The truth about "Orc Fatigue" "night elf fatigue" "Human Fatigue"

Eh… Azuna feels much closer to Night Elf content, so I can’t really agree with people who would claim it wasn’t. Someone turned into a Wisp, living Night Elves were looking for their ghostly cursed family members, Elune turned a ghost Satyr back into a Night Elf soul. Add on to that all the Warden content (tying in with the neighboring zone content of Maiev reconnecting with Jarod at Black Rook Hold) and is really feels like Night Elf content.

I don’t see Troll content as totally inclusive to all lore Trolls. That is to say, I didn’t see Zandalar as Darkspear content (to be fair, I have never played through Zandalar outside a Shadowlands expansion purchase level boosted Goblin questing through Vol’dun to unlock the Vulpera). Obviously Bwonsamdi was there, and there was a small part with Vol’jin’s urn, and Gonk was there, who Darkspear Druids had connection to. But I don’t think Gonk ever acknowledge the Darkspear as a people in the entirety of BfA? Even the finale of Vol’jin’s questline in BfA was to praise Talanji rather than anything else.

People think the War of the Ancients is “foundational” to Azeroth’s setting and therefore neutral? I cannot say I agree with that at all. I can’t even see the rational behind that. That would be like saying Sargeras finding Argus is foundational to the setting and so all Draenei content is neutral content (and if anyone thinks saving the Draenei in the Exodar and hopping a ride to the Draenei’s home world on the Vindicaar was Horde content I would have to dismiss their opinions in general).

The War of the Ancients is Night Elf content. Much of what is related to the War of the Ancients is Night Elf content. Cenarius and the Ancients (despite criticism of them having nothing to say about the Horde despoiling nature under Garrosh’s rule while the Cataclysm was simultaneously happening) are Night Elf content. Black Rook Hold is Night Elf content. Hyjal as the aftermath of the war is Night Elf content.

But that does not mean everything related to the War of the Ancients is Night Elf content. The Naga are at this point distinct biologically, culturally, architecturally, politically, and narratively that they are no more Night Elf content than the Blood Elves are, even if they also only exist because of the War of the Ancients. The Naga aren’t even the exclusive enemies of the Night Elves any more. They’re literally attacking everyone. Neptulon, the Kvaldir, the Darkspear, the Kul’Tirans, the Horde and Alliance. If there’s access from the oceans the Naga could show up at any moment in any content. But them doing so alone would not make the place Night Elf content.

Can’t say I agree with this. We went in to help some lanky descendants of Highborne from turning into Wretched- er, sorry, Withered - and stop the Legion from abusing the Sunwell- ah, sorry again, Nightwell - while everything is covered in trappings that would not feel out of place in Silvermoon. I cannot argue with anyone who has ever stated that the Nightborne had more obvious relatability with the Blood Elves than the Night Elves whenever “Suramar should have stayed neutral” comes up.


People always seem to forget that Val’sharah also features Black Rook Hold. That’s super-important to Night Elf history and has no connection to druidism.

Is there any other race in the game where we get to see what their past looked like from so long ago, complete with a population of ghosts that you can talk to and guided tours given by major lore figures? The only other thing I can think of that even comes close is Stratholme, and that’s from only a few decades ago in game time.

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Ashenvale was going to be my original choice over Darkshore, but… No, it’s different. Ashenvale has touchstones for me as a Horde player. I’ve got Splintertree Outpost and the Warsong lumber camp. I’ve got important lore locations like Demon Fall Canyon. It’s certainly no Barrens, no Stonetalon Mountains or Vanilla Thousand Needles, but it isn’t as foreign to be there. At least all areas east (I think?) of Astranaar. Past there, the familiarity starts to diminish and I’m travelling into the area of The Other.


I do think Demon Fall Canyon should have been rezoned as part of the Northern Barrens. It is more important to the Horde, and doesn’t really add anything to Ashenvale.


There were also no night elves in the zone where Jaina, Thrall and Cairne were fighting Grom, and where he was “rescued”, so it doesn’t make much sense to be in Ashenvale forest either (also it looked nothing like it).


The Draenei and Argus? And I guess the Dragons now with the Dragon Isles, especially the Blue Dragons if we’re talking about ghosts. Technically the Blood Elves wherever there are Highborne ghosts. Vrykul in a lot of cases. Didn’t Zandalar questing involve its first king being resurrected as well? Dazar’alor probably isn’t much different from its founding given its Titan construction.


Hmm, maybe. I forget, are there draenei ghosts on Argus that you can talk to?

Briefly, in a dungeon.

There was a questline with the ghosts, yeah:

    It is as if the battle never ceased. How long have they suffered like this?

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Okay, fair, I grant there are a few other examples. But I think it’s fair to say that the Night Elves’ history has been explored in greater depth and detail in-game than that of any other race, when you consider not only Nazjatar (and arguably Suramar) but Azsuna, Black Rook Hold, and the War of the Ancients dungeons. I’d be willing to bet that a count of related quests would put Night Elves comfortably in front as well.

And I actually don’t mind this because I think Night Elf history is kind of cool. I really liked the War of the Ancients books.


There’s definitely no denying that. Night Elf history has most definitely been shown in the game more than any other race’s history has. And likewise, Night Elves have had more content in the game than most any other race as well.

The note on Suramar reminded me of something:

Though I already covered my perspective of the Nightborne being Blood Elves 2.0, was there actually any mention in Suramar about things that happened ten-thousand years ago? Besides Thalyssra’s narration cinematic introducing the city, I think most of the Nightborne we interact with talk more with what happened at a soiree the week before rather than anything that happened during the War of the Ancients or before it.

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Isn’t Forsaken Fatigue on here as well?

You’re mistaking that with Sylvanas Fatigue, though it’s a fair mistake to make considering she was the sole representation of the Forsaken for the majority of WoW’s lifetime.


Hmm, no ?.. They’ve been thorougly absent from the literal Death expac. We had to wait for the freaking post-expansion minor patch for the writers to realize that “hey maybe those Forsaken guys would have some interest in the Necromancy afterlife from which the entirety of their recontextualized foundational lore originates”. And even then, we spent like 5 minutes there—just enough time for Sin’dane to tell Calia “Ah don’t worry, every cosmic force can be used to raise the dead, you’re a perfectly valid Light zombie baby girl”


Now granted, they did get more screentime than most Horde races since WoD ended, which really doesn’t mean much, unfortunately.

Rezoning just Demonfall though kinda takes away from Grom’s narrative, and that of the Horde and Night Elves. It all happened in Ashenvale and Night Elf lands. Just to say ‘poof’ you’re Nothern Barrens now is jarring and does a disservice to those mentioned.

If we really want to talk about rezoning, Ashenvale is a huge zone just as the Barrens were. Creating an east and west Ashenvale could be a move. Perhaps not the most popular move given the past few expansions, especially BFA, but keeping that western half fully Night Elf/Alliance and the eastern half Night Elf/Alliance using the Falfarren River as that real Horde/Alliance divide for your ‘war’ zone to me sounds like a have your cake and eat it too. It creates an almost mechanical promise that the only war ever happening in Ashenvale is Warsong Gulch in perpetuity, the Night Elves get 75 of the zone, 50% exclusively, and provides that Horde buffer right next to Orgrimmar.

An approximate thinking using my amazing paint skills. :arrow_down: We, of course, upzone it to a DF sized zone

No it didn’t. The Horde and Alliance traveled east from Stonetalon into the Barrens:

The final zone of the orc campaign happened in the Barrens. If anything, it would have made more sense for it to happen in the Barrens rather then Ashenvale(I would expect the night elves would be trying to track Manaroth/would have learned the Horde killed him thus making Tyrande’s paranoia about them seem misplaced.

Well color me embarrassed.

Still, “Near the edge of the Barrens” and then they had to travel to the canyon. They put it in Ashenvale nestled right in those mountains so might as well roll with it. Given the Warsong Camp is still up there not impossible to assume that Manaroth stuck around at the edge of the forests, trying to be as sneaky or hidden as a pit lord can be.

You took the words out of my mind!
I truly love elves in Warcrat, all my faves characters are elves( illidan, kael’thas, sylvanas, tyrande and so on), but its tiring and it is somewhat boring to quest with tyrande since legion.
It is tiring to have a NE related patch/content every single expansion, why does that happen? Why should I have to accept tyrande calling me names while questing? And still be forced to help her? I do like her but it get me out of my immersion, my horde toon is not friends with her.

And the other concern I have is why only horde themes are treated with disdain? Why trolls and orcs get to get fatigue on players while human and NE content is all over the place EVEN for us hordes.
How many times have I seen anduin in BFA or tyrande, or shandris when they don’t want to use tyrande?
Nazjatar is a fundamental place for NE all I can think while there is on the War of the ancients a NE related content.
What bothers me the most is that alliance players are the most demanding players around( I found ludicrous the thread about what must be in bel’ameth and what ppl were asking but hey that is just me)
And cuz of that demand, that alot of NE players did over the last 5 years, we got that load of NE content to fix the damage from teldrassil. And I’m sick of it, been sick of NE, world trees and such for about 2 to 3 years now.
But hey we just got an expansion themed around death, why the forsaken had zero to no relevance in that expansion? And NE got resolution for their situation with Sylvanas…
I do think that you guys deserved it, but its does not take out the fact that it bloats the game with NE content and it gets tiring for some opl to be around tyrande every single expansion in some way or another…

I just hope next time we see her and malfurion we don’t get that yelling ( TYRANDE MY LOVE WHERE ARE YOU?) that was truly nightmare stuff.