The Tragedy of Orcs

It would make sense for Sylvanas to employ her most loyal servants on the front line, add in the “Thought Police” mentality that she recently developed and you begin to see a clearer picture.

My head cannon is that Sylvanas only promotes her cult members and if you don’t scream her praise loud enough you are unpersoned, hence why all high level Forsaken are her personal boot lickers. Nathanos being the Head Boot Cleaner

She has zero problems experimenting on dissenters, and Ive always believed that all the “renegades “ we’ve killed for her who were testing the blight on unwilling Forsaken were operating under her orders.

TL;DR Boo hoo my race is the favorite of all the Horde biased Devs and they win all their fights and always get to be in the positive spotlight woe is me. :sob:


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Yes, isn’t it horrible how some Horde players want the more complex, interesting characterization for the orcs instead of the one note boring as heck villain one they’ve had since Cata. It’s totally unreasonable for those people to want the Horde they fell in love with during WC3 back. How unreasonable that they aren’t happy with being the villains so that Alliance players can be morally superior and gleefully call for those players to lose their faction, because clearly they chose Horde so they must be evil too.


I don’t think Orcs are evil, I just think they’re by and large stupid and far too easily manipulated by others when they’re promised power.

Their innate bloodlust has a part to play in this of course, but after being fooled so many times by people who use it to rope them into some power hungry scheme, the fact that they keep falling for it tells me at a fundamental level that they WANT that power and don’t care how they get it.


Yeah must be ready rough getting to be the team that does nothing but net win after win expansion after expansion since Cata. I bet not lossing a single civilian and getting to blow up Lordaeron on your own terms was a tough pill to swallow for you.

Seriously I’ll take the Alliance being the bad guys if it means we stop being nothing more than pedestals for human potential and slaughter fodder for the Horde.

Boy are YOU gonna be steamed when the end of BfA hits, and every Night Elf lets off the Horde with a shrug and “It was just a tree anyway no biggie :)”

And I will gleefully give you every supposed “win” the Horde ever gets to not be the villains anymore

The only reason the Alliance “loses” is because that’s how these stories work. The heroes are put in a difficult situation before heroically coming back to trounce the bad guys. The only reason that the Horde isn’t gone is because sometimes they remember that people play the Horde too. It leaves neither of us satisfied. The Alliance isn’t the only victim of Blizzards bad storytelling. We all are, but it doesn’t help to jump on the Horde because we are being fed one type of garbage while the Alliance is just getting a different flavor of garbage

We are people too, believe it or not


Yeah, how is being Alliance?


You know now that I think about it, the fact that players on both factions seem to believe that their faction is the losing side, seems to strongly suggest that Blizz has done a good job balancing how much tragedy both factions experience, and each factions win vs losses.
How bizarre.

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I don’t think so. Not all wins are the same. The Alliance has had much more tragedy, and we’ve had more villainy.


I disagree, they are the Conquerors of Orgrimmar. Blizz has done a good job with balancing, everybody has a bias of some sort, whether its factions bias or wanting to look trendy or correct on a forum.

Speak for yourself. Gnomes used to be highly advanced, magically-powered computational machines in bipedal humanoid platforms.

Compared to what happened with humans and vrykul, we got off kinda easy.

You think that’s tragedy for the Horde? I’d call it humiliation, but not tragedy. And there has unfortunately been no Alliance villainy on the “evil warchief” scale.

Alot of people would disagree considering the Alliances invasion of Dazaralor and Undercity.

As for villainy, the xpac isnt over yet.

(Yawn) Well, wake me when it’s over or the Alliance commits villainy on the level of any of our evil warchiefs (take your pick), whichever comes first.

I know which one I’m betting on.

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The biggest likelihood for the Alliance to do something questionable is related to Anduin being the boy-King and somehow, some way, being related to that Old God prophecy about lies. It’s coming up again in 8.1.5.

If the Alliance somehow makes a big mistake, it’ll be from that end.

Brag much?