The Trevor Project sponsorship from Blizzard

While not wrong, the people who make statements like “only doing it for PR” have real “WeLl ThE cOmPaNy’S oNlY dOiNg It FoR tHe MoNeY” vibes.

You have a firm grasp of the obvious. pats on head

So, just as a reminder, the Trevor Project is an excellent resource for LGBTQ+ youth who may not have supportive - or even safe - ways to navigate the questions they may have about their identity locally, or with family. It’s there for the ones that could be the target of abuse or worse.


pr or not, least its for a good cause. u guys getting mad at charites are killer lmao

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Well if their topic of interest is charities, LGBT+, child youth support, preventing self deletion, and so on, chances are pretty good they might know about it without knowing Blizzard’s partnership.

Or any other LGBT+ Charity for that matter.

You should probably read the second sentence then. It is only seven words.


…Okay, and i argue that a good chunk of people with similar interests, player or not, might.

I don’t see what changes my point here reading it since all it really doesn’t add much of anything, given your question is pretty much posed as such in a way to suggest that’s what you’re aguing to begin with.

Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, pretty much every single church in existence, the boys and girls clubs, literally every single school, etc.

Oh but that’s fine because they aren’t predominately gay, right?

This is you trying to insinuate LGBT people go after children and the fact you apparently don’t see that is part of the problem.

Oh and let’s not forget, world of Warcraft has private dms that any minor can initiate a conversation with any adult at any time.

But again, that’s fine cause you assume everyone is straight right?


not no more they will have to change the name due to the changes was stupidly made imho

Not really material to this particular discussion.

If it helps people. I do not care.


And boy, does this one help.

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Wish I knew about the trevor project 22 years ago. Still nice of bliz to do this.


Anything that can help young kids and adults is a positive in this world. Explaining to youth that there is always another way is integral for the unification of the social fabric.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: