The true end of automated multiboxing is upon us

Just a friendly reminder that multiboxing is not banned, only mirroring inputs via software and hardware. Efficient multiboxing is dead.


Controlling something basing it on the concept of Human laziness is the best way to kill something.


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I can finally understand why the panda has had no problem with the content and is constantly defending it. They’re a multibox farmer. Of course they have no problem with content because it is just a farm to them.

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Given that Blizzard monitors large gold transfers between unrelated characters, and keeps an eye on accounts that have a habit of sending large amounts of gold to seemingly random people and where that gold goes, the chances that the gold will be revoked, your account will be banned, and you’ll still be out the $20 is fairly high.

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destroy /follow and you will destroy multibox farmers, else they will still alt-tab between windows to pick up nodes

They’ve effectively made it 100 times harder where you have the game itself which is a chore and on top of that, multiboxing will add chores on chores on top of it.

Seems to me they have the right idea when it comes to “killing or destroying” multiboxing.

Don’t ban it. Just make humans put in more effort. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m good with it! If someone can multibox without aids, meaning 5 CPUs and 5 keyboards, they’ve earned it. :smile:

New General Discussion Trend Conspiracy topic: Is Blizzard in league with PC Hardware Manufacturers by forcing everyone to have multiple PCs for multiboxing?

Stay tuned for the next update

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Thats their last option. But I dont know if they’ll go that far.


When they banned broadcasting software people gleefully bragged how it was still doable via hardware setups and that MBing wasn’t dead. They didn’t understand that Blizzard used a scalpel instead of a hammer and that the point of the software ban was to effectively end controlling multiple accounts at once, not that there was anything magical over software vs hardware (other than it being the far more preferred methodology).

Good riddance.

It’s kind of like taking away the water from a pool and saying the pool is still open. There’s probably still some people out there running with multiple accounts for some mundane reason that isn’t necessarily financially driven, but the playerbase isn’t really concerned with those people.

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Maybe they’ll get 4 more sets of arms surgically added to their body to control them. I don’t think that is banned yet.

hey everyone this means herbs are going to skyrocket in price now because bots will no longer exist

right? that’s what you all think?

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Good I can make more gold.

I mean, I’ve been Shadowboxing (multiboxing without hardware or software assists) with two accounts since BC. Every time people talk about how multiboxing is some kind of auto-win or advantage, I’m like “Bzuh?”

It’s a pain in the butt. Unless you use automation, which has never been allowed, even if you do set up key passthrough software it’s still very complex, difficult to master, and doesn’t save you a lot of time if you don’t have a whole fleet of accounts and aren’t very, very good at it.

I always tell people who are convinced that it gives you some kind of unfair advantage to start up a trial account and give it a spin. After like 11 years of doing it, I can usually, but not always, manage to not have one character say something that I intended for the other character in the other to say. I can tab back and forth pretty efficiently, and I’ve got a /tar /follow /assist macro set up on each character so that I can uselessly drag the second window through Calling dailies. If I die in one window, I can sometimes get to the other window in time to flee or finish the fight, but don’t always have a rezzer between the two or stack the same gathering professions because I’m dumb.

I’ll keep doing it, because it was never about gaining some kind of farming or power advantage for me. But it was ALWAYS a big effort to play this way, there are just some people who got very, very skilled at it.


sure. that’s one theory.

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As long as no one piss off a raiding Dev we will be fine with Follow

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This is true! It was meant more as a clarification on semantics, as it technically isn’t banned, but people seem to lump everyone under the “multiboxers=bad” mentality, but I agree only the disruptive ones are the problem and this would either slow them down or eliminate them hopefully. :slight_smile:



Discord came out in 2015, /follow was removed from battlegrounds in 2013.

I mean, I get that people just say “Discord” now like they say “Kleenex” for tissue, but still.

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The tighter the man squeezes the more people that will slip thru their fingers.

So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.

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Yea maybe some other voicing app, that was over in the classic forums.

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