The truth about "Orc Fatigue" "night elf fatigue" "Human Fatigue"

Probably night elven worgen, since it’s implied that there are some Druids of the Pack at Talonbranch Glade. And we’ve already got man’ari eredar, even though that kind of made no dang sense and they’re just considered draenei.

I like your overall idea, though. Being able to recustomize my druid into the Revantusk she should be without race-changing, or to roll a Broken, would be awesome.

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Because people invest time and money into this product and the developers should have been competent enough to undo the damage way earlier.


They may be marginally different in scale but they’re no different in principle. The Horde are upset about being portrayed as evil and genocidal and the Alliance are upset about being portrayed as impotent and endlessly forgiving. Which, genuinely borders on evil from a perspective of the leaders of the Alliance being unwillingly to provide any degree of justice for their constituents.

You literally did win. Lordaeron is yours, Bel’Ameth is neutral, blizz decided that having the worgen fight a splinter group of forsaken (not even actual horde aligned forsaken) would be too offensive to the Horde so worgen are now confusingly fighting the scarlet crusade who has never at any point expended resources killing non-scourge/forsaken ever in the games history. Sylvanas is still alive and basically gets a “redemption arc” and will return soon, probably continuing that redemption arc.

So show me how you lost in any way that actually matters? Because you feel sorry for yourselves I guess?

In what way, exactly?

Lordaeron was the Horde’s since the start of World of Warcraft. And the Horde didn’t do it alone - Genn of all people helped.

So is was the Horde and Alliance working together. If anything, it perpetuates the notion that the Horde can do nothing without the Alliance’s help.

So neutral territory is a win, in your mind. If the Horde ejected the kaldorei after the defeat of Fyrakk, you would have a point. As it stands, you have no point.

Oh, the lady who said the Horde is nothing and ditched it. The lady the Horde Council promised Tyrande they would help bring to justice.

You see that as a Horde victory.

You made the claim that the Horde won, but you have yet to show it in a way that actually matters.

The Horde lost quite a bit. 3 nominal racial leaders, since Saurfang was the highest ranking Orc in Thrall’s absence, Sylvanas was revealed a villain, and Gallywix jumped ship. Did any major Alliance Characters die or leave the Faction? Maybe Sira if you want to count her as major.

The Horde lost the position of Warchief, and got saddled with a council that is basically pointless banter until Thrall finally gets his way.

The Horde also lost both Warfronts. Making the whole Warfront Game System basically designed to play through Alliance victories and Horde losses, on a loop, for gear.


Having a night elf themed city forced neutral is a win lmao. Keeping Lordaeron is a win, Sylvanas is a Horde character and basically always will be, lots of players on the Horde still love her, so her being kept alive and never killed is a big win for the Horde. Gallywix being the racial leader of the Goblins made no sense at all and was joked about since Cata. Every single Alliance humiliation (not getting any form of justice or revenge or reprisal literally ever) is a Horde win, it’s the reason why Horde players are so gung ho about keeping Bel’Ameth neutral because they know it’s humiliating for Alliance players.

Oh man, that is… One hell of a take.

Yeah… No, but actually not really at all.

Well, let’s be honest. With how casually you’ve just dismissed everything up to now, what would be the point?

I could point out that in every single fiend of engagement, the Alliance canonically won.

I could point out the utter devastation that is the Horde’s identity.

I could point out that now every single Vanilla-era Horde leader except Thrall has either died or is doing Maw dailies, and even include most major lore characters as well, and what we have gotten as replacements are lackluster and very much not-Horde.

I could point out all that and a whole lot more.

But you’ve heard all of that. And rather than pay any attention to it, you’ve waved your hand and casually dismissed it.

Because Bel’ameth is neutral.

And that is equal to an entire faction effectively ruined.

So really, you’re not here for a discussion. You’ve made it clear that in your eyes, there is nothing to discuss.

And I agree; if you don’t want to discuss things, then I guess there’s nothing to discuss.


Bel’Ameth being neutral is just the tip of the iceberg for Alliance being written as impotent and being totally unwillingly to get any form of revenge. All of those “canonical” Alliance victories don’t matter when you guys are consistently allowed to retreat unpursued and then forgiven immediately and completely.

What are you on about? I don’t care about that place. The only Horde Players involved in that decision are the Blizz Devs who might play Horde.

It simply is neutral. They didn’t make a poll about it, as far as I know. It isn’t being “gung ho” to state a fact.

And as I said, you have no point. It is neutral. The Horde won nothing. Being in a neutral place does not equate to a victory over the Alliance.


Go to the thread and look at all the people fighting tooth and nail against anyone asking to have it not be neutral LMAO.

Those posters had nothing to do with the decision. Their opinions are their own. Blizzard made it neutral. That is not a Horde victory.

A Horde Victory would be if it was Horde territory and Alliance were killed on site. But for the 10th time- as you acknowledge- it is neutral.

You seem to think the fact the Horde simply exists counts as a shame on the Alliance. That if the Horde exists in the same neutral zone, it is a win. And that is nonsense.

The Horde being able to be present in a city (that exists because the Horde burned down the previous one) that is explicitly for an Alliance Race when none of the Horde cities are neutral is a Horde victory. I don’t see how it isn’t?

Is still a whole brand new zone, full of night elves, filled with night elf aesthetics, all about night elves. Coming as the epilogue of an entire patch focused on making sure the new night elf tree is safe and good.

But oh no, this whole brand new zone all about your favorite race will allow other people on it!!

Oh no!!

Man, I’d love to gave something like that for the Horde.

All we get is villainized, lose the very battles we start, then utterly forgotten about entirely until the next time we have to be the villains of your personal hero fantasy.

But if we got a neutral replacement for, say, Kezan and you guys had to help keep it safe? Man, that might almost be worth having no direction other than being the baddies you can fight every 4-6 years.


Rabbit victory.


Fyrakk was trying to destroy the world this cope is so irrelevant lol. Also yeah none of that matters when they just get portrayed as impotent weaklings, blizz could write a bible length book about nelf lore and if the nelves get consistently written as utterly pathetic that’s not a win for nelf players.

Quality > quantity

And the Horde player was there defending the tree before that got revealed. It’s part of the ED campaign.


So weak that they pushed the Horde out of Darkshore, which the Horde only won when they made sure the entire night elf army had already left.


Then why do you call it a “Horde victory” when we’re already written that way for a decade?



Horde cities just get treated like Warzones, from Dazaralor, to Undercity, to Orgrimmar. Alliance Forces have canonically swept through those Horde cities. More than once, in the case of Org and UC.

That aside…

It is heavily implied that in the Midnight Expansion, Quelthalas will have Alliance involvement as well. And that would be taking from current Horde lands to make it neutral, which is another actual loss of Horde territory.

Where Amirdrassil was never kaldorei territory to begin with. So the Alliance lost nothing in introducing it as neutral.

You seem to expect the whole story to unfold in a single day.


In what world are the Horde impotent LOL. They’ve been consistently doing whatever they want unrepentantly.

The Alliance lost Teldrassil, Bel’Ameth was sold as a replacement for Teldrassil, it being neutral shows that it clearly isn’t on any level. So yes Alliance are losing because they’re not regaining the thing they previously lost.

Azeroth and Alt-Draenor. Two worlds!!

You’re welcome.

Oh, so the entire Alliance died in Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria and Battle for Azeroth?

And the Horde now canonically controls everything?

You just funny now.


The Alliance lost most engagements in cata, but yeah the Horde has never ceded or lost land (execpt for Lordaeron temporarily at the hands of their own faction leader 98% of the player base enthusiastically supported)