The Trevor Project sponsorship from Blizzard

You do realize The Trevor Project is a nonprofit organization that focuses on sucide prevention for LGBTQ+ youth?

Do you know how disgusting you sound?


I’m glad to see this. I’ve been on WoW so long, I remember the days where Blizzard would BAN LGBT friendly guilds. Blizzard was super hostile about it, until a court ruled in Irvine they can’t do this, and had to increase sensitivity training.

Blizzard has come a very long way over the past 20 years, and I’m proud to see their organizational support and cleanup working well.


Here’s you trying to shove an entire issue under the rug because it doesn’t pertain to you, failing to take into account the very real problems people are facing.


Do you say the same thing about nonprofit organizations for cancer? Do you stand up and say ALL cancer matters to people who wear merchandise just for breast cancer?

I think what is sad is your disconnection from reailty.

None of this is hilarious.


i don’t oppose pride merchandise donating to suicide prevention of lgbtq people even though i am not the world’s biggest fan of gayness. i can be decent towards all people i believe i can at least.


You got some rough replies on this one.

over in the “Blizzard is a business” thread
people are being reminded of exactly this over any other complaint they could possibly have. :upside_down_face:

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So, just to be as emphatic as possible here:

The Trevor Project is a crisis support charity for a specific set of vulnerable youth, because of specific circumstances they may face.

That is important, full-stop, and does not need to be open to every single vulnerable youth. Their focus is what makes them valuable.


Does it matter if it’s done for PR?

I don’t care. It gives attention and money to a good crisis support charity.


When someone does the right thing for the wrong reasons they’re still doing the right thing.

I mean, I totally agree with you, companies only exist to make profit. They don’t care about anything else. They don’t give a crap about LGBTQ people. They don’t give a crap about straight people. It’s only regulations keeping them from working their employees to death and turning the planet into a wasteland.

They’ve found that PR is good for profits and donating to charities is good for lowering what little taxes they pay. That’s the only reason they do it. 
 But they do it, and that’s a good thing, even if it’s for the wrong reasons.

To be clear, I’m not saying the people who work at companies don’t care. I’ll bet most of the people at Blizz, for example, are good people who do care about other people, because I think most people are pretty decent overall, but those at the tippy top, the ones who keep the stockholders fed and are always looking to add to their yacht collection, they care about nothing but money and themselves.

Nobody said you need to.

I guess I just don’t know what the emphasis on “it’s just pr” is.

When we typically beg for more PR.

You know what dev communication about the game is, when it’s boiled down?


Not to draw comparisons directly to this situation but if I ask for steak and receive dry ramen I’ve definitely been given food but certainly not what was requested.

I seriously doubt that anyone wanting more communication from Blizz about the game is going to equate this to that.

That said, I don’t take issue with it, I just saw the replies to a factual comment and noted them.

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Blizzard are selling you a TShirt (pride OW2) that would get you arrested (or far worse) in Saudi Arabia, while also teaming up with them to host their OW2 ESports.
Yes, I think PR does matter in this scenario.

Also I didn’t see the specific details on what % of proceeds are going to the Trevor Project.


From the one source I found, it’s 100% of proceeds.



Glad to see the Trevor Project getting more exposure.


Some of you people are just flat out evil.


The fact people think it’s wrong to support an organization that helps children not kill themselves is crazy on so many levels.

If your first thought was “Time to unsubscribe” or “Well, not supporting Blizzard anymore” because of this - I can say with 1000000% certainty: You are not a good person.


Oh, YouTube put a Trevor Project context warning on all the videos discussing the WPATH files.

The corporate side of things doesn’t know what an L or a G or a B or a T is
 they know about money and that’s it. The Devs on the otherhand do know about these things and they do care about these causes. So, if this charity was brought up it’s because the devs care about it.

Do you have this same energy for: Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Boys and Girls Club, or any of the other many, MANY organizations that have private online (and offline) spaces for troubled kids to talk to stranger adults? Or is it okay as long as the strange adults are cisgender and heterosexual?

Though people like you like to pretend that we are “converted”, we are born this way. I’m an LGBT adult who used to be an LGBT kid. Organizations like the Trevor Project were invaluable to me growing up.

The Trevor Project wants LGBT kids to not feel like they have no recourse but to self delete. It’s ridiculous to claim that this somehow makes it more likely.

Maybe it’s that the posts you reported didn’t break the CoC. And these forums aren’t “far left”–you’re just so far to the right that virtually everything is “left” to you. When you’re at the South Pole, everywhere else is North.