The truth about "Orc Fatigue" "night elf fatigue" "Human Fatigue"

So the dialogue happens during the Island Expeditions? I’m not seeing how this is the same.

The visual effect is the same, though. (But out of curiosity, does she start out neutral toward Alliance players and change to friendly as you gain rep?)

If it’s happening during the Island Expeditions it’s even more explicit, since it’s not dialogue you have to go out of your way to read, it’s voice acted work that plays automatically as you do content you’re expected to do.

On Mechagon Gazlowe is not that harsh to my face - maybe because I already beat him up on the race for Azerite?

    Gazlowe says: Beat it, chump. Ya ain’t in my crew, so I got nothin’ for you.

I’m pretty sure the Silver Covenant starts out Friendly for Alliance players and can be worked to Exalted, but I’d have to check on one of my alts to see if I’m remembering correctly.

Also pretty sure Vereesa starts Unfriendly for Horde players when they arrive at Dalaran and stays that way regardless of Kirin Tor rep.

You are incorrect. They start neutral, just like other WotLK reps.


One one think I’d remember that, given I dredged through that rep to Exalted before the Argent Tournament was available when the only way to get rep with the Silver Covenant was a single gyrocopter daily in Howling Fjord shooting down Gargoyles.

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Oh sweet Amadis. You poor, crazy person you. While I never hit exalted with them or the Horde counterpart Sunreavers, but I’m 65% sure I got rep with them passively/accidentally by forgetting to tabard up before running dungeons and just getting the default rep or something.


They didn’t make it so you gained Silver Covenant or Sunreaver rep from dungeons until the Icecrown Citadel raid patch.

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True, but there was no point to getting exalted with them so yeah, I only did it once Argent Tournament started.

That’s what it was!! I got rep with them on proto-Alynsa and most of my alts because once the Dungeon Finder came in, I was doing that on proto-Alynsa, and didn’t touch tourney stuff on her specifically (I was more focused on my paladin, cuz Argent Teleport Tabard) until much, much later and I don’t think for very long.


I am addicted to reps. I hate pvp, but I have Justicar. I don’t just have The Insane, I also have Shen’dralar at Exalted. I don’t just have Bloodsail at Exalted, I have all four Steamwheelde Cartel reps Exalted at the same time as the pirates. I have the Feat of Strength of Hero of Shattrath and the Mercenary of Sholazar achievements. I didn’t get Esteemed from multiple characters, I got it with this single character. I even have the Obsidian Warden rep at Exalted by sloughing through Forbidden Reach dailies and weeklies on my main Druid here even when there’s no reason to because you can get all their rewards just by making a Dracthyr character.


Amadis, you continue to put me in awe, but this might be the first time that awe comes with a dose of concern. I am both jealous and worried, and I don’t know how to handle that!!


True, but it’s not a one-on-one “You suck” straight from NPC to player. It’s also ambiguous as to whether it takes place before, during, or after the Mechagon campaign. It just doesn’t seem analogous to the other examples brought up during this thread. Not saying that makes it trivial or anything, just that it seems like it belongs in a different “basket.”

I have to agree with you on your overall point. I cannot think of any examples similar to say Alliance players getting an option to click on Geya’rah for hostile dialogue.


Let’s compare how FF14 handles cycle of violence with how WoW handles cycle of violence:

FF14 Heavensward cycle of violence:
Ishgard is wrong, their church having chose for generations to fight a war of futility against the dragons rather than risk it’s position of power by admitting a growing list of generations have died for nothing.
Nidhogg is wrong, because his single-minded focus on bleeding Ishgard out to extinction is causing the dragons to suffer and lose territory in Dravania to aggressive invaders like the bug-people.

The peace plan is not immediately accepted with the Ishgard public, who have lost loved ones in the war, and are in disbelief that it was in vain. Aymeric is attacked by citizens who briefly see him as a collaborator with the enemy against the old guard.
The peace plan is not immediately accepted by the other dragons, with Hraesvelgr resistant to turn against his own brother until Aymeric reveals he ordered the execution of his own father to even be able to barter this chance at peace.
Nidhogg is driven to kill members of his own kind for entertaining the idea of peace, everyone rallies around the cause that Nidhogg is the common cause of war and that nobody can enjoy peace until he’s out of it.

How WOW handles cycle of violence:
Horde do a dirty play, usually during server downtime but sometimes actively seeking the player’s direct involvement. The Alliance is informed of the Horde’s crimes, and sometimes their player spends much of their time cleaning up the Horde player’s aftermath.

Alliance do a dirty play, usually to Horde civilian NPCs laboring in some area where Horde players never go. The Horde storyline never acknowledges that it happens. Horde player usually sees a mysterious orc blockhouse or goblin workshop that has no quests and nobody you can talk with, and correctly surmises these poor fools are regularly killed by the Alliance for some reason.

A Horde figurehead is given a loot table at the top of a raid tower. This usually comes with their faction achieving an atrocity during server downtime and thus becoming too evil for players to feel like heroes anymore, so they are forced to join the Alliance in attacking their own people.
This is supposed to be the “common cause” moment where both sides realize they would rather stand in fellowship than condemn themselves to death as long as the other side dies too.

Horde players are told that their faction was wrong, because war is bad. They are accepting that it is what it is, though a few are annoyed to be told that faction loyalty is paramount for years and then be forced to betray the faction.
If the Horde leader is Sylvanas, usually a bunch of Horde die in their own atrocity (orc/tauren/goblin skeletons at Lordaeron). Then there’s the Horde who do the Nazgrim thing of dying in a civil war trying to protect the only home they ever knew, even if it means fighting their old neighbor. That’s lots of Horde death, maybe Horde will remember that war is bad next time!

The Alliance are told that war is bad, but they still kind of kicked a Horde figurehead off their perch so the leaders are going to show mercy and accept the common cause. Players then go on a forums posting spree protesting that the message was a load of manure because the Horde wasn’t required to fix the parts they broke. Sometimes the Horde will be involved in fixing the parts they broke, which is also bad because then it’s taking time away from the Alliance.

The parts the Alliance broke are never redressed, it’s okay because the Horde probably wasn’t made aware that the Alliance bombed a farm on the other side of the map.


How do you do this? First getting the Bloodsail exalted, then do the cartels?

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Nightsong posted the guide, so let me just add that it’s…

A lot. A whole damn lot.

Amadis is a freaking champ with his reputation devotion.

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Yep. As the guide Nightsong like covered, do all possible Steamweedle quests first so you don’t risk losing Bloodsail rep later, then get Bloodsail to Exalted (which back in the days before Catalcysm required killing one single mob in the Badlands on an eight minute timer for months), then grind Southsea Pirates at the Northern Barrens and Lost Rigger Cove in Tanaris because killing them increases your Steamweedle rep without lowering your Bloodsail rep.

(And then do that all again when Cataclysm redid the Steamweedle quests with the old world revamp…)

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The thing that I find funny but also kinda neat about the Esteemed, and the exalted rep achievements in general is that the ONLY faction reps that count towards the achievement regardless of your characters faction are Wintersaber Trainers (Alliance), Tranquillen (horde) and maybe the Honeyback Hive (Alliance). Since those reps have no opposing faction counterpart. Meaning I got the Esteemed title when my horde pally got exalted with Tranquillen then logged back over to my warrior.

Atm the only two reps I don’t have at exalted on this toon are Silverwing Sentinels (things just keep coming up whenever warsong scramble is up), Marasmius and Talons vengeance. Excluding any removed reps (toon was made in late MoP), That Pandaren starting zone rep that you cannot get to exalted regardless and obviously the rival reps (so Oracles and Aldor for this toon). Also does anyone actually know why the Syndicate is even a rep? You cannot get to exalted with them no matter what. So why is it even a thing? Same with the Shang Xi’s Academy rep. Like why is THAT a thing?

I seriously cbf’ed doing the fisher friends on the Broken Isles, nor finish Nat Pagle. They don’t count as exalted reps anyway.

Side note: Doing court of Night as a non night fae was both funny and painful.

I got Esteemed before they changed it to consider reps across multiple characters.

I have all the Best Friends and otherwise named reps maxed out, too.

from a certain point of view, so did I :stuck_out_tongue: I got it when it was released. I just cheated a little. Since Tranquillen does count if you are on an Alliance toon but you need to be horde to actually get it.

Why struggle when you can get that sweet sweet cheese.