The truth about "Orc Fatigue" "night elf fatigue" "Human Fatigue"

That was Xavius.


Insult the player helping her Tyrande wasn’t Xavius though.


Nothing she said in the live version of Val’sharah was that particularly bad. They toned her way down from her initial text in the beta.

Oh good, so that’s ok. Not like there wasn’t precedent for players not having to take that noise from a faction leader of the opposing side.


I’m glad Blizzard didn’t cater again to people who wanted to antagonize the person they were going to come help. I myself never clicked the dialogue option to question Vol’jin during Battlefield: Barrens.

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That was Xavius making a mockery out of Malfurion. You can tell because Malfurion is literally trash talking Xavius when you do Darkheart Thicket.


People would do the “Furries are going to overrrun WoW now” every time they introduce a new Anthropomorphic race, somehow oblivious to the Tauren that were present since day 1.


Night Elf Architecture is at least pretty cool.
Orc Architecture is like: “Yo, you have resources now. You don’t have to resort to primitive & somewhat impractical craftsmanship now y’know?”

I’d love an expansion where:

  • The Horde area is Blood elf & Nighborne themed, with one half of it being elegant & calm, with other side being chaotic (Nether-Energies, Fel Energies & light energies all encompassed in the one area) yet organised.
  • and the Alliance area have a fully decked out mech-lab that has titan-architect themes with Mechagnome stylisations seen within it, along with stylish massage chairs outside; have a human in one & a dwarf in the other with clickable dialog “We should’ve let the gnomes have their way years ago.” Hehe.

But ultimately yeah, give some of the other races some love in the factions — not just one small zone or crumby camp, but a BIG zone or recognisable area. Heck I wouldn’t mind if they even had it for faction neutral zones but had some obvious “This is who’s in charge!” vibes for each faction.

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I do know it was xavius, but it is NE content, what I’m telling you is that I don’t want a repeat or something so cringe like that, because be it xavius or green jesus, I was helping tyrande, that is my point. I don’t want to be forced to look and help a night elf Every single expansion!
Hell why they did used shandris for the introduction quest for this patch? We could have used any other dragon in a dragon expansion and there we were with shandris, following the incarnates.
You can give me all the lore reasons for why it must be her and not any X random dragon but it is a dragon expansion, we could have used anyone else for the same job and it would have the same ending.

So yeah i don’t want to quest with tyrande or malfurion, or Xavius, or shandris, or any purple elf that says " elune adore" in the foreseeable future, not cuz I don’t like them, cuz I as a Horde player want to quest with Horde races, that is the meening of fatigue, when ppl get sick of seeing something.
And I’m tired of Night elves in general.
Is it so dificult to acknowledge that Nigh elf content has been all over the place since legion?


I main mostly alliance, but kaldorei content since legion has eclipsed stormwind when it comes to being front and center and it’s tiring and exhausting to deal with

I wish blizz realized there’s more to the alliance than just purple elves and stormwind humans.


It’s still something that Alliance players don’t have to put up with on a regular basis. When you play mostly Horde, you do get a little tired of Alliance NPCs sneering at you while you’re helping them.


Racists still lumping orcs in with anything other than germanics so sad.

I have acknowledged this several times in this thread. However, I am not a particular fan of the Horde, or even the Alliance. As Kohnila originally posted, desired experiences are obviously different.

It’s not something that Horde players have to deal with one a regular basis, either. It happened in Legion, and then was avoidable in Shadowlands if one could choose to skip the Night Fae faction.

Even if the Horde players had to save Tyrande in the Korthia campaign, there was no different dialogue for Horde and Alliance at that point. And the Horde players weren’t sneered at while helping in the Emerald Dream, either.


Literally the first thing we had to put up with during the Insurrection questline was being told “look what trash drag in from Theramore”.(literally reminding us that these are the same Horde following Garrosh until it became inconvenient for them) Like, if my toon truly had a choice, he would have nope the heck out and let Garrosh/Vol’jin kill each other and sweep in afterwards.

I recall why the line to dis Vol’jin was even added. It was because Alliance players were pissed to help the very people who demolished Theramore. And that Kosak’s idea was along the lines of “hey, you Alliance folks are supplying the Horde so they can kill each other” which was not conveyed well at the time.

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Yeah, same fatigued feels with orcs & undead in the Horde — Since ‘Shadowlands’ the taste in my mouth for Death Knights & the undead in general has been awfully soured … But yeah, heck having a Horde & Alliance city that’s not focussed around one singular race but all of them for their respective faction would be neat.

For a hub, getting a combination of Draenei Naaru tech & gnome techs could be:
:fire: :fire: :fire:

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I mean the Alliance gets this too, but in reverse. When you play Alliance, you get a little tired of helping Horde NPCs who massacred/genocided your people while being unable to sneer at them.


Ally players also ultimately have to pretend the hordes many war crimes over the years never happened for sake of whatever contrived reason blizz comes up with within the moment. And heaven forbid if you mention wanting a little vengeance against the ones who did your fav race wrong, you’re looked at like some sort of pyschopath :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s the main reason why I loathe the faction war with every fiber of my being. Nobody comes away happy or satisfied with the outcome, because nobody is actually allowed to win or have a sense that any wrongdoings were ultimately righted


And then later wonder why the Horde cause them so much trouble. :joy:

Alliance: “We’ve showed them nothing but kindness and this is how they repay us!?”


Warchief: “Yeah, lets have a bonfire – a HUGE one.”

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Worgen staring off in the distance at the Undercity

And than blizz does nothing for 13 yrs and we get the Scarlets instead.

Prime example of why I hate faction war sooo damn much