The true end of automated multiboxing is upon us

The forum is a very small fraction of the actual player-base. The only place you hear rants about boxing was on the forum.

It doesn’t matter how much I pay or how many accounts I have, I don’t see why that’s relative. And while we’re talking about it, I haven’t paid a cent for an active account in ages. I used to fund many accounts each month from only tokens.

You don’t speak for any “community”.

Don’t worry how others spend their time, energy, and money.

On the forum, yes. The forum is nothing more than a vocal minority.

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who cares if multiboxing is killed off

this game needs more anti-bot/script/cheats of any kind


Preface: My cat just jumped onto my keyboard while I was pressing shift, and managed to select-all-and-delete in one movement. So, that sucked.

It’s representative and we have no reason to believe that the ratio of players here is different than in game. It’s a microcosm, but not necessarily an imbalanced one.

You’ve still opted to pay for an extra account just to talk on the forums. It’s just not even necessary.

You’ve pushed yourself beyond “first world problems” into “rich people problems” even if you’re not paying money because of the tone of the issue you’re having.

Never said I did, but neither do you. However multi boxers show up all the time shouting about how they’re “players too” and yet they ignore the fact that the rest of us have one account.

Multiboxing has its own entirely separate issues, and they’re not really part of the same community.

It’s like a polygamist showing up at a monogamy convention and talking about what they think about relationships. Like, that’s fine that you think that, but you’re not part of this community. You’re part of the same country, for sure, but… that’s not the same thing.

If it had no impact on my game world, I wouldn’t.

Sadly it has an impact, which has been shown, argued, and debated, since Vanilla.

Nah, people say it in game too. Just no one ever wants to talk about that because that would mean that there might be a problem.

Let’s be honest, though, yeah?

Blizzard has taken more and more action in the last year and a half or so for a reason. Despite the recent report indicating they have lost 30% MAU in the last two years, they’re actually targeting multiboxers.

The fact that they don’t care enough about the legit players tells me all I need to know. They don’t care, and they probably never cared. Multiboxers were always tolerated for financial reasons, not for balance, gameplay, or “fairness” reasons.


Glad to hear it!

Also yes you are absolutely right multi boxing is not against any rules. I think lack of understanding of the difference between multi boxing and key cloning software/hardware really muddies the water in threads like this.

Multiboxing is to multiboxing software = computer is to computer games. (As we’ve both repeated ad nauseum lol)

It is my hope with this new line in the sand that they will be able to fully focus on bots without worrying if they are a input mirrored team or not.


I guess I have to ask:

Isn’t hardware mirroring basically “I press Q on my keyboard, and the keyboard sends Q to four different places on a hardware level”?


I am not experienced at all with the hardware switches, but I believe that is the gist of it.


Good riddance!

Boxing was always cheating.


Krutz I haven’t seen you in forever! You’ve been hiding :sob:

Been playing Valheim :sweat_smile:

gaining advantage because joining a raid.

This doesn’t mean people cant multibox it just means they cant broadcast to their other boxes.

You can still control each window independently.

EQ1 Progression servers have a rule where not only can you not broadcast but you can only run 1 instance of EQ PER PC…meaning to Multibox you have to have a different PC for each and every box.

I currently box 3 and have 3 PC’s setup to run each box.

So, yes, it makes boxing harder and it will definitely hurt the “mass” boxing, but the small time 2-6 man boxers will still exist just like they do in EQ.


My thoughts summarized.

I guess they posted this in the Classic forum because the only way I can see 5 characters on my Retail servers are if I multi box 5 of them myself. At least I have others to play with this way.

Seriously though, I bet someone how someone figured Multiboxing hurts E-Sports somehow so they want to do away with standard MMORPG play styles like boxing.

Just another thing I see with the game going in the wrong direction.

The devs worry about multi boxing and conduit energy, but could care less about bad game design or their buddies making RL money or massive amounts of gold off of carries.

you mean i can pay 20 dollars for 3 month’s sub?

If you’re willing to risk your account, sure

Maybe. I guess Blizzard doesn’t think so though huh?

Anyway, good thing this isn’t a democracy. Our authoritarian overlords have banned multiboxing. Knowing what % of the playerbase loves or hates it doesn’t matter much.

IKR? Down with esports! The real draw is watching multboxing druids farm grays for days on end!

This is true, because we can all attest that thinking about >1 thing at a time is impossible, especially for a company with hundreds of employees.

While it may be possible to think about more than one thing at a time, it sure looks like they only focus on one thing and they are go in the same wrong direction, like a bunch of lemmings.

From what I have seen about the numbers, it would draw more viewers.

I mean the corn whole championship on EPSN2 drew 10xs the numbers of viewers of the MDI…


How exactly does this affect random Bob who has 5 accounts farming herbs in whatever zone?

Subs going to drop some from this which is why they probably waited so long to do that. Theres some people that multibox 30 accounts at once they aren’t going to keep at least 29 of those open.

Good change bad change doesn’t matter to me never affected how I played the game