The true enemy to both WoW and IRL is Elitism/Extremism

You’re not willing to put in the effort at all. You want to luck into a group capable of doing the content that will carry you through it. Here’s an alternate solution for you: AOTC carries are about 600k right now.

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Maybe, if you want to be a world first raiding guild. But 99.999999% of the guilds out there don’t strive for that and thus they don’t require that kind of commitment to run. I mean if you want to a fortune 500 company, you need to have some serious capital but that doesn’t mean that those are the only companies out there.

Then why don’t you go find a Single player RPG that would be more fitting for the type of game play you seem to prefer. WoW may have some single player aspects but the game has always been about the team . Be it dungeons , raids or pvp .

Wait, are you on my side or theirs?

If my side, I’ll give you a heart.

If not my side, I have quotes lined up to respond to.

You just proved my point. It’s expensive to upkeep groups.

Then wow isn’t the game for you. Find something else.

I proved your point that you’re lazy and entitled?? 600k is the cost of a carry. Not how much it costs to do heroic Castle Nathria. It’s actually a very easy raid.

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One of these is obviously drastically less difficult then the other.

Lol what? Are you seriously comparing Complexity Limit to yourself and your experience in the game? They are one of the top guilds in the world and put all the gold into buying BoEs for their guild to help push their ilvl to clear the content. No normal guild would ever put that much money into something like that and nor should they be expected to.

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Hello, toxic elitist reporting in. Make your own group.

Misinterpretation. The OP.

Then why is it 600k?

Because other people put in the work and that’s what they value their time at? Do you not know how money works? I guess you wouldn’t considering you think people should hand you free 6 figure businesses.

It’s 600k if you want to put in zero effort and be carried.

As somebody who used to do the hardcore raid thing and was one of the best geared tanks on my server at the time, it’s considerably less cost if you actually are part of a decent raiding guild. At that point all your need is your consumables/repairs, and the guild very well might even cover that for you.

I value my time as well. I’m a different stroke.

Your way is currently the only way, and I hate it.

Yes, playing the game like it’s a multiplayer game and not a single player game is the only way. Might I suggest Skyrim or Candy Crush if you’re against playing multiplayer games?

MMO does not mean forced group content.

It means it’s a game with other people online as well.

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It does mean the best rewards are reserved for group content.

Sure play by yourself but don’t complain about not getting the best rewards.

Its off putting. 300 million gold. Server hopping looking for BoE’s. Buying everything to world first.

Nothing untoward - but it still stinks.

Solo content was once a pedestal similar. Then yall took that away.

Go play Final Fantasy 14 and do a savage raid in the current content solo. Do a regular raid. Hell, just run a single trial without a party. Come back and let me know how it goes. I’ll wait.

You are aware that there’s a huge range of possibilities for how a guild functions and that not every guild has to be or wants to be Limit, right? You’re also aware that plenty of people never get CE, AotC, or KSM who still enjoy the game, right? And you also know that guilds have more functions than just being a gateway to progressing content, right?

Your comparison of IRL business to WoW progression kind of demonstrates that you don’t really understand either.