The truth about "Orc Fatigue" "night elf fatigue" "Human Fatigue"

Scarlet Crusade isn’t Horde though :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
It’s literally free of faction war drama.

Like, unless they have some kind of

“Oh yeah, the Forsaken made Gilneas their home when Lordaeron & Undercity was gassed out, most made themselves and home & don’t want to return to their former city now that it’s restored.”

It’s relatively drama-free in the faction-war department. :person_shrugging:

That’s not the point. Some of us wanted revenge against the FORSAKEN, you know, the people who invaded and plagued Gilneas to begin with? But blizz being the spineless cowards they are, sat on gilneas and did nothing with the place for 13 yrs

This is the problem alliance side, we’re never allowed our pound of flesh for horde atrocities. Worse horde players got were a few mean words thrown at them by Tyrande/Shandris


Difference is you, the player, can sneer at those NPCs all you like.

I, the player, can’t stop the Alliance NPCs from sneering.


There’s a certain irony when the only complaint horde mains can up with is Tyrande said a few mean words to to me that one time

It’s almost like the we have to purposly ignore the numerous war crimes one side partook in quite willingly.

All I’m saying is, if we’re going to have this conversation again, can we be honest with ourselves this time around?

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I mean, that’s been the status quo with the ones the Alliance has commited, well, at least until the writers go back and turn them into good things.


Oh, believe me, it’s far from the only complaint I have.

Define “willingly.” Bonus points if you explain how the PLAYERS were willing.


I didn’t mention the players specifically. I just said we have to ignore the hordes genocidal tendencies and by willingly, I mean how the horde always blindly followed their pyschotic Warchiefs until it became inconvient for them in the end and the war starts going south, only than do some of them decide that rebelling and outting their evil warchief might be a good idea

Don’t get me wrong, I do like the horde, or at least, I used to. Before blizzard completely ruined them. It’s hard to take the faction serious at this point.

But as a worgen main, I have a ton of complaints about the horde as well and the faction war as whole.

I’m not trying to justify anything the alliance did. I’m just tired of holding hands with the horde and pretending everything is sunflowers and rainbows and all is right in the world of azeroth because the horde is super sorry this time around


And I’m tired of the hero faction I chose getting damned as villains left and right for whatever stupid thing the writers think of while races that wipe out tribes of tauren to steal their land get treated as fine and dandy, where characters who do things that realistically would be the start of a war get treated as heroes because they did something 100% unrelated to their bad actions later on, a hate group that committed an ethnic cleansing is being redeemed in the story. and etc.

It’s tiring when both sides have groups that do horrible things, but one side it is exaggerated by the story and forced in even when it doesn’t make sense, and on the other the story turns bad actions into good ones that make it all better.


It’s why I hope they NEVER attempt another faction war again. It’s reached the level of stupidity that honestly? I truthfully can’t take anyone serious if they still support a faction war being the main theme of Warcraft.

War can still be in the game and it can take on many different forms, just leave the factions out of it. That’s all I want.

As for the whole forsaken and gilneas thing, I’m over it. It’s been 13 yrs, so I don’t want people to get the idea I still want revenge, because at this point, it serves no narrative purpose. And besides that ship sailed a LONG TIME ago


Well, I did, so why are you making a non-player-focused post in respose? I’m saying that as a player, it’s easier to insert your own reactions than to avoid those the game forces on you.

This isn’t the dunk you seem to think it is. Because Horde players are just as much hostage to those storylines as Alliance ones are.


Good thing it’s the truth and not the dunk YOU apparently thought it was. Because the horde did gleefully follow Sylvanas until the war went south and some of the horde rebelled at the last hour. AFTER both sides were devastated mind you. But still, they waited until they were in a bad position to continue the war to rebel.

Because it’s weird that the only complaint horde mains seem to hyper focus on is Tyrande said a few mean words to me and I don’t understand why

There’s a lot of things to complain about, but Tyrande being rightly pissed at the horde and saying a few mean words to the players because the horde committed a genocide against the kaldorei isn’t really a valid complaint in my eyes.

A few mean words being the worst the horde player received in the end is the least of WoWs narrative problems.

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That’s something most Horde players got incredibly p!$$!d off with in BFA, along with Sylvanas’ conclusion with Shadowlands.

Horde are utterly sick to zug-zugging death, of consistently being:

  • Vilified.
  • Going along with plans of stereotype villains “MuAhAhAhA”
  • Having some decorum of ‘rebellion’ - naturally late to the show. :roll_eyes:
  • And getting smacked into a corner by the Alliance, and essentially told: “Naughty Naughty, don’t do it again – Now go sit against the wall & think about what you’ve done!”
  • Ultimately losing whatever faction war as a whole, then being shunned as ‘In the wrong’ with the Alliance uplifted as ‘The righteous heroes!’

Like honestly, at Blizzcon before BFA someone straight up called Blizzard on their BS and said: “Is this going to be yet ANOTHER case of the Horde being the villains, and another warchief going into the direction like Garrosh; being villified … Please tell us it’s not.”

To which the meme was born, when Blizzard responded:

“Oh no, BFA will be ‘morally grey’ for sure.”

… Like what a load of croc dung that was, eh? :unamused:

It was so morally charcoal black, the Black Empire had to squeeze into the last patch of the expansion to make a political copyright statement in an attempt to reclaim their position – and still kinda failed in comparison. :face_exhaling:


Yes, that is the story the writers crafted. What’s your point?

“I don’t understand why” is YOUR addition.

MY complaint is “Tyrande said several mean words to me and I, the person sitting at the computer who pays a subscription just like you, have done absolutely nothing to deserve this play experience.”

It’s a complaint about the stupid story that the writers are pushing on BOTH of us. Why is that so hard for you to get?

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I remember this drama as well now.

They are the main characters though. Blizzard did not care enough to go beyond Medivh/Khadgar/Jaina/Anduin and make prominent Horde-characters either likable or relevant. Baine was just sitting all the time around in SL, as an example. But to be fair, he was out of place in this expansion, regardless of his background story with his parents.

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I get it. I really do. You’re discussing it from a horde point of view, and I’m just discussing it from the side that’s always the punching bag and rarely gets to punch back in any meaningful way.

Both sides have their complaints and we all had this discussion numerous times now and never once has it been productive because people are simply set in their ways after so many years


And you’re using that as a justification for why I deserve a bad gameplay experience. That’s the part I don’t understand.

Wasn’t there something about how he was supposed to be discovering “the terrible truth of his people”? We may have dodged a bullet when that story was cut.


Nobody is making that claim that’s why you don’t understand

You say it’s not a problem for Horde players to have to deal with Tyrande sneering at them, and you even mock those who complain about it. Kinda sounds like you think it is okay for that to happen.


What I actually said is that it’s weird that a few mean words from Tyrande is what you guys hyper focus on when there’s so much wrong with BfA


I think it gets brought up because the “helping Tyrande while she sneers at you” story just kind of distills everything that’s frustrating about the Horde main experience into one one exquisitely irritating quest chain. It’s like a perfect shining jewel of annoyance.