBC Silvermoon and it’s no-fly-zone. The amount of old spaghetti code in those zones is such that they don’t like to touch it, the best they used to do is add a class trainer (the monk one is a random panda) and now they don’t have to do even that anymore.

Eitrigg is still alive, at least. If Blizzard wants to do “What If?” they should consider a timeline that swaps Garrosh and Saurfang Jr in Wrath, it really feels like the Horde’s ticket was punched then and there.

On behalf of goblins, “we’re trying!”
I also really like the Nightborne personally. Vulps are whatever, I just dislike that they’ve been narratively paired as a companion race to goblins for some reason. They should be paired with tauren, who have spent years looking like the exemption to the military-industrial theme of the rest of the faction. Tauren and vulpera seem like they would vibe in the way that orcs and goblins traditionally do.

I am absolutely not looking forward to Horde Dwarves. They should have given us Dark Irons instead of the Alliance if they wanted to do that.

Night elves are constantly on the verge of reaching Orgrimmar’s rear gate, and the corner of Ashenvale that the Horde kept was something Tyrande “allowed” them to keep.

Either way, discussions on what is or isn’t somebody’s territory needs to be based on story characters and not on whether or not town guards fight players trying to go there. As far as we the players are concerned, Undercity and Darnassus still exist. For RP purposes, they don’t, and for RP purposes the new town is an NE town.

Most of the lands the Horde won in Cata was reverted in later droplets of lore, with Tyrande at one point deciding that she’ll “allow the Horde to keep” a corner of the Ashenvale zone.

Part of the reason the Horde won so much territory that they canonically didn’t hold is simply to give Horde players starting in Kalimdor under the old pre-timewalking system something to do. Because officially, the Horde currently have the land in front of Orgrimmar, about a third of Northern Barrens, and Azshara, and that’s it.

This thread is a conflict of different goalposts when it comes to gameplay and story segregation. The live in-game zones around the world do not exist in a current state of lore. This is not like Destiny 2 where the Black Fleet consuming Mars causes the entire in-game world to be deleted from the client, and players aren’t allowed to go anymore.

WoW has a separation of gameplay mechanics and story. Learn to work around it. If you must have every in-game mechanic explained with in-universe worldbuilding, and zones that constantly get returned to and revised with story updates in future expansions, there is another Critically Acclaimed MMO out there that does that. Something-something 14? It also hides the existence of dungeons and entire zones from you until you do the story quests to get to them in chronological order, because they take narrative so strongly over there.

But this is not that game.


I also want to note that in WC3, the orcs were able to fight the NE in Ashenvale. Didn’t take over their land, but made them sweat with just Grom and the Warsong Clan.

In modern WoW, all of orcdom united plus tauren plus trolls plus an entire goblin cartel of demolitionists (sappers, shredders, etc) could only fight night elves long enough for the next lore drop to declare that they lost the fight. Even when Sylvanas added the weight of Forsaken and the Zandalari empire to the scale they still officially lost Darkshore and a bunch else.

Like honestly, who is really impotent here.


Well, I mean, if you’re roleplaying as a proud member of the Scourge who is walking around Stormwind without the guards themselves killing you before you even got in the city, you’re already pretty suss.

I don’t interact IRL with people who choose to be rude to me. Is that somehow lame and uncool? Does that make me IRL the equivalent of Arthas’s and Jaina’s top secret baby?

By not giving rude people the time of day, have I developed frost and death magic I don’t know about??


Yes they do. Tyrande’s allowing it. It is canon. She is going for renewal, whether you like that or not. It is canon that my blood elf hunter is given a special pass to walk around the tree I have been dealing with since it was a seed.

That is actually the canon, so your canonicity argument is already ignoring the canon. Why not also ignore rude, trolly Horde players?


Besides, I don’t know anyone, RPer or non, who goes out of their way to have a negative experience when interacting with other people. It’s such a weird arguement to even make


But then we will have no hate to feed on and go away….

why did you reveal the evil secret of anyone who likes to play Horde

( I think I have to say /s to indicate I joke)


I mean, he would have figured it out some day!! We all keep following him, using Basic Campfire on cooldown.

Nightsong went and learned Cooking against her wishes, just to Campfire him!!


I even have a void campfire, a fel campfire, a Teldrassil deluxe edition campfire and a hologram sylvanas campfire just to follow him!

(Obligatory this is sarcasm note because of how weird people get on here)


… look… It’s just a little misunderstanding… I don’t even like cooking… but he looked cold…


Yes, I feel obligated to note: Speaking for Karebear, Nightsong and probably myself, if any Horde players light a Campfire under your Alliance toon anywhere near Amirdrassil, it isn’t us.

I mean, I have to say probably for me. I do quite a lot of actual in-game cooking and I do not want to discount the possibility that I will create a campfire without noticing you’re there. If I do, just know I’m very focused on doing whatever task is in the forefront of my mind, and decorum be damned.

I’ll at least emote a /sorry after.


Worst I’ll do is put down a campfire, turn into a treant, proceed to stand on the campfire until treant form catches and than run around like an idiot and because it’s funny :wolf:

But defintly no malice intended on my part


My favorite part of this meme is the idea that Alliance players are I guess sensitive enough to know never use cooking fire.

Also that these players use campfires when they could just be shaman and make a Fire Elemental. It recharges at half the speed of Basic Campfire!


Or just get a fire mage over there and use Flamestrike on CD. Or a Destro warlock with Rain of Fire whenever their out-of-combat regen refills their soul shards.

Really, these imaginary Horde players are such griefing amatures.


Or be a druid, pop treant, stand in a campfire and you got free firewood for about 59 seconds (Thats how long the Cozy Fire buff lasts) and a mini world tree joke if your up to it :wolf:


“Well, I guess I could talk to the elements about fire on around world tree, but mine are kind of still angry about the druids and Smolderon and the whole shadowflame abomination. I’d rather summon some wind and water elementals myself, maybe some earth to help work up some nutrients, but yeah, I could do fire, just need to see what needs to be burnt and how burnt you need it before it’s over done. Fire can be very good for the environment though like most things this depends on context and perspective. Oh did you know the four elements aren’t even really the four?” Conversation overheard between a Blood Elf Shaman and a Night Elf Druid.

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“Slowly she crept through the darkness, using foliage and overlarge roots as cover. She stalked the inhabitants of this world tree, not out of malice, but out of secret protection. Nordrassil had been saved by her bow, once in normal time and once in crazy bronze dragon time. Shalaladralalassil had been saved when the most heinous of satyrs tried to corrupt it under the cover of the invasion by the Burning Legion. Two world trees had been saved by her bow, by her steady aim, by her relentless assault on those who would bring this world harm. Had she not slept a well-earned rest after the defeat of Sargeras’s forces, then perhaps she would have been present to foil Sylvanas’s dastardly plot. But alas, she was not, and so her feelings of guilt only grew. Well, two world trees were spared on her watch, and a third only fell for she stopped her vigilance. This day, from here until her bow is laid down for the final time, she would ensure that this world tree would not burn!! But while this cunning, crafty, silent protector would not rest, would never rest, she did grow hungry. And this hunger only grew, forcing her asgainst all reason to start a Basic Campfire, that she might cook some Temporal Dragonhead, Thousandbite Piranha and Island Dorito fishes to sate her hunger. For it had grown so vast that-”

“Alynsa, what are you doing? Are you self-narrating again?”

“Uhm… N-no… No Nightsong, I’m just, like, uhm… Just cooking? Maybe?”

“Are we going to remember to put the Basic Campire out when we’re done cooking this time?”

“Yeah, obviously, of course I will Karebear!! What are you even… I always… Yeah, you know I…”

“Have you slept recently?”

“Now Nightsong, you know I cannot sleep, not while the tree-”

“Alynsa, go to bed hun. Don’t make me shed on you.”

“Uhg, fine!!! Fine, alright? I’m going, I’m going…”

Both “You forgot to put the campfire out!!!”

“…Slowly she crept back to the campfire to put it out…”

~A conversation heard between a Worgen Druid, a Void Elf Shaman Monk, and their Mocha Elf Hunter pal.


If I shouldn’t care about the fact that Bel’Ameth is only mechanically neutral and not canonically neutral, why not just make it so Horde adventurers can only “canonically” go to Bel’Ameth, and not mechanically? Shouldn’t you guys be happy with that, sure you helped save Bel’Ameth and your reward is the beautiful solace that canonically you’d be allowed there, just not within the actual gameplay.

Obviously, you don’t want that, because to you it matters, the same way it matters to me.

Since you’ve got this fixation on your misinterpretation of canonicity matching game mechanics, how come you haven’t deleted your night elf? Didn’t most of them die? You must delete your warrior so the canon and mechanics match.