No? If you feel like all that matters is the canonical reality and the in game reality is stupid and irrelevant and I shouldn’t care, shouldn’t you be cool without being allowed to enter Bel’Ameth?
I don’t care about Bel’Amelth wasn’t going to visit when it goes live anyway. I’ll be busy with the only city that’s important to me and that’s Gilneas. I’m not loosing anything in this regard.
I know pal, my Alliance toons are on the same one, sweetie.
Nah, it’s a big zone, kiddo. You got plenty of space, friend. People have been doing this type of roleplay in neutral hubs since Wrath with Dalaran, by guy. It’sa not that hard, amigo.
Well, sweetums, just because they are allowed to be there, doesn’t mean you have to interact with them, my beloved.
I get it. The neutral city(basically, for mechanical purposes anyway) replacing an Alliance only city can seem like a bummer. Also we are both on Moonguard, there are barely any Horde there and Alliance just vastly outnumbers Horde. So I don’t think there will be that much griefing, and if there is there is always reports which do get action done.
I think Horde being allowed there but under watchful eye of the Sentinels can open up plenty of rp opportunities. And frankly, more places out in the world to interact cross faction with is a good thing. Again I get how you see it as a loss but I think there is still plenty of potential good to come from it.
It’s not “griefing” it’s IC insults that aren’t actionable (and truthfully shouldn’t be blizzard literally wrote that they’re allowed to be there LOL)
I am trying to Math Out this guy’s stated Teldrassil Complex.
Teldrassil can equal one.
T = 1
Amirdrassil is the replacement
A = 1
So that Balances out.
The Horde being there…. would = - 1/2 at the most.
So they are basically arguing that after all is said and done, the kaldorei only:
Half Lost
Instead of
That seems par for the course in the World of Warcraft.
You mentioned the worry of a bunch of Horde players putting campfires under you. That is in fact griefing. IC conflict is whatever and you can deal with it in character or simply by ignoring them if you think it doesn’t fit. You are under no obligation to pay attention to everyone’s rp even if it’s canon horde champions are allowed there. It’s not going to be near as bad as you think it will.
I would count it as being an entire loss tbh. The cities value isn’t cut in half by having Horde there it’s entirely destroyed.
So like…
Still avoid them? Put them on ignore?
This is not the monumental, insurmountable problem you’re trying to make it seem like. People have been working around this for nearly two decades.
EDIT: It just occurred to me to ask: WTH did you do to the entire Moon Guard Horde community that they’re targetting you so relentlessly?!?
Characters can ICLY make campfires as a form of taunting and insulting. You are under no obligation to acknowledge peoples IC conflict but it’s pretty eye roll worthy to refuse to acknowledge conflict that is logical and SHOULD be happening.
Horde are Horde, they’re unrepentant the most logical IC outcome for the average joe Horde champion is that they’re going to be taunting the Alliance champions there when their leaders were too weak to disallow them entry.
He probably runs around typing /shoo at Horde people in Amirdrassil.
I’m done roleplaying a nelf anyways its more me feeling bad for the people too stubborn and attatched to nelves to realize that blizz does not like their race. But here’s the thing, Horde being disruptive and vile and making bonfires is IN CHARACTER, it’s not griefing, Blizzard wrote the elves as lacking any degree of self respect so Horde players would just be basing their interactions off of that lore.
If blizzard keeps their writing from the PTR (I’m not dumb enough to think they won’t, they most likely will they hate the alliance lol) then it makes sense for Horde to be there, Tyrande decided they have a right to be there, that’s the offical canon lore. I assume the lore reason is she has realized she was overreacting over the whole genocide thing and maybe decided that the nelves deserved it or something? Not sure.
So no I wouldn’t be /shoo ing them out, who am I to tell them to lead when Tyrande and Malfurion said they have just as much of a right (if not more of a right than alliance) to be there.
So let me get this straight, you think that it would be reasonable rp that Horde could come in to a Night elf city and put campfires down and insult night elves and there wouldn’t logically be repercussions? Gameplay wouldn’t allow for these repercussions but it’s common sense that the Horde wouldn’t be allowed to do this in a canon story and you’re totally free to ignore their “IC” rp(which in this case would just be a veil to harass not actual rp)
By the way, harassment with the veil of being IC can and has been reported and temp bans given in the past.
Yes? When was the last time the Alliance enforced literally ANY repercussions on the Horde ever? It would be incredibly out of character for them to do so now, especially after inviting them into the city.
You seem devoted to feeling miserable no matter how many valid solutions to your concerns are put out there. Have a good day.
If I walked around the Cathedral district wearing that scourge tabard as a death knight and my bio said “Proud unrepentant former member of the scourge, trying to figure out a new way to exterminate all life on azeroth” and I refused to interact with any of the paladin players trying to kill me I’d be a loser who nobody should RP with.
The Horde players ICly taunting and disrespecting Alliance in Bel’Ameth are acting in a incredibly lore abiding and logically conclusive way and refusing to interact with them is lame and not cool on the same level as being Arthas and Jaina’s super secret child.
Anyone can RP in whatever way they want but there are absolutely ways to RP I don’t respect and I won’t mince words about not respecting.
The solution is not for Horde players to be respectful in Bel’Ameth, they have ZERO canon reasons to be, the solution is for them to not be allowed there at all, in both canon in gameplay.
“boo hoo”, Night Elf fans (2018-2024)
Sums it up pretty well I’d say.
Considering I’m one of them… I’m impressed. How did this one managed to piss us all off… maybe it’s something that happened in the last week? I haven’t been on any of my Horde side characters lately. Most of the ones I’ve played with are nice people, we have some troublemakers (what community doesn’t?), but most seem to be just good people trying to tell their stories and find good people to play with.