The true enemy to both WoW and IRL is Elitism/Extremism

Honestly, your insults as a party have grown stale.

No. Rich people should for denying the poor.

I’m not here to entertain you, I’m here to entertain me.
And I’m easily amused.

These people say that the game should force you to group up, yet they act in a way that would make me want to kick them.

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I would too. Especially for such nonsense as “finding entertainment in lesser beings’ misery” as Famous so kindly put it.

Exact verbatim.

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Who said this was about you or your concern? I might just be laughing @ something I recalled from days past. But if you’re feeling left out, sure! I’m game. Amuse me.

A dissenting opinion is not trolling.

Neither is being told “make your own group” and etc. etc. a form of elitism. You aren’t forced to do anything. :slight_smile:

The fact he called me a troll contributes to the problem.

Hence why I further discredit the “make your own” mantra.

How does being called a name on a forum push an ‘elitism’ agenda on a video game?

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Ever notice how these posts that whine and cry about this nebulous group of ‘elitists’ is always some low level forum alt, since the OP is almost universally too cowardly to show their own efforts, as we could easily point out what they are doing wrong?


When Famous does it, he gets away with it.

When I do it, I get a forum vacation.

Put two and two together.

Those two things don’t connect like… at all. Sorry.

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He’s saying people will flag him for insulting others because they don’t agree with him, but they won’t flag someone who insults him because they share opinions.

i am extremely handsome.

You should avoid naming and shaming.

Right I get that but, I can’t see how it correlates to a huge underworld of big bad elitists running free.
When it’s really like, 1% of players who are the real elitists, and not just jerks.

You should probably reread the forum rules. If callouts like this are your norm, it’s no wonder you get vacations.

Again, self responsibility seems to be a thing you don’t factor in, ever.

Some people are logical and make good points.

Others are obnoxious and contribute nothing of value.

Guess which group you’re in.

This one.

And if you say I am in this:

Then you are as well.

Honestly, the vacations should be given to them.

Wow, they just go straight to insults. Are they miserable because of Covid or something?