The true end of automated multiboxing is upon us

Good I can make more gold.

I mean, I’ve been Shadowboxing (multiboxing without hardware or software assists) with two accounts since BC. Every time people talk about how multiboxing is some kind of auto-win or advantage, I’m like “Bzuh?”

It’s a pain in the butt. Unless you use automation, which has never been allowed, even if you do set up key passthrough software it’s still very complex, difficult to master, and doesn’t save you a lot of time if you don’t have a whole fleet of accounts and aren’t very, very good at it.

I always tell people who are convinced that it gives you some kind of unfair advantage to start up a trial account and give it a spin. After like 11 years of doing it, I can usually, but not always, manage to not have one character say something that I intended for the other character in the other to say. I can tab back and forth pretty efficiently, and I’ve got a /tar /follow /assist macro set up on each character so that I can uselessly drag the second window through Calling dailies. If I die in one window, I can sometimes get to the other window in time to flee or finish the fight, but don’t always have a rezzer between the two or stack the same gathering professions because I’m dumb.

I’ll keep doing it, because it was never about gaining some kind of farming or power advantage for me. But it was ALWAYS a big effort to play this way, there are just some people who got very, very skilled at it.


sure. that’s one theory.

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As long as no one piss off a raiding Dev we will be fine with Follow

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This is true! It was meant more as a clarification on semantics, as it technically isn’t banned, but people seem to lump everyone under the “multiboxers=bad” mentality, but I agree only the disruptive ones are the problem and this would either slow them down or eliminate them hopefully. :slight_smile:



Discord came out in 2015, /follow was removed from battlegrounds in 2013.

I mean, I get that people just say “Discord” now like they say “Kleenex” for tissue, but still.

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The tighter the man squeezes the more people that will slip thru their fingers.

So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.

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Yea maybe some other voicing app, that was over in the classic forums.

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I think I’ve seen like 2 multiboxers in the last 6 months compared to tripping over them in BFA before the policy changes.

You don’t need 5 computers to multibox

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farming will still be faster by 10 fold. PvP shouldnt have every allowed keycloning in the first place…and Im very pro boxing, lol

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90% of what Ive seen since the changes are bots. Tons and Tons of bots. Never saw many at all UNTIL the changes

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how. exactly?
Bots are still rampant…and this doesnt stop anyone from boxing and farming. Just makes it slightly slower. Not that big a deal to farm boxers literally at all.
And the way to make gold ISNT farming mats…its flipping them on the AH.
that and farming pets and mogs.

You’re trying to rationalize the efficiency of MBing with the complexity of setup and no one really cares. Your arguments are akin to trying to convince non-religious people with religious-based arguments. It’s a non-starter. They don’t care. They see the end result of what happens when droves of people flock to the MB scene to line their pockets with gold or farmables and they think it’s bad for the game. That is where the conversation starts and stops.

I seriously know like maybe three or four other people who run more than one account at a time, and like me they mostly do it so that they can play two characters at a time in RP.

This change might take out a handful of people who were legitimately gathering and farming on their multibox accounts, but 99.997% of the flocks of Boomkins that you see out there were fully automated, were breaking the rules then, will keep breaking the rules now, and don’t care about the accounts that they lose when they get reported because they’re run by goldfarming companies.

I just wonder who people will blame next when this change doesn’t get rid of those bots at all. Hopefully the goldfarming companies which should have been the focus of their ire all this time, but I’m sure people will start clamoring for a change where you can only have one account at a time instead, which also won’t do anything about the bot farms.


Bye bye extra accounts :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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actually where it starts and ends is “ANYONE can box”…there is nothing ‘unfair’ by default where anyone is permitted to do it if someone else choses to and you dont.

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Good. VERY good.

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lol…like the idiotic and pointless Loot-a-rang change that apparently didnt do a thing to slow bots down. It may have actually made them change tactics so theyre even more obnoxious since the changes.

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I would not equate multi-boxing with liberty.

I will however add my hands to the “thunderous applause”