The Tragedy of Orcs

Why on earth would you assume this is a culturally logical way to approach a forest for anyone who’s not a Night Elf or maybe a tauren?

Do you think humans would have “asked the forest”?

High elves?





No they weren’t as shown by The Shattering, the night elves WERE trading with the Horde. It was Twilight’s Hammer murdering people that stopped the trade process.

I assume outside night elven territory. Porbably winterspring, or head southward. I doubt the night elves cared too much as long as they left.

The orcs supposely respected the land at least, the orcs didn’t seem to care and I would say that was where Tyrande took issue.

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Fair enough.
Though, too bad the orcs didn’t know, because again, I think if things didn’t go the way it did, the Night Elves might have counted as one of the orcs allies. I mean, you can’t deny they were on a streak there when it comes to aiding peoples in need.

Warcraft’s history is plagued with “too bad we didn’t know”. In a way it makes it all the more tragic. Hell, the entire faction wars is actually a war between cousins.(all the playable races have titanic roots afterall)


On the subject of the orcs never rising up against the Burning Legion, guess what race not only willingly joined, then went on to slaughter and burn and enslave countless worlds? The eredar. Did they have a small group that broke away? Yes, the Draenei.

Did the orcs have a small group that broke away? Yes the Frostwolves. Why did the Frostwolves rejoin? Because the orcs were defeated and being imprisioned. Yes for us that isn’t so bad, but for a race that emphasizes glory and death in battle such imprisonment was probably seen as a fate worse than death

Who knows what the Draenei would have done if their eredar cousins were soundly defeated, imprisioned and as a race abandoned by the Legion.

The eredar never resisted after joining the Legion. If you want to talk about the orcs sacking Stormwind then think about how many times the eredar did the same. Countless worlds, with no remorse. At least in the end the orcs did resist. The eredar fought for the Legion to the bitter end.


I just read Chronicle volume 2 and the orcs DID rise up against the burning legion during the second war. Nerzhul goes hogwild against their grain. Everything he’s doing is about trying to find a safe world for the orcs to live on. He isn’t even interested in Azeroth. The war was a front to hide the fact that they were looking for magical artifacts to power the gateways to other worlds.

Which, I mean. I should’ve guessed Lithya was lying about that too. More the fool, me.

You’re 100% right. It’s why I brought up Eredar earlier.


Yeah but I wanted to make it clear because she probably didn’t know why you brought them up. And my entire point was to show that in the end the orcs did rise up against the Legion while the eredar never did.

But hey, the Draenei are an Alliance race so they can do no wrong. Meanwhile, some Alliance players (not all but some) will only be happy when all us orcs players conform to the Warhammer orc type and gits our bois ta do da WAAARGH


I’ve grown to dislike Warhammer greatly if only because it’s the ultimate dum ork setting and it bleeds into wow long after it should have been dropped

It’s funny, Bethesda does so much better with its orcs when they transformed them from generic mooks to actual people.

I mean, step up your game, Blizz you’re being beat on orc characterization by the guys who couldn’t handle tote bag giveaways


Really? I love Warhammer Orks in Warhammer. I think they’re fun and fit the setting. But I agree that it sucks when it bleeds over to other settings.

Yeah, though I attribute that less to Bethesda themselves and more to the people who directly worked on the games. Bethesda relies so heavily on Unreliable Narration that I’m convinced that they don’t actually care.

hahahaa, jesus wept.

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Warhammer orcs are fine. They need to stay in Warhammer. If I want Warhammer I’ll play Warhammer. Just because they both have war in the name doesn’t mean they have to be the same. It’d be like if a Jedi showed up on the Enterprise and started lecturing Kirk


God, this is the most money quote. Also, agree - I love Elder Scrolls orcs. I need to get back into playing my ESO orc, especially since the WoW story has become so depressing.

For about ten minutes they traded. And that small period of time doesn’t make Garrosh a worse Warchief for his decisions. Do you see any other lush forests near Orgrimmar? A couple Lakes in the Barrens with a few trees is about all they had access to and thats not nearly enough.

Regardless Blizzard has taken alot of time to humanize both factions throughout the years, and I dont see either one as “more evil” as another.

Hello yes have you heard of our overlods the Forsaken

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in more ways than one!


I was a Forsaken main until Pandaria. Yes, they are even more split than the rest of the races, please go review the Felstone incident before you post next time. Desolate Council is another. All the botched reunions with their loved ones can be pretty heart wrenching and show you alot about the forsaken condition.

And yeah elements of them have turned pretty evil, the Royal Apothecary Society in particular, but Blizz has developed on why they have done so many horrible things for years.

But they arent all about “Death to the Living” and its an important distinction to make. Most of them just harbor hopes that one day they wont be reviled by the people they loved in life.

The forsaken: “humans will only ever reject us, their own former family, because of what we’ve become. We will always be hunted and Forsaken by them, so we will destroy them before they can destroy us!”

Also the forsaken: “Lets send Derek back to those humans: their weakness and. Compassion will make them take him in and let down their guard so that he can kill the Lord Admiral in her sleep!”

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The first is more Nathanos, the 2nd quote is more Sylvanas, they don’t represent the undead race as a whole.

Sylvanas has been killing off anyone who dissents for years.

90% of the generic Forsaken NPCs we face go on about “For the Dark Laaaadyyyy” or “Death is the only way!”

They are all too eager to follow Sylvanas’ orders, all too eager to blight everything they are ordered to (and some they aren’t), all too eager to kill.

If anything, Forsaken that aren’t evil seem to be a very, very small minority.

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